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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Green Mountain boys. (search)
f New York to abstain from issuing any more patents for lands eastward of Lake Champlain. The order was not ex post facto, and the New York patentees proceeded to take possession of their purchased lands. The settlers aroused for resistance, led by a brave and determined commander from Connecticut, Ethan Allen (q. v.). The men under his command called themselves the Green Mountain boys ; and for some years the New Hampshire Grants formed a theatre where all the elements of civil war, excepting actual carnage, were in active exercise. In 1774 Governor Tryon, of New York, issued a proclamation, ordering Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, and other leaders of the Green Mountain Boys, to surrender themselves within thirty days, or be subjected to the penalty of death. These leaders retorted by offering a reward for the arrest of the attorney-general of New York. The war for independence soon broke out and suspended the controversy. In that war the Green Mountain Boys took a conspicuous part.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Husbands, Hermann 1768- (search)
Husbands, Hermann 1768- Patriot; born in Pennsylvania; was a member of the Society of Friends. Removing to Orange county, N. C., he became a member of the legislature of that colony, and a leader among the opponents of the royal government called Regulators, in 1768, organized for the forcible redress of public grievances. When, on May 14, 1771, a battle began on the Allemance Creek between 1,000 men under Governor Tryon and 2,000 Regulators (in which the latter were defeated), Husbands declared that the peace principles of his sect would not allow him to fight. He had not objected to the arming of the people, but when they were about to use arms he rode away, and was never afterwards seen in that region until the struggle for independence was over. He had made his way to Pennsylvania, where, in 1771, he published an account of the Regulator movement. Husbands was a member of the Pennsylvania legislature in 1778, and was concerned in the whiskey insurrection in 1794, with Ga
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Moore's Creek Bridge, battle of. (search)
Moore's Creek Bridge, battle of. In January, 1776, Sir Henry Clinton sailed from Boston on a secret mission. Suspecting his destination to be New York, Washington sent General Lee thither. His presence probably deterred Clinton from landing, after a conference with Governor Tryon, and he proceeded to the coast of North Carolina to assist Governor Martin in the recovery of his power in that province. Martin, aware of his approach, and anticipating an armament from Ireland, kept up a continual intercourse from his floating palace on the Cape Fear with the Scotch Highlanders (who had settled in large numbers in that province) and other Tories. He commissioned Donald McDonald brigadier-general. He was a veteran who had fought for the Young Pretender at the battle of Culloden (1746). Under him, as captain, was Allan McDonald. These two men had great influence over the Scotch Highlanders. They enlisted for the royal cause about 1,500 men, and marched from the vicinity of Fayettev
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nash, Francis 1720- (search)
Nash, Francis 1720- Military officer; born in Prince Edward county, Va., May 10, 1720; brother of Abner Nash, governor of North Carolina; became clerk of the Superior Court of Orange county, N. C.; and was a captain, under the crown, on service under Governor Tryon against the Regulators. He was a member of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina in 1775, and was appointed by that body a lieutenant-colonel. In February, 1777, he was promoted to brigadiergeneral in the Continental army. Joining Washington before the battle at the Brandywine (Sept. 11, 1777), he participated in that action, and also at Germantown (Oct. 4), where he was mortally wounded, and died Oct. 7.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York City (search)
most important port in America. During the winter of 1775-76 disaffection, especially among the older and wealthier families, became conspicuous and alarming to the patriots, and there were fears of the loss of the city of New York to the republican cause. In Queens county, Long Island, the people began to arm in favor of the crown. Hearing of this, General Howe, in Boston, sent Gen. Sir Henry Clinton on a secret expedition. Washington suspected New York was his destination, where Governor Tryon was sowing the seeds of disaffection from his seat of government on board the Duchess of Gordon in the harbor. The committee of safety and the provincial convention of New York were strongly tinctured with Toryism. General Lee, then in Connecticut, had heard of disaffection there and asked permission of Washington to raise volunteers to go there and suppress it. The privilege was granted, and, with the aid of Governor Trumbull, he embodied about 1,200 volunteers and pressed on towards
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, State of (search)
Van Dam 1731 to 1732 William CosbyAug. 1, 1732to 1736 George Clarke1736 1743 George ClintonSept. 2, 1743to 1753 Sir Sanvers OsborneOct. 10, 1753 James De LanceyOct. 12, 1853 to 1755 Sir Charles HardySept. 3, 1755to 1757 James De LanceyJune 3, 1757to 1760 Cadwallader ColdenAug. 4, 1760to 1761 Robert MoncktonOct. 26, 1761 Cadwallader ColdenNov. 18, 1761 to1765 Sir Henry MooreNov. 18, 1765 to 1769 Cadwallader ColdenSept. 12, 1769 to 1770 John Lord DunmoreOct. 19, 1770 to 1771 William TryonJuly 9, 1771 to 1777 State governors. Name.Party.When Elected.Opponents.Party. George Clinton 1777 1780 1783 1786 1789 Robert Yates. 1792 John Jay. John Jay 1795 Robert YatesDem.-Rep. 1798 Robert Livingston. George Clinton1801 Stephen Van Rensselaer. Morgan LewisDem.-Rep 1804 Aaton Burr. Daniel D. Tompkins 1807 Morgan Lewis. 1810 Jonas Platt. 1813 Stephen Van Rensselaer. 1816 Rufus King. John Taylor1817 De Witt Clinton 1817Peter B. Porter. 1820Daniel D. Tompkins.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
4 Thomas Pollockpresident of councilMar. 30, 1722 William Reedpresident of councilSept. 7, 1722 George Burringtonassumes office as govJan. 15, 1724 Sir Richard Everardassumes office as govJuly 17, 1725 Royal governors. George Burringtonassumes officeFeb. 25, 1731 Nathaniel Ricepresident of councilApr. 17, 1734 Gabriel Johnstonassumes officeNov. 2, 1734 Nathaniel Ricepresident of council1752 Matthew Rowanpresident of councilFeb. 1, 1753 Arthur Dobbsassumes officeNov. 1, 1754 William Tryonassumes officeOct. 27, 1764 James Hasellpresident of councilJuly 1, 1771 Josiah Martinassumes officeAug., 1771 State governors (elected by the Assembly) Richard CaswellDec., 1776David Stone1808 Abner NashDec., 1779Benjamin Smith1810 Thomas BurkeJuly, 1781William Hawkins1811 Alexander Martin1782William Miller1814 Richard Caswell1784John Branch1817 Samuel Johnston1787Jesse Franklin1820 Alexander Martin1789Gabriel Holmes1821 Richard Dobbs Spaight1792Hutchings G. Burton1824 Samu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Regulators. (search)
name of Regulators from the South Carolinians (see State of South Carolina), they soon became too formidable to be controlled by local magistrates. They assumed to control public affairs generally, and became actual insurgents, against whom Governor Tryon led a considerable force of volunteers from the seaboard. The opposing parties met and fought a battle, May 16, 1771, near the Allemance Creek, in Allemance county, when nearly forty men were killed. The Regulators were beaten and dispersed, but not subdued, and many of them were among the most earnest soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Indeed, the skirmish on the Allemance is regarded by some as the first battle in the war. Tryon marched back in triumph to Newbern, after hanging six of the Regulators for treason (June 19). These events caused fierce hatred of British rule in the region below the Roanoke. After the close of the Cherokee War, the western districts of South Carolina were rapidly settled by people of various nati
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
Jan., 1777, and presents a petition to Congress for admission into the confederacy, which was deniedApril 8, 1777 Danbury, Conn., destroyed by troops under ex-Governor Tryon April 26, 1777 Colonel Meigs, with whale-boats from Guilford, attacks the British forces at Sag Harbor, destroying vessels and stores and taking ninety prisans under Major Clarke capture Vincennes Feb. 20, 1779 Battle of Brier Creek, Ga., British victory March 3, 1779 Salt works at Horseneck, Conn., destroyed by General TryonMarch 26, 1779 American ministers recalled, except at Versailles and Madrid April, 1779 Americans repulsed at Stono Ferry, S. C.June 20, 1779 Spain declares war against Great Britain June, 1779 British under Tryon plunder New Haven, July 5, and burn Fairfield, July 8, and Norwalk July 12, 1779 Americans under Wayne take by storm Fort Stony Point, N. Y. July 16, 1779 Expedition against the British at Fort Casting, Me., repulsed July 25, 1779 American fleet arrive at Penobscot, July
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seymour, Moses 1742-1826 (search)
Seymour, Moses 1742-1826 Military officer; born in Hartford, Conn., July 23, 1742; settled in Litchfield, Conn., in early life. When the Revolutionary War began he was commissioned captain in the 5th Cavalry, which repelled Tryon's invasion in 1777, and participated in the campaign which led to the surrender of Burgoyne. He was retired in 1783 with the rank of major; was town-clerk of Litchfield for thirty-seven years; and a member of the legislature in 1795-1811. He died in Litchfield, Conn., Sept. 17, 1826.
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