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Suspected of stealing. --Yesterday morning, officers Seal and Chaikley arrested Henry, Woodson, Harrison, and Edmond, slaves to Jones & Thornton, on the charge of feloniously stealing five gold and three silver watches, from Alexander Nott, on Saturday night last.
Arrest. --Officers Seal and Bibb yesterday arrested John T. Butler and Samuel Harrard, charged with breaking into D, Lamber's office.
A large Haul. --On Saturday last, officers Seal, Quarles and Morris, having had their attention directed to unlawful proceedings in a house on Cary street, between 7th and 8th, selected an available point of observation, and kept watch to see what might turn up. A number of negroes entered the house, and at the proper time the officers followed. The consternation of the darkeys was immense, but their efforts to escape were prevented, and 12 were taken into custody, together with a white man named Oliver Crossmore, who seemed to be master of ceremonies. One negro clambered up the chimney, and would, perhaps, have been suffocated had he not been discovered.--Various evidences of the lottery business were observed, and some taken possession of. The entire party were taken to the second station-house. Crossmore, who is charged with selling tickets and chances in a lottery, and associating with slaves in an unlawful assembly, was afterwards admitted to bail in $500, for his appear
Goods found. --A week since Captain Chas. Holiday, of New Orleans, entrusted a valuable box to the possession of a cartman, to deliver at the Express office, which mission was not executed. Captain Holiday applied to Mr. Seal, of the Police, to aid him in the restoration of his property, which the latter accomplished; since which time he has been unable to see the party to whom the goods belong, he having doubtless joined his company in the field.
uture good behavior.--Agnesia appears to have acted ignorantly, mistaking the certificate of the Commissioner of the Revenue, and the Sheriff's receipt, for a license. The case of Clour, a slave, charged with assault and battery, was continued to this morning. Branch; a slave to Thomas Bass, charged with throwing oil of vittiol upon the dress of Elizabeth Tonket, a free negress, was convicted and ordered to receive thirty nine lashed therefore. Branch did not like the prospect of the whipping-post, and, finding a good opportunity to get out of the court-room, offered "leg bail." Officer Seal refused to accept the same, and started after Branch at high speed, chasing him nearly to the Monument Hotel, when Branch doubled on him and returned to and down Broad street, on which he was captured. Mary Mull was ordered to return to court this morning. She wishes to furnish bail for her future good behavior, having been convicted of retailing ardent spirits without a license.
The Mysterious Murder. --A man named Timothy Cullahan was arrested yesterday by Officers Seal, on the charge of killing Michael Jones, a Texan soldier, some two or three months ago, in Lombard alley. The witnesses are with the army on the coast, and no investigation of the case will be had, probably, until they arrive.
False Presences. --A case of much interest was brought to the attention of the Mayor yesterday morning. William N. Miller, a person dressed in the uniform of a captain in the Confederate army, was arrested at an early hour by officer Seal, on a charge of obtaining by false pretences, a buggy, saddle and bridle, and $497 in bank notes, from King & Lambeth, a manufacturing firm of this city. From the testimony given in court, it appears that the accused went to King & Lambeth's establishment on Tuesday evening, about sundown, represented himself as a Colonel to the army, and said that he wished to purchase a buggy and saddle. He had no ready money to spare, but produced a pay roll for four months service, from July 1st to November 1st, at $180 per month, amounting to $720. He informed the proprietors that he fought at Manassas on the 21st of July, where he was wounded, and had been twice promoted;--that the Government was short of funds now, but the endorsement on this account
Arrest. --A man named John Miller was arrested yesterday by officers Seal and Davis, on a charge of "receiving stolen goods"--the goods being described as one cow, valued at $48, the property of Jeremiah M. Senith
Arrest. --A man named Wm. Brown was arrested yesterday by officer Seal, on a charge of conspiring with and aiding and abetting Wm. N. Miller in obtaining, by false pretences, a saddle, bridle, and buggy from King & Lambeth. The act imputed to Brown is that he filled up the pay roll which Miller used in his bargain with the above-named firm. It will be remembered that Frank Tormey was previously arrested on a similar charge. He yesterday produced testimony to show that his association with Miller was purely accidental; that be was not the person whom the latter designated as the " Surgeon of his regiment" on the evening of the purchase; that he belonged to a good family in Baltimore, and had sustained a good character for honor and honesty. It is possible that the preliminary examination of this singular case may be concluded on Saturday.
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Biographical sketch of Marble Nash Taylor. (search)
Another bloody deed. --On Saturday afternoon two soldiers belonging to the 4th Louisiana Battalion were passing in company along Main street, between 23d and 24th, when, from some cause at present unknown, one of them thrust a knife into the other's breast, inflicting a severe wound. The injured man, whose name is John Dowdy, was conveyed to one of the hospitals in the vicinity; and information of the occurrence having been communicated to Capt. Gibbes, of the Government prisons, he caused the arrest of the soldier who committed the deed, and he was handed over to Officers Seal and Perdue, of the city police. He gave his name as Zach. Burnett. It was reported yesterday morning that Dowdy was dead, but on inquiry last evening we learned that he was in an improving condition. The case will probably undergo investigation to-day at the Mayor's Court.
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