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862, General Marmaduke was marching from Lewisburg, on the Arkansas river, with Shelby's brigade, MacDonald's and Porter's commands, for a raid into Missouri. Springnd raid into Missouri, with a cavalry force composed of Carter's Texas brigade, Shelby's, Greene's and Burbridge's Missouri brigades, the latter including Col. Robertt of State troops. Failing to capture the Palmyra assassin, McNeil, Carter and Shelby moved on Cape Girardeau, but found it unadvisable to attack. Colonel Newton waduke's division at that time was composed of the brigades of Carter, Burbridge, Shelby and Greene, but on June 2d was limited to his own brigade and Shelby's. Gen. L.Shelby's. Gen. L. M. Walker, on June 2d, was given command of a brigade composed of Dobbin's and Newton's Arkansas cavalry. In his report covering this period, General Halleck said condition. He reports to me this morning the following number: Total present, Shelby's brigade, 1,561; Greene's brigade, 1,122; Burbridge's brigade, 1,089; Kitchen
rs' regiments and Kitchen's battalion, to constitute Marmaduke's brigade (Greene's), which, with Shelby's brigade, should form a division under command of General Marmaduke. On August 17th, Shelby's Shelby's brigade was sent to Walker. On the morning of August 24th, I reported to General Walker, who ordered Shelby's brigade to report to me, and ordered me to hold my force in the vicinity of Brownsville toShelby's brigade to report to me, and ordered me to hold my force in the vicinity of Brownsville to guard the main approach (Wire road) to Little Rock. The next morning at sunrise the enemy were reported advancing in force. I moved my two brigades, about 1,300 effective men, with two pieces of artillery, forward to engage the enemy, Shelby in advance. At this time Walker's brigade, commanded by Col. Archibald S. Dobbin, was encamped some 10 miles south of Brownsville, guarding another imporer brisk skirmishing my troops fell back to the main force. My troops were disposed as follows: Shelby's brigade . . . in line of battle above the bridge; Marmaduke's brigade . . . below the bridge;
nner, occupying hours. This, however, was not Shelby's army, but Harrell's detachment. On the 27thnted men, with Hughey's battery of four guns. Shelby was in winter quarters on the Little Missouri,ore Marmaduke did not move except for forage. Shelby remained in the passes of the Little Missouri e cavalry of Marmaduke's division—Greene's and Shelby's Missouri brigades and Cabell's Arkansas brig uncertain consequences, confronted them. General Shelby's brigade, which had been camped near Camded to operate against the enemy's front, while Shelby marched directly in his rear. Harassed by detgg, of Marmaduke's escort, having been sent to Shelby with dispatches, charged with Shelby's men andShelby's men and fell mortally wounded. Gordon's, Harrell's and Morgan's commands were stationed that night at thfor Thayer, but were attacked from the rear by Shelby, who fought them with his artillery and dismouawther; Missouri battery, Capt. S. S. Harris. Shelby's brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jos. O. Shelby—First Mis[16 more...]<
igade; and one under General Shelby, including Shelby's brigade under Col. David Shanks, and Colonelnemy unflinchingly. Owing to the distance General Shelby had to traverse, his attack was not simultn their rear. The capture was ascribed to General Shelby, who did not then know of their existence. men fought. To Brigadier-Generals Cabell and Shelby, commanding divisions, and to Brigadier-Genera0 killed and seriously wounded. Brig.-Gen. Joseph O. Shelby said in his report: It would be getting in the neighborhood of the train, General Shelby was ordered on the road leading to Mount Enbacks from the headquarters wagons stopped by Shelby, and of cotton-buyers who were made to distribby General Smith to do so, I ordered a part of Shelby's brigade forward. They reached the ferry, whounded. About the same date of his order to Shelby, General Price directed General Marmaduke, witto three divisions, under Fagan, Marmaduke and Shelby. Maj.-Gen. James F. Fagan's division was or[19 more...]
ry. Willis R. Jones, Arkadelphia, Ark., assistant surgeon Bell's Arkansas infantry. Alcephus Robertson, Crooked Creek, Ark., assistant surgeon Harrell's Arkansas cavalry. Rufus A. Watkins, St. Catherine, Mo., surgeon Glenn's Arkansas infantry. The board held its next sitting in Washington, Hempstead county, Ark., September, 1863: John W. Crowdus, Neosho, Mo., surgeon Choctaw and Chickasaw cavalry. John D. Parsons, Kaufman, Tex., assistant surgeon. Junius Terry, Lexington, Mo., surgeon Shelby's First Missouri cavalry. John T. Turner, Armstrong Academy, C. N., surgeon Folsom's Second Choctaw cavalry. William Kennedy, Greenfield, Mo., assistant surgeon Smith's Third Missouri cavalry. January, 1864, at Washington, Ark.: Marshall A. Brown, Miami, Mo., surgeon Clark's Missouri infantry. John M. Welborn, Walnut Hill, Ark., assistant surgeon Camden hospital. Robert Duncan, St. Louis, Mo., Gaither's Arkansas infantry. Johnson J. Whitmore, Centre Point, Ark., assistant surgeon Hi
from every part of the State. In this he was very successful, organizing one of the largest cavalry brigades west of the Mississippi, which he thereafter commanded in more than twenty battles. He took a prominent part in the engagements at Poison Spring and Marks' Mills, in April, 1864, commanding two brigades of Fagan's division. In his report of the campaign ending at Jenkins' Ferry, General Marmaduke wrote that, To speak of the quick perception and foresight or the reckless bravery of Shelby, the élan and chivalrous bearing of Cabell, inspiring all who looked upon him, or the perseverance, untiring energy and steady courage of Greene, would be telling a twice-told tale. During the raid into Missouri under General Price he was captured in battle near the Little Osage river, October 25, 1864, and was taken to Johnson's island, Lake Erie, and later to Fort Warren, near Boston, and held until August 28, 1865. General Cabell is now a resident of Dallas, Tex., and holds the rank of l
on has returned. Where are you living now? My mother writes that Maury Boswell has returned. Tom is with me, and doing well. Colonel Frank Mitchell is up about San Luis Potosi; has rented a large hacienda, and is planting cotton largely. But that is no such country as this. Slayback and General Price are here; in all, about one hundred Confederates, who intend settling. Dr.Terry is here, Dick Collins, Charley Jones, Bill Fell. A great many, who have become discouraged, out of money and away from their loved ones, have returned. Many come back. Tobacco can be made very profitable here. It grows as well here, General Price says, as he ever saw it in Missouri or Virginia. Under the decree of the Emperor you can make contracts in the United States with your negroes for ten years, and it will be binding here; the negro will have to stick; so any person coming here can bring their servants if they can get them to come. I remain yours, affectionately, Jo. O. Shelby.