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its tremulous signature moves me all the same. Ii. It was in the last days of October, 1862. McClellan had followed Lee to Sharpsburg; fought him there; refitted his army; recrossed the Potomac, and was rapidly advancing toward Warrenton, wheys of October the wind had not yet wafted to him the decree of the civilians. He was pressing on in admirable order, and Lee had promptly broken up his camps upon the Opequon to cross the Blue Ridge at Chester's Gap, and interpose himself between ough, firing right and left upon citizens and children; then pushing on, in the splendid autumn sunshine, the brigade-Fitz Lee's, commanded by the gallant Wickham-reached the vicinity of Mountsville. Stuart was riding gaily at the head of his hoh we estimated from the accounts of prisoners — some seventy in number-at about 5000. Stuart had only the brigade of Fitz Lee, about iooo men, but once in motion the Flower of cavaliers always followed the Scriptural precept to forget those thing
eral Hooker, its commander, had crossed, and firmly established himself at Chancellorsville. General Lee's forces were opposite Fredericksburg chiefly, a small body of infantry only watching the upppelled to fall back before General Hooker's army of about one hundred and fifty thousand men, and Lee hastened by forced marches from Fredericksburg toward Chancellorsville, with a force of about thits having been converted into abattis, and every avenue of approach defended with artillery. General Lee therefore directed the assault to cease, and consulted with his corps commanders as to furthethe junction of the Orange and Germanna roads a heavy Federal picket was forced to retire. General Fitz Lee then informed Jackson that from a hill near at hand he could obtain a view of the Federal wve my men from a position. It was about this time that we received the following letter from General Lee: I have just received your note informing me that you were wounded. I cannot express my regr
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Facetiae of the camp: souvenirs of a C. S. Officer. (search)
but perhaps you will laugh. They are trifles, it is true; but then life is half made up of trifles — is it not? General Fitz Lee, one day in the fall of 1863, sent a courier up from the Lower Rappahannock, to ask General Stuart why General Pleas it had been contaminated, growled to the lady of the house: You taught him this, madam! Ix. In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg. To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of Culpeper. That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon, sent word to General Hood to come and see the review, and bring any of his people --meaning probably his staff and headquarters. On the send my people, said Hood, shaking hands with General Fitz, and you see I have brought them! Laughter followed, and General Fitz Lee said: Well, don't let them halloo, Here's your mule! at the review. If they do we will charge you! int
Corporal Shabrach. 1. his opinion of General Lee. Camp Quattlebum Rifles, Army of North too, in my idea of General Washington-whom General Lee, to my thinking, greatly resembles-by findi his rights. If I was asked to describe General Lee's ordinary appearance and attitude, either self, however, confidentially speaking-say that Lee is not a great general, and compares him to Nap Austerlitz, and get the full benefit of them. Lee is in a very different situation from Napoleon.h such an army it is unreasonable to expect General Lee to fight as often and as desperately as Nap all occasions, expressed these opinions of General Lee, and I intend to go on expressing them, witof that. I consider myself just as good as General Lee as long as I am honest and a good soldier, o a human creature. Now anybody that knows General Lee knows that this is just like him. For my paes' hoofs near me, I raised my head and saw General Lee, in his old riding-cape, with several membe[16 more...]
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., On the road to Petersburg: notes of an officer of the C. S. A. (search)
Then the Federal commander-in-chief was called McClellannow he is called Grant. The leader of the South was then called Lee, and Lee is his name to-day. But each seems to have a constant, never-faltering attachment for the good old place, Cold HLee is his name to-day. But each seems to have a constant, never-faltering attachment for the good old place, Cold Harbour, just as they appear to have for the blooming parterres of the beautiful and smiling Manassas! The little affair near Stone Bridge, in July, 1861, was not sufficient; again in August, 1862, the blue and gray lovers of the historic locality takes place at all hours of the day and night. Grant keeps pegging away. Today he seems to gain something, but to-morrow Lee stands like a lion in his path, and all the advantage is lost. We continue to repulse every attack along the bristling lines, as in 1862. Grant ends where McClellan began; upon the ground at least. We hold our own. Lee's army is an army of veterans, writes the correspondent of a Northern journal; it is an instrument sharpened to a perfect edge. You turn its flanks;
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., General Pegram on the night before his death. (search)
correct. The enemy's horse, in strong force, had driven him back to Dinwiddie, and were then at the Court-House. General Lee informed me, laughing, that in the charge he had been very nearly stampeded for the first time in his life, his horse, Fitz Lee, an unruly animal of great power, having whirled round at the first volley from the enemy, and nearly carried his rider off the field! In great disgust at this unmilitary conduct, the General had mounted a more manageable courser. Whilst the General was narrating these particulars, two young officers of his staff, Captains Lee and Dandridge, came in, after a hot chase. The former had been entirely surrounded, but kept the woods, taking advantage of every opening; and finally perceiving an interval between the rear of one Federal cavalry regiment and the head of column of another, he had put spurs to his horse, charged the opening, and jumped through. The latter officer was also cut off, and manoeuvred in a similar manner, when,
force of cavalry-less than two thousand effective men — under General Fitz Lee. General Lee, on the contrary, was moving by a circuitous routGeneral Lee, on the contrary, was moving by a circuitous route on the north bank of the Appomattox, encumbered by a huge wagon-train, and having in front of him a swollen river, which proved a terrible had he made extraordinary exertions, even at Amelia Court-House. General Lee did not succeed in reaching that point until Wednesday, the sth-eral Meade's report shows-at Burkesville Junction; and if it was General Lee's intention to advance on the east side of the Danville road, hens for his army were ordered to be sent to Amelia Court-House by General Lee; that trains containing the supplies were dispatched from Danvile demands the proof of this assertion, I will give it. Iv. General Lee left Amelia Court-House on the evening of the 5th, and from thises of his contemporaries and in history; and the South is prouder of Lee to-day, and loves him more, than in his most splendid hours of victo
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