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of Mississippi and of Tennessee suffered a heavy blow in the death of Lieut.-Gen Leonidas Polk. The united armies, though facing desperate perils, took time to mourn the bishop of Louisiana. He had ever been a pillar of strength to his people. Gentle in peace and undaunted in the field, he is remembered as the militant bishop of the Confederacy. the attempt to hold the Chattahoochee, the retreat across it, the relief of General Johnston by Gen. John B. Hood, and the fierce battles of Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, and Ezra Church, July 20th to 28th. During these operations Gibson's brigade was in the division commanded by General Clayton, Stewart having corps command until S. D. Lee arrived, July 27th. Gibson's brigade took part in the attack from the intrenchments on the 22d; and on the 28th, according to General Gibson's report, was led by Colonel Von Zinken against the enemy strongly posted, where the men fought gallantly and lost heavily. Lieut.-Col. Thomas Shields and Maj. Cha
ision, which after the battle of Baker's Creek was cut off from Pemberton's army, and was engaged in Gen. J. E. Johnston's operations for the relief of Vicksburg and the defense of Jackson. He remained with the army in Mississippi until it was led by General Polk to Georgia in the spring of 1864, when he participated in the campaign from Dalton to Atlanta, commanding his brigade, which included his own regiment and five Alabama regiments. Soon he was promoted to brigadier-general. At Peachtree Creek he was particularly distinguished, leading his gallant brigade to the assault, and for his intrepid conduct received special mention by General Loring. After the fall of Atlanta he marched with Hood into Tennessee, and at the fateful field of Franklin, after winning the admiration of all by his bravery, fell seriously disabled by the explosion of a shell. Brigadier-General Leroy A. Stafford Brigadier-General Leroy A. Stafford, whose name will be forever associated with the glory
khorn, Richmond, Ky., Murfreesboro, Jackson, Miss., Chickamauga, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Dug Gap, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Ezra Church, Lovejoy's Station, Jonesboro, Franklin, Nashville, Sugar Creek, and Bentonville, the last prof the division. His old regiment was in the battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap, Dalton, Resaca, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Franklin and Nashville, and finally at Bentonville, N. C. Major-General Hindman himself, after serving in gold Gap (consolidated with the Eighth and Nineteenth, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hawthorn), Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, Ezra Church and Atlanta or Decatur Road. The Eighth formed part of Cleburne's division, and participated in all thehmond, Ky., Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Moore's Mill, Peachtree Creek, Lovejoy's Station, Jonesboro, Moore's Station, Franklin, Nashville, Sugar Creek and Bentonville. The Second Arka
fierce battle Major Knowles, of the Twenty-fifth Arkansas, was killed. General Johnston withdrew across the Chattahoochee and was relieved by General Hood. On the 20th of July, Hardee and A. P. Stewart attacked Thomas as he was crossing Peachtree creek. General Hardee explained his lack of success by the withdrawal of Cleburne's division at a critical moment to meet the advance of McPherson from Decatur. During the crossing of Peachtree creek by the Federals, July 19th, Gen. D. H. ReynoldPeachtree creek by the Federals, July 19th, Gen. D. H. Reynolds, with his Arkansas brigade, was briskly engaged at Moore's mill, repulsing an attack and capturing a considerable number of prisoners. The Ninth Arkansas took two Federal flags. Reynolds lost 8 killed and 48 wounded, among the latter Maj. J. P. Eagle and Lieutenant Kirkpatrick, Second rifles. On the 20th the brigade, only 540 strong, made a gallant charge and part entered the Federal breastworks, losing 6 killed and 52 wounded. Cleburne, transferred to Bald Hill, east of the city, was
el G. French from Resaca to the close of the campaign. The Texans of this command fought in the places assigned them, and many brave men were killed and wounded among them at Cassville, New Hope Church, Latimar House, Smyrna, Chattahoochee, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, and Lovejoy's Station. The heaviest loss was at Latimar House and Atlanta, the total for the campaign being 42 killed, 199 wounded and 17 missing. Col. William H. Young, promoted to brigadier-general, made a report of the operations of the brigade from July 17th to September 4th. During that period the brigade was first engaged in skirmishing on Peachtree creek. On the 21st of July the skirmishers of the brigade, under Colonel Camp, of the Fourteenth, were quite heavily engaged and subsequently the men intrenched to the north of the city. On the 27th, while in a redan occupied by Ward's battery and directing the fire of the same, General Ector received, by a piece of shell which exploded in the redan, a painful wound
; Cassville, May 19th to 22d; Pickett's Mill, May 27th; Kenesaw Mountain, June 9th to 30th; Peachtree Creek, July 20th; Atlanta, July 22d, where it carried the enemy's works by assault and captured to May 9th; Resaca, May 13th to 15th; Cassville, May 19th to 22d; Kenesaw, June 9th to 30th; Peachtree Creek, July 20th; the great battle on the Decatur road, July 22d; Ezra Chapel, July 28th; Jonesbottle of Resaca, May 13th, where it fought brilliantly. At New Hope it lost heavily, and at Peachtree Creek it met with fearful slaughter. At Atlanta, July 28th, again its loss was terrible. It wen, Capts. T. Q. Stanford and Joseph C. Clayton at Murfreesboro, and Capt. C. H. Matthews at Peachtree Creek. The field officers were Henry D. Clayton, who was severely wounded at Murfreesboro and oring's division, Polk's corps, Atlanta campaign. (895) General Scott's report of fight of Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864, gives 29 killed and 63 wounded. (897) Colonel Snodgrass' report of same bat
June, 1864, was commanded by Lieut. Chas. W. Lovelace. It was in a fight near Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864, and at Peachtree Creek in July. Here Lieutenant Lovelace was wounded, but remained at his guns until his ammunition was exhausted. Major Preston, chief of artillery, was killed while personally supervising this battery at Peachtree Creek. The battery was complimented on the field by General Reynolds. It fought with considerable loss at Jonesboro in August, and in October gained gred, that the flanking force was soon driven off in confusion. (938) Gen. D. H. Reynolds in his report of same fight, Peachtree Creek, says: Major Preston promptly put Selden's battery (commanded by Lieutenant Lovelace) into position, and opened on the army of Tennessee at Dalton. It took part in the battles of Resaca, Cassville, Lost Mountain, New Hope, Kenesaw, Peachtree Creek and Atlanta. The battery moved toward Tennessee, and was in the action at Decatur; it fought at Nashville, where it
arding this battle, that whatever credit is due for the complete repulse of the assaulting column at Little Kenesaw belonged exclusively to the brigade of General Cockrell and the left of General Sears, then commanded by Colonel Barry. At Peachtree Creek, July 20th, Featherston's brigade charged the enemy and drove him from the first line of intrenchments, but being subjected to a severe fire and not being supported, except by Scott's brigade, was compelled to retire two or three hundred yarf Lieutenant Shaw, of Company G. Gen. M. P. Lowrey's brigade was conspicuous in the flank attack of Hardee's corps upon Sherman's army before Atlanta, July 22d. His men had not enjoyed rest or sleep for two days and nights; had fought at Peachtree creek and thence had been hastily withdrawn to guard the Confederate right, and many good men fell exhausted during the weary march toward the Federal rear. The charge they made was magnificent, but it was fatal, as that of Featherston's had been
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
Going into the Atlanta campaign with his brigade in Hood's corps, he held for two days with great steadiness under the concentrated fire of the enemy, an important position on the field of Resaca, and was promoted major-general and given command of Cantey's division of Polk's corps. He was an important factor throughout the whole of the campaign, at the front in the repulse of the Federal attack at Kenesaw mountain, charging with gallantry and gaining a foothold in the enemy's works at Peachtree creek, and making a desperate fight at Ezra Church. The disastrous Tennessee campaign followed. At Franklin his men charged with wonderful heroism upon the Federal intrenchments. He was in the heat of the fight and had two horses shot under him. After the first day's fight before Nashville, French's division was added to his command, and on the retreat, with eight picked brigades, Walthall was depended upon to defend the rear of the broken army, in conjunction with Forrest's cavalry. Afte
s placed in command of Hood's corps, General Maney in command of Cheatham's division. The enemy was in bivouac between Atlanta and the Chattahoochee, and was preparing to advance. On the evening of July 18th our cavalry was driven across Peachtree creek, and the army of the Cumberland was in the act of crossing it; whereupon General Hood decided to attack the enemy while attempting to cross this stream, and orders were given to advance at 1 p. m. of the 20th. The movement was delayed to 4 he two corps: Hardee's, 539, Lee's, 946; killed, a very small number. Many times during the months of July and August the troops from Tennessee had made fruitless assaults against the enemy's intrenchments; their ranks had been decimated at Peachtree Creek and at the battle of Atlanta, heralded as a great victory, and the right of Quarles' brigade was slaughtered at the affair on Lickskillet road. It took that high order of courage which they exhibited in the face of these disheartening disast
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