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n double ours, their force having moved in large bodies and our artillery playing on them with terrible effect. Lieutenant Colonel Brand, who commanded the Confederate force at Booneville, and since acted as aid to General Price, was taken prisoner. The body of General Lyon has been embalmed for conveyance to his friends in Connection. The following additional names of officers killed have been ascertained; Captain Maron, of the First Iowa Regiment; Captain Brown, same regiment; Major Shaffer, reported, but not confirmed. Wounded Captain Gottschalk, First Iowa; Captain Swift and Captain Hatten, First Kansas; Captain Gilbert, First Infantry; Captain Cole. First Missouri; Lieutenant Brown, First Missouri. Southern report of Affairs South of thePotomac. Alexandria, Aug. 15. --Last night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, the enemy's signal lights were plainly seen from here in the direction of Fairfax Court House. They were visible for nearly an hour. Gen Hetzel
Fatal accident in New Orleans. --The New Orleans. Bulletin gives the following particulars of a fatal accident which occurred in that city a few days since: A Mrs. Shaffey, whose residence is on the corner of First and St. Dennis streets, lost her life by the accidental discharge of a double barrel gun, which she threw down stairs. Not wishing her husband to go out hunting, she had secreted his gun; but as he insisted upon having it, she, in a moment of petulance, put it on the stairs and shoved it down to him. One of the hammers struck a step, the gun was discharged; the load entered her body, killing her instantly. Mrs. Shaffer was about 40 years of age and a native of France.
Caught. --Two of the men who recently escaped from Castle Thunder, named John Toley and Patrick Donviere, were caught yesterday by detectives Shaffer and Causey.
er of company F, 54th North Carolina regiment, dressed in a faded gray uniform, was arraigned for the wistful and deliberate murder of James T. Gray, a member of the same company, by shooting him through the head with a musket ball, on the west pavement of 17th street, near the sturgeon bench at the First Market-House, about 8 o'clock this morning. Aninquest was held by Coroner Sanxay as soon as he was notified of the bloody deed, and the offender having been promptly arrested by Detective Shaffer, of the Eastern District, appeared before the Mayor at 10 o'clock, when the following testimony in relation to the affair was given in: Edward H. Marable, a dealer in fish, deposed:--I was standing at my stall selling fish, when Short came along and stopped at the end of the bench.--Gray came along on the opposite side of the street, when Short saw him, and holloaed out "halt," repeating the expression several times. Gray turned, muttered something inaudible to witness and passed on.
Prison items. --Six deserters were brought to Richmond yesterday from Petersburg and lodged in prison. Henry Lloyd, a deserter from the gunboat Torpedo, and Henry Parrish, of Co. F, 54th N. C. regiment, were also locked up as deserters.--Charles McDermont, a soldier under sentence of Court-Martial, who escaped not long since from the Libby prison hospital, was found in Tyler's Row, Rocketts, yesterday, by detective New, and was secured and brought to Castle Thunder, after a long chase, in which the officer had occasion twice to discharge his pistol at the fugitive, but without effort. Eight deserters and stragglers were fished out of the vicinity of Hughes's Row, 17th street, yesterday and put in prison by Messrs. Crow, Shaffer, and Fowlks, of the Eastern District police
dier General Commanding. Nashville, Jan. 2. --The Federals encountered the rebels on the 30th, near Stewart's creek. After heavy skirmishing the rebels were driven back, with a loss of 100 prisoners and many killed and wounded. The fight continued until 10 P. M. on the 31st, at which time we had maintained our position Union loss extremely heavy. Among the killed are Gen Sills, Col Garesche, (Rosecrans's chief of staff,) and Gen. Willick, of Indians; Col Kelly, 2d Ohio; Col Shaffer, acting Brigadier General; Col Farmer 15th Ky; Col Jones, 24th Ohio; Col Cotton, 6th Ky; Col Jones, 37th, Ind; Cols Carpenter and McKee, 15th Wisconsin. Gen. Kirk, of Ill; Gen Wood, Ind; Gen Van-Cleve and Major-Gen Rossean, of Ky, all wounded, and many other general officers. The 21st, 24th, and 25th Illinois regiments lost two-thirds; the 15th and 38th Ohio lost half their number.--Other regiments lost heavily. Total killed and wounded estimated at 25,000. Rebel loss much heavier. We h
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy. (search)
he rising of the villains, that the vessel was about twenty miles north northeast of Cape Cod, heading up for Portland, and that the night was dark. The mate went to the pantry for some purpose, when he saw one of the pirates fire a pistol at Mr. Shaffer, the ball taking effect under the right ear and in the neck. Mr. Shaffer had been down below, oiling the engine, and had just come up on the grating when he received his first mortal wound; but enough of life remained in him to reach the deckMr. Shaffer had been down below, oiling the engine, and had just come up on the grating when he received his first mortal wound; but enough of life remained in him to reach the deck, when he fell a corpse. Two more balls were put into his head after he was dead. Mr. Johnson, the mate, now fled to warn the captain, while three or four of the devils incarnate pursued him, firing at him rapidly. No sooner had Captain Willets reached the deck than he met a volley of pistol balls. He went all and sought to regain his room, where he had firearms; but, finding he was pursued too closely, he endeavored to reach the pilot house, and just as he was about to enter it he was
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