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Abby, 22. Tufts, Albert Clifford, 20, 21. Tufts, Anne Adams, 89. Tufts, Asa, 22, 42. Tufts, Charles, 70. Tufts College, 70. Tufts, Cotton, 17, 18. Tufts, Daniel, 24. Tufts, Edmund, 22, 38, 41. Tufts, Elizabeth, 21. Tufts, Esquire, 91. Tufts, Gilbert, 42. Tufts, James, 16. Tufts, Mary Jane (Fitz), 20. Tufts, Nathan, 20, 21, 89, 92. Tufts, Nathan, Jr., 20. Tufts, Nathan, 2nd, 42. Tufts, Nathan, Sr., 38. Tufts, Oliver, 38. Tufts. Peter, 16, 66, 88, 89, 92. Tufts, Peter, Jr., 69, 89. Tufts, Rebecca, 89. Tufts, Samuel, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93. Tufts, Dr., Simon, 18. Tufts, Timothy, 66, 89, 90, 91, 92. Tufts, Timothy, Esq., 93. Tufts, W., 89. Tufts, Widow, 24. Tufts, William, 42. Turner, John, 66. Turnpike, .Medford, 22. Underwood, Joseph, 11. Unitarian Church, 40. Ursuline Convent, 22. Usher, Governor, 19, 31. Vane, Sir, Henry, 33. Vassall, William, 28. Venus, 88. Vermont, 56. Vinal, Anna Parker, 71. Vinal, Josephine, 71. Vinal, Leo
eport, signed May 5, 1817, we learn that District No. 3 is still maintaining two summer schools, namely, at Milk Row and Winter Hill. In speaking of No. 1, R. Gordon's services are highly praised. 1817-1818. August 9, 1817, the trustees have looked up the Lancastrian system of education, and paid Mr. Dixon $20 for his information. They decide that it is not feasible for Charlestown. March 25, 1818. The trustees examined School No. 3. Present, Rev. Mr. Collier, Messrs. I. Tufts, P. Tufts, and Thompson. About fifty scholars attended the examination, and appeared well in all their performances. Eighty belong to this school, kept this term by Daniel Russell. April 3 the trustees examined School No. 4, kept by J. Underwood. About forty were present, out of a total of fifty-two. From bills mentioned, D. Russell is paid $115, and Martha Ireland $71.50. A clock and bell purchased by a sub-committee is presented by Captain Wyman for the exclusive use of the school at the Nec
8. Tufts, Miss, Abigail, 93. Tufts College, 1, 2. Tufts, Edmund, 93. Tufts, Isaac, 64, 72, 73, 74, 90, 91, 92, 96. Tufts, Joel, 73, 90, 91, 92, 94. Tufts, John, 98, 99. Tufts, Nathan, 2nd., 90. 96, 97, 99. Tufts, Oliver, House, 23. Tufts, P., 72. Tufts, Peter, Jr., 21, 63, 66, 90. Tufts, Samuel, 21, 43, 63, 64. Tufts, Dr., Simon. 85. Tufts, Timothy, 21. 22, 63. Tufts, Timothy, Esq., 64. Turner, Rev., Edward, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99. Turner, Rev. Mr., 69. Twentieth CeTufts, Peter, Jr., 21, 63, 66, 90. Tufts, Samuel, 21, 43, 63, 64. Tufts, Dr., Simon. 85. Tufts, Timothy, 21. 22, 63. Tufts, Timothy, Esq., 64. Turner, Rev., Edward, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99. Turner, Rev. Mr., 69. Twentieth Century Club, 2. Tyler, Jonas, 64. Underwood, J., 72. Underwood, James, 47. Union, Me., 26. Union Square, Somerville, 4, 64. Union Street, 100. United States, 31. Universalism, 2. Universalist General Convention, 2. University Club, 2. Ursuline Convent, 78. Veruna, gunboat, 53. Vinal, Louise A., 4. Vose, Elijah, Jr., 95. Waite, Samuel, 84, 88. Walker, Cornelius, 97. Walker's Dictionary (abridged), 101. Walker, Rev., James, 39, 90, 96, 100. Walker, Timothy, 63.
rning, John, 11. Thoroughfare Gap, Va., 43. Three-Pole Lane, 29. Titus, Arch of, 80. Towne, Orr N., 55. Trowbridge, J. T., 12. Tufts, Benjamin, 53. Tufts, Charles, 9, 12. Tufts College, 9, 12, 74, 78. Tufts, Edmund, 55. Tufts, Elizabeth, 51. Tufts, Francis, 11, 41, 42. Tufts House, 77. Tufts, Isaac, 53. Tufts, James, 51. Tufts, John, 51. Tufts, M. Alice, 12. Tufts, Martha, 53. Tufts, Mary, 52. Tufts, Nathan, 12, 55. Tufts, Nathan, Jr., 12. Tufts, Nathaniel, 52. Tufts, Peter, 29, 51, 52. Tufts, Samuel, 15. Tufts, Sarah, 52. Tuttle, Isaiah W., 5, 41. Tuttle, James S., 5, 40. Twelfth Army Corps, 22. Twelfth Massachusetts, 67. Twenty-third Street, Washington, D. C., 19. Twombly, J. Q., 13, 41. Two Penny Brook, 27. Tyler, Columbus, 55. Underwood, James, 11. Union Hall, 76. Union Square, 13, 15, 16, 32, 39, 42, 76. Union Square and its Neighborhood About 1846, 5-16. Union Square Before the War, 32-42. United States, 41. United States o
enora, 55. Tufts, Ann Adams, 5. Tufts, Benjamin, 5. Tufts, Charles, 17, 62, 63. Tufts College, 15, 17, 73. Tufts, Elizabeth Perry, 6. Tufts, John, 5. Tufts, Mary, 6. Tufts, Mary Pierce, 6. Tufts, Nathan, 14, 51. Tufts, Nathaniel, 6. Tufts, Peter, 5, 6. Tufts, Captain, Peter, 6. Tufts, Samuel, 7. Tufts, Timothy, 7. Turner, Rev., Edward, 43. Turner, Captain, William, 53. Tyler, Mary E., 26, 30, 31. Tyler, Columbus, 25, 27. Underwood, James, 42, 48. Union Flag Unfurled, 52. UTufts, Captain, Peter, 6. Tufts, Samuel, 7. Tufts, Timothy, 7. Turner, Rev., Edward, 43. Turner, Captain, William, 53. Tyler, Mary E., 26, 30, 31. Tyler, Columbus, 25, 27. Underwood, James, 42, 48. Union Flag Unfurled, 52. Union Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, 82. Union, Rock County, Wis., 82. Union Square, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 74. Union Square Before the War, 62. Union Square and Its Neighborhood About the Year 1846, 62. Unitarian Church, 27. Unitarian Parsonage, 18. United Colonies, 52. Unity, N. H., 44. Upham, John, 49. Upham, William Henry, 49. Urann, Captain, Thomas, 77. Veteran Firemen's Association, 18. Vicksburg, 65. Victoria, 72. Vinal, Alfred E., 14, 18. Vinal Avenue, 6,
ts. Persis, daughter of Nathaniel, I.—22, 23. Tufts, Peter, I.—21. Tufts, Peter, descendants of, I.—24. Tufts, Peter, descendants of, I.—24. Tufts, Peter, house of. I.—24. Tufts, Captain, Peter, son of Peter, I.—21. Tufts, Peter of Milk Row, Tufts, Peter, house of. I.—24. Tufts, Captain, Peter, son of Peter, I.—21. Tufts, Peter of Milk Row, son of John, I.—22, 24; II.—25, 26. Tufts, Peter of Winter Hill, II.—21, 24, 25. Tufts, Peter, son of PeTufts, Captain, Peter, son of Peter, I.—21. Tufts, Peter of Milk Row, son of John, I.—22, 24; II.—25, 26. Tufts, Peter of Winter Hill, II.—21, 24, 25. Tufts, Peter, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22. Tufts, Peter, Jr., II.—22. 23. Tufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—Tufts, Peter of Milk Row, son of John, I.—22, 24; II.—25, 26. Tufts, Peter of Winter Hill, II.—21, 24, 25. Tufts, Peter, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22. Tufts, Peter, Jr., II.—22. 23. Tufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—26. Tufts, Samuel, Jr., II.—22. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, Sarah, dauTufts, Peter of Winter Hill, II.—21, 24, 25. Tufts, Peter, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22. Tufts, Peter, Jr., II.—22. 23. Tufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—26. Tufts, Samuel, Jr., II.—22. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—24, 25. Tufts, Tabitha (Binford), wife of James, II.—24. Tufts, ThomasTufts, Peter, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22. Tufts, Peter, Jr., II.—22. 23. Tufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—26. Tufts, Samuel, Jr., II.—22. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—24, 25. Tufts, Tabitha (Binford), wife of James, II.—24. Tufts, Thomas, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22, 24. Tufts, Timothy, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—25. Tufts, TimoTufts, Peter, Jr., II.—22. 23. Tufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—26. Tufts, Samuel, Jr., II.—22. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—24, 25. Tufts, Tabitha (Binford), wife of James, II.—24. Tufts, Thomas, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22, 24. Tufts, Timothy, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—25. Tufts, Timothy, Jr., son of Timothy and Anne Adams, II.—25. Tufts, Timothy, son of Timothy, Jr., II.—25. Tufts, TimoTufts, Samuel, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—26. Tufts, Samuel, Jr., II.—22. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Milk Row, II.—21. Tufts, Sarah, daughter of Peter of Winter Hill, II.—24, 25. Tufts, Tabitha (Binford), wife of James, II.—24. Tufts, Thomas, son of Peter and Anne Adams, II.—22, 24. Tufts, Timothy, son of Peter of Milk Row, II.—25. Tufts, Timothy, Jr., son of Timothy and Anne Adams, II.—25. Tufts, Timothy, son of Timothy, Jr., II.—25. Tufts
voted to hire some meet person to keep a writing school in the town for three or four months in the winter season, and a committee of seven men, consisting of Captain Tufts, Capt. Ebenezer Brooks, Lieut. Stephen Hall, Engn Stephen Francis, Mr. Jno. Willis, Dea. Whitmore, and Mr. Jona. Tufts, was chosen to treat with some person Tufts, was chosen to treat with some person to keep said school. Nothing came from the above action, perhaps owing to the size of the committee. At another meeting, held on November 30, the same year, the town voted to have a school kept in the house of Thomas Willis, the ensuing winter, and a committee of three men, consisting of Engn Jno. Bradshaw, Capt. Ebenezer Brookittee of five men to select a site for a school-house to accommodate the whole town, and to report at the next meeting in March. This committee consisted of Capt. Peter Tufts, Dea. John Whitmore, Capt. Ebenezer Brooks, Mr. John Willis, and Mr. John Richardson, but no report of their doings appears on the records of the town. The
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Literal copy of Births, deaths, and Marriages in Medford from earliest records. (search)
hn Hall dyed ye 4th day of february 1713-14 Thomas Harris sone of Abner haris and Elizibeth his wife born the 9th day of march 1714:15 Sarah Greatton Daughter of John & Sarah Greatton born november. 5 1714 & Died July the 4th 1715 Mercy Tufts the wife of Capt Peter Tufts dyed ye 18th day of June 1715 John Laribe Sone of Stephen Laribe and Margeret his wife born ye 14 day of May 1715 Mary Willis daughter of John Willis and mary his wife born the 9th of february 1715/16 Mary WilliCapt Peter Tufts dyed ye 18th day of June 1715 John Laribe Sone of Stephen Laribe and Margeret his wife born ye 14 day of May 1715 Mary Willis daughter of John Willis and mary his wife born the 9th of february 1715/16 Mary Willis the wife of John Willis dyed the 12th day of february 1715/16 mercy whitmore daughter of Frances Whitmore & Anna his wife born ye 11th day of march 1713/14 Mercy Willis daughter of Stephen Willis & Susana his wife born the 29 day of Jenuary. 1715/16 John eds sone of peter eds & martha his wife born ye 31 day of Jenuary 1715/16 Grace Willis wife of Thomas willis Senr. dyed the 23 day of Jenuary 1715/16 Isack Farewell sone of Isack Farewell & Elizibeth his wife dyed the first day of A
he Court that in the future it should be left to the determination of the law. These towns based their hopes of avoiding in the future any expense on account of Mistick bridge upon the late law above referred to; how vain were their hopes will be hereinafter shown. In 1698 the town of Medford was again complained of for defects in the northerly half of Mistick bridge, and it voted to empower a lawyer, referring to answer a presentment for defect in Mistick bridge. March 8, 1698. Lieut. Peter Tufts, Stephen Francis, and Thomas Willis, Selectmen of Medford, appear in Court, to answer for defects in the north end of Mistick bridge, and inform the Court that their part of the bridge is in good repair, and that the defect is in the part appertaining to Reading, Woburn, and Malden, whereupon the Court order that those towns appear and show reason why they should not repair their part of said bridge according to former usage. The town of Medford, fearing that its interests might be
isting. It was the custom in those days of defining the bounds of a highway by means of a stump, a rock, or a marked tree. Such bounds soon disappeared and rendered a new laying out of the way necessary. Medford roads were first mentioned in the county records on June 25, 1658: Medford is enjoined to repair their highways before the next term of Court, on penalty of forty shillings. Complaints were numerous thereafter in regard to the condition of these roads. March 13, 704-5: Capt. Peter Tufts and Stephen Willis, appear in Court to answer to defects in the way to Malden, they say that they are mending the way as fast as they can, and in regard to the defect north of Mistick Bridge, that they have mended the same. Aug. 25, 1719, John Bradshaw, appearing in court to answer to complaints about a highway in Medford, answered that to the best of his knowledge, the way is mended. In the year 1769 the town of Medford being presented for not amending and repairing a highway in
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