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Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 1: Maryland in its Origin, progress, and Eventual relations to the Confederate movement. (search)
mustered in companies and battalions, and in two weeks the province was organized for defense. It raised money and provisions which it sent to Boston, and, inasmuch as the port of Boston was closed to trade, formed an association pledging the people of Maryland, men, women and children, never to use any imported goods until justice was done to Boston, just as ten years before it had refused to recognize the Stamp Act. When the farmers of New England met and drove the British regulars at Breed's Hill, the prompt response of Maryland was a battalion of riflemen which marched from Frederick to Boston, 550 miles, to reinforce their brethren. Maryland had no interest in this fight. She enjoyed a just and liberal government. Her people made their own laws, levied their own taxes and expended them for their own benefit, and there was no friction between them and the government. Their governor, Sir Robert Eden, was one of the most popular gentlemen in the province. But when the word wen
tercept them, the provincials of the several states who had come upon the ground hastily made a barricade of a rail fence that stretched between the Mystic and Breed's Hill by stuffing it with new-mown grass that lay plentifully in the field near at hand, and here between the two points were lined, also, regiments, or parts of regor the public took any particular notice of Prescott whatever. Yet Prescott was a brave and faithful soldier, though previous to his command of the redoubt on Breed's Hill he had seen but little military service. Later he served under Putnam in New York, and undoubtedly performed his duty there as nobly as he had done it at the izens and by the people at large. But the contention that when he was colonel of one of the regiments at Cambridge, just before he went with his detachment to Breed's Hill, and when he was surrounded by as many as eight generals and thirty colonels, a large proportion of whom, Putnam included, had had much experience and had gain
Bonner, ‘Grandma’47 Bonner, William47 Boston Commercial Bulletin, The6 Boston Courier, The6 Boston Evening Transcript, The16 Boston & Lowell R. R.51, 55 Boston & Maine R. R.51 Boston Latin School20, 32 Boston Traveler, The2 BowLocks and Canal50, 57 Bowdoin College102 Bowdoin Family, The12 Bowdoin, Me.102 Bowles, John34 Brackenbury, John35 Brackenbury, Katherine35 Bradford, Alden89 Bradford, William2 Braintree, Mass.19, 33 Brastow Schoolhouse, The42 Brattle, William63 Breed's Hill90, 98 Brentnall, John, Schoolmaster, 172665 Brewer, Col.94 Brigden, Zechariah60 Brigham, Frances (Read)101 Brigham, Holloway101 Brigham, Jane P.101 Broadway Park100 Broadway, Somerville43, 44 Brooks, Elbridge Gerry7 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter7 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, Fiction of7 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter, Works of7 Brooks Family, The, Medford66 Brooks, John53 Brooks's History of Medford61 Brooks, Peter56 Brooks, Phillips37 Brown, Captain, House of42 Brown, Rev. Joseph
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period (search)
n other sections, inquiries answered, resolutions drafted. Altogether, Mr. Sweetser, the faithful guardian of the grammar school, as clerk and corresponding secretary of these conventions, may well have had his mind diverted from his pupils. On the nineteenth of April, we are told, the scholars were dismissed and Charlestown school closed. When it opened again—we are not told exactly when—the scourge of war had done its fearful work. The four hundred buildings clustered at the foot of Breed's Hill were practically wiped away. On that memorable seventeenth of June, Frothingham says, The conflagration spared not a dwelling house, and a population of two or three thousand were rendered homeless. But from the day of the Concord and Lexington fight, when thrilling incidents occurred on our own soil of Somerville, the inhabitants had abandoned their homes on the peninsula, and the place was practically deserted. On account of the menacing position of the enemy's ships, no attempt to b
4. Blessing of the Bay, The, 33. Booth, Dr. E. C., 20, 89, 92. Boston Avenue, Somerville, 3. Boston Gazette, 65. Boston & Lowell Railroad, 8. Boston & Maine Railroad, 10. Botanic Gardens, Cambridge, 75. Boles, John, 41. Bowman, Francis, 38. Bowman, Hon. Selwyn Z., 42. Bowman, Zadoc, 42. Bradish, Hannah, 65. Bradshaw, John, 16. Bradshaw, Jonathan, 68. Bradstreet, Samuel, 43. Brattle Street, Cambridge, 51, 52. Brattle, William, 55. Bredge, Mathew, Sr., 83. Breed's Hill, Charlestown, 47. Brigade Band of Boston, 2. Brigham, Berwick on Tweed, 50. Brigham, Children of Thomas and Mercy, 56. Brigham, Mercy, 53. Brigham, Norfolk Co., Eng., 50. Brigham, Peter B., 56. Brigham, Peter T., Esq., 53. Brigham, Thomas, The Puritan, 49. Brigham, Town of, Duffield, Eng., 49. Brigham, William E., 49. Brigham, W. I. T., 51. British Museum, 73. Brighton, Mass., 53, 79. Broadway, Somerville, 22, 31. Broadway Park, 3, 31. Brooks, Captain, Caleb,
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903, Ten Hills Farm, with Anecdotes and Reminiscences (search)
ey. Ten Hills was the landing place of Gage's night expedition to seize the powder in the Province Magazine (Old Powder House) in September, 1774. The vicinity of Ten Hills was that chosen by Mike Martin for the robbery of Major Bray. It was near the Temple manor, on what is now known as Temple street, that the robbery took place. At the battle of Bunker Hill the Americans drove the English from the house (Sir Robert Temple was a Royalist), and when the Continentals fell back from Breed's hill, they made a stand at Ten Hills, but were obliged to retreat, and the British established themselves in the house, using the large east parlor as a stable for their horses, while the men and officers occupied the rest of the rooms. The house was unoccupied for a long time after the Revolutionary war, but finally in 1801 came into possession of General Elias Hasket Derby, who for thirteen years kept the place as a stock farm. The principal noteworthy incidents which occurred during Der
I.—33. Boston, Siege of. I.—8, 23. Boston Street, III.—15, 17. Boston Tea Party, II.—28, 29. Bow Street, I.—24; III.—12, 13; IV.—30. Bowen, Sergeant, Nathan, II.—29. Bowman, Mrs. S. Z., II.—24. Brackenbury. William, III.—7. Brackett, Edward, I.—34, 35, 36; III.—23 to 25; IV.—28. Bradbury, Charles. III.—19. Bradbury House, III.—19. Brastow, Captain George O., I.—33, 34; III.—20, 23; IV.—22. Brastow School. III.—17. Bray, Major, robbery of, IV.—12. Breed's Hill, IV.—13. Brick Bottom, III.—18. Brickmakers on Medford Turnpike, 1842, II.—16. 17. Brickmakers. the last of the, II.—20. Brickmaking, II.—16. 17. Brickmaking, materials for, II.—17. Brighton Street, III.—15. Bridge, Cambridge, II.—10. Bridge, Charlestown, II.—8, 10. Bridge, Essex, II.—8. Bridge, Maiden, II.—8, 16. Bridge, London, II.—8. Bridges, Ferryman, I.—21. Broadway, Somerville, I.—31
by east of the town of Charlestown, it reappeared with an elevation of about seventy-five feet, which bore the name of Breed's Hill. Whoever should hold the heights of Dorchester and Charlestown, would be masters of Boston. About the middle of Mafor their earth works. The committee of safety had proposed Bunker Hill; but Prescott had received orders to march to Breed's Hill. Heedless of personal danger, he obeyed the orders as he understood them; and with the ready assent of his self-devot side that could be soonest reached. had they landed troops at the isthmus as they might have done, the detachment on Breed's Hill would have had no chances of escape or relief. The day was exceedingly hot, one of the hottest of the season. Aftets, but that intrenchments should be thrown up on the summit of Bunker Hill. He, therefore, rode up to the redoubt on Breed's Hill, where he did not appear again during the whole day, and asked of Prescott, that the intrenching tools might be sent o
of the state of the army. While this was preparing, Washington visited the American posts and reconnoitred those of the enemy. From Prospect Hill he Chap. XLII.} 1775. July. took a comprehensive view of Boston and Charlestown. Of the latter town, nothing was to be seen but chimneys and rubbish. Above the ruins rose the tents of the great body of the British forces, strongly posted on Bunker Hill. Their sentries extended about one hundred and fifty yards beyond Charlestown Neck. On Breed's Hill there was a redoubt; two hundred men kept guard at Moultrie's Point; a battery was planted on Copp's Hill; three floating batteries lay in Mystic river; and a twenty-gun ship was anchored below the Charlestown ferry. The light horse and a few men were in the town of Boston; the remainder were on Roxbury Neck, where they were deeply intrenched and strongly fortified, with outposts so far advanced, that the sentries of the two armies could almost have conversed together. Of the inhabita
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., The Medford blacksmith of 1775. (search)
hot blood of Harry Bond, which he had inherited from his Irish ancestors who had withstood a siege of a hundred days in 1689 in defence of right, was fully aroused, and after closing his shop on the night of June 16 he informed his wife that on the morrow he should shoulder his gun, go to Bunker Hill, and do what he could for his country, even to the giving of his life if it became necessary. The morning of the 17th showed to the astonished Britishers in Boston the earthworks erected on Breed's Hill. The engagement, as we know, opened by the firing of guns from the fleet in the harbor and from the redoubt on Copp's Hill, Boston, the Americans reserving their fire until the British troops had landed in Charlestown and, marching up, had nearly reached the breastworks. All through the desperate fighting that followed the first attack, the tall and stalwart form of Harry Bond was conspicuous, first here and then there, exposing himself fearlessly. Step by step the patriots were obl
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