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hrie was right in his surmise. Thereupon Colonel Guthrie approached Colonel Tyler, and claimed him as a prisoner of war. Tyler appeared to be some what amazed, but confessed his name and rank in Beauregard's army, and said that, "traveling as a citizen, and without arms, he did not anticipate an arrest" The Commercial says that Colonel Guthrie delivered his prisoner to Captain McLean, Assistant Adjutant General of this department, who conveyed him to Newport Barracks, and telegraphed to General Scott for further instructions. Colonel Tyler asked to be placed on parole, but Captain McLean refused to grant the request until he had heard from headquarters. It is said he will be sent to Fort McHenry. Reports of the Federal Colonels in regard to the late battle. Brigadier General Tyler and Colonels Hunter, Burnside, Heintzelman and Miles, have furnished their reports to Gen. McDowell, and they are made a portion of his report of the battle of Manassas. Tyler, who had under hi