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others. He also captured from them a considerable amount of the property which they took from Lawrence, such as horses, mules, goods, etc. Two of our soldiers were wounded in the affair, but not mortally. Captain N. B. Lucas, of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, who has just came up from Fort Gibson with his company as an escort for General DuBoice, Inspector General, will continue his escort duty to Kansas City, and then remain in that section for a while to operate against the guerrillas of Jackson and Cass counties. He served with us in the Indian division under Colonel Phillips until General Blunt came down, and I know that he is an efficient officer, and that the enemy will feel his presence, now that he is detailed for duty on the border. When I recall our service together in the Indian country, I almost regret that Colonel Blair has requested of General Blunt my temporary detail for special duty at this post, for it is much more satisfactory to be able to chronicle important e
's command. After passing Dry Wood, twelve miles south of this post, we have no other troops stationed in Southern Kansas, and the pressure from Missouri having pushed the enemy into the Cherokee Nation, several small detachments were able to march up the Neosho River, fifty to sixty miles, without resistance. The main body of Quantrell's men is reported to be with Coffey, though some detachments of them are supposed to have passed near here several days ago, on their way to Cass and Jackson Counties. It is not likely, however, that they will find that section very congenial during a severe winter; besides the headquarters of General Ewing, the commanding officer.of the District of the Border, is at Kansas City, adjacent to the region in which Quantrell has been operating since the war. We may therefore hope that they will be speedily driven south again. The old year is now drawing to a close. The border counties of Missouri and Kansas are comparatively free of guerrillas; and
mont, and their associates. Among the brilliant figures, the hard fighters grouped around the man of Kernstown and Port Republic at that time, Ashby was perhaps the most notable and famous. As the great majority of my readers never saw the man, a personal outline of him here in the beginning may interest. Even on this soil there are many thousands who never met that model chevalier and perfect type of manhood. He lives in all memories and hearts, but not in all eyes. What the men of Jackson saw at the head of the Valley cavalry in the spring of 1862, was a man rather below the middle height, with an active and vigorous frame, clad in plain Confederate gray. His brown felt hat was decorated with a black feather; his uniform was almost without decorations: his cavalry boots, dusty or splashed with mud, came to the knee; and around his waist he wore a sash and plain leather belt, holding pistol and sabre. The face of this man of thirty or a little more, was noticeable. His com
ld look better if you saw it from the porch at home, with Mary or Fanny by your side? Picturesque, but not warm. Pile on the rails, my boy; never mind the expense. The Confederacy pays-or don't pay — for all the fences; and nothing warms the feet, expands the soul, and makes the spirits cheerful like a good rail-fire. I was reading in an old paper, the other day, some poetry-writing which they said was found on the body of one of Stonewall's sergeants at Winchester — a song he called Jackson's way. He tells his comrades to pile on the rails, and says, No matter if the canteen fails, We'll make a roaring light! Sensible-and speaking of canteens, is there anything in yours, my boy? Nothing. Such is fate! I was born unlucky, and always will be so. Now a drop of brandy would not have been bad to-night; or say a mouthful of whiskey, or a little apple or peach-brandy, gin, madeira, sherry, claret, or even bottled porter, crab-cider or champagne! Any of these would have com
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
message was delivered to General Lee, the Commander-in-Chief, he replied: But he must help me to drive these people away from Richmond first. Thus it appears that his sagacious mind had already formed the design of concentrating the army of Jackson with his own, in order to take the aggressive against McClellan. Had the battle of Port Republic been a disaster, this would have been impossible, and Richmond would probably have fallen into the hands of the assailants. As soon as the news of Jackson's victory there was received in Richmond, it was judged that the proper time had arrived for the great movement. To make it successful, it was necessary to mask Jackson's removal from the Valley, lest his enemies, lately defeated, should assail some vital point, and to continue the diversion of General McDowell's army from a union with McClellan. To further these objects, a strong detachment, consisting of the brigades of Whiting, Hood, and Lawton, which made an aggregate of seven thousan
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Run. (search)
gely about making his headquarters in the saddle, and looking out for the means of advancing, without giving thought to the lines of retreat, which were to be left to take care of themselves. He certainly was producing great commotion in the poultry yards of the worthy matrons, whose sons and husbands were absent in the service of their country, when General Lee sent Stonewall Jackson to look after the redoubtable warrior. After remaining in camp several days near Richmond, Ewell's and Jackson's divisions were ordered to Gordonsville under General Jackson, and, taking the lead, Ewell's division arrived about the 15th of July. On the next day after our arrival, a body of the enemy's cavalry, having crossed the Rapidan, advanced through Orange Court-House towards Gordonsville, and my brigade and the Louisiana brigade were moved out with a regiment of cavalry for the purpose of intercepting the retreat of this body, but it made its escape across the Rapidan by swimming that river,
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 12: the affair at Groveton. (search)
Chapter 12: the affair at Groveton. It having become evident that Pope had found it necessary to look after his lines of retreat, and was moving his whole army back for the purpose of falling upon General Jackson's comparatively small force, the latter determined to move to the left so as to be in a position to unite with the right wing of General Lee's army under Longstreet. Jackson's division, under Brigadier General W. S. Taliaferro, had therefore been moved on the night of the 27th to the vicinity of the battlefield of the 21st of July, 1861, and A. P. Hill's to Centreville, with orders to Ewell to move up, by the northern bank of Bull Run, to the same locality with Taliaferro early on the morning of the 28th. At dawn on that morning, my brigade resumed the march, moving across Bull Run at Blackburn's Ford and then up the north bank to Stone Bridge, followed by Trimble's brigade. We crossed at a ford just below Stone Bridge, and moved across the Warrenton Pike and through
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 13: second battle of Manassas. (search)
Longstreet's advance had moved far enough to render it unnecessary for me to remain longer, and, without awaiting orders, I recalled Colonel Walker with his two regiments about one o'clock P. M., and then moved the two brigades to the left, to rejoin the rest of the division. I found General Lawton with his own brigade in line in rear of the railroad, not far from the positions[ had occupied, the previous morning, before the fight, and Trimble's brigade was in line on the railroad between Jackson's division and Hill's, the former being on the right and the latter on the left. Along this railroad Jackson's line was mainly formed, facing to the southeast. The track of the road was through fields and woods, and consisted of deep cuts and heavy embankments, as the country was rolling. The two brigades with me were formed in line in the woods, in rear of Lawton's brigade, with Hays' on the right of mine. We remained in this position until about half-past 3 P. M., and in the meanti
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
ate that Averell was defeated and driven back across the river. Major John Pelham, who was accidentally present, being summoned to Culpeper Court House as a witness in a court-martial, borrowed a horse and rode out on the field, where he acted temporarily as aid-de-camp, and was killed. He was Stuart's chief of horse artillery, and a graduate of West Point of the class of 1861. The death of this blue-eyed Alabama boy was a great loss. His superb courage and dash had been immortalized by Jackson's expression, after seeing him handle his guns at Sharpsburg, that an army should have a Pelham on each flank, while General Lee called him, at Fredericksburg, the gallant Pelham ; and Stuart in General Orders wrote: The memory of the gallant Pelham, his many virtues, his noble nature, his purity of character, is enshrined as a sacred legacy in the hearts of all who knew him. On the arrival of spring the two armies were still in sight of each other occupying the old lines. Hooker must n
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
be done in spite of the obstructions with which the cause has been burdened by the stupidity or mismanagement of incompetent or dishonest men. The sufferings of the border Missourians. The people of Missouri, on the Kansas border, are being slaughtered without mercy under the authority of the Yankee commander of that department, Schofield. A letter to the St. Louis Republican (Yankee) says: On Sunday last the desire for blood manifested itself in the southeastern part of Jackson County, not far from the village of Lone Jack. Although it was Sunday, the people of that region, alarmed and terror-stricken by threats from Kansas, and cruel edicts from headquarters of the district, were hard at work straining every nerve to get ready to leave their homes before this memorable 9th day of September, 1863. One party of these unfortunate victims of a cruel order had almost completed their preparations, and within half an hour's time would have commenced their weary wanderi
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