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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
I must acknowledge that animal is pretty rough. Sheridan had arrived on June 20 at White House, on his retuckinridge's troops to oppose him; and hearing that Sheridan had started, he ordered Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee to move against our cavalry. They were to attack Sheridan during the night of the 10th and surprise him; but gallantly and successfully defended on its way by Sheridan's cavalry. On the 26th Sheridan came in personSheridan came in person to Grant's headquarters, and had an interview with him in regard to the results of his expedition and the furndertake at once on the south side of Petersburg. Sheridan was cordially greeted on his arrival by the genera The general, after learning all the details of Sheridan's expedition, told him that he fully approved his babilities were that it would be detained there by Sheridan for some days, it was decided to send Wilson's div. The destruction of communications by Hunter, Sheridan, and Wilson gave the enemy serious alarm; but by
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 16 (search)
them quickly by rail to Petersburg, and in the mean time march Early's corps back to Lee, and make a combined attack upon the Army of the Potomac. This, Grant believed, would be done only in some extreme emergency, and in case the enemy felt convinced that Sherman was so far from his base of supplies that he could not move much farther into the interior. One means which the general-in-chief had in contemplation at this time for preventing troops from being sent from Virginia was to start Sheridan on a raid to cut the railroads southwest of Richmond. Important news reached headquarters on July 17 to the effect that General Joe Johnston had been relieved from duty, and General Hood put in command of the army opposed to Sherman. General Grant said when he received this information: I know very well the chief characteristics of Hood. He is a bold, dashing soldier, and has many qualities of successful leadership, but he is an indiscreet commander, and lacks cool judgment. We may l
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 17 (search)
of the assault at the mine a New command for Sheridan an infernal machine exploded near headquarte north side of the James, and was followed by Sheridan with the cavalry. This entire force was placnses of Richmond. The next morning (July 28) Sheridan, while moving around the enemy's left, was vio as still to keep up the feint. On the 28th Sheridan had the pontoon-bridge covered with moss, gralled the general to change his plans and send Sheridan to Washington with two divisions of his cavalstructions to pursue the enemy to the death. Sheridan reached Washington on August 3. Halleck tel command of the military department, and that Sheridan be given supreme control of the troops in theduty. This unselfish offer was accepted, and Sheridan was telegraphed to come at once from Washingtmy was about equal in numbers. Grant said to Sheridan in his instructions: Do not hesitate to give or whatever they accomplished. As soon as Sheridan moved south the enemy was compelled to concen[5 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 18 (search)
orders for the Valley, was detained. General Grant was now giving daily watchfulness and direction to four active armies in the field-those of Meade, Butler, Sheridan, and Sherman. They constituted a dashing four-in-hand, with Grant holding the reins. These armies no longer moved like horses in a balky team, no two ever pull to the Secretary of War: I think it but a just reward for services already rendered that General Sherman be now appointed a major-general, and W. S. Hancock and Sheridan brigadiers, in the regular army. All these generals have proved their worthiness for this advancement. Sherman and Hancock received their appointments on the 12th, and Sheridan on the 20th. General Grant was very much gratified that their cases had been acted upon so promptly. Warren moved out at dawn on August 18, in accordance with orders, to a point three miles west of the left of the Army of the Potomac, and began the work of tearing up the Weldon Railroad. Hard fighting ensued
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 19 (search)
ence the general-in-chief had paid a visit to Sheridan. He had started from City Point on the 15th what I say: I gave the order to whip him. Sheridan advanced promptly on September 19, and struckht, and completed his destruction. This left Sheridan in possession of the valley of Virginia. He s to Early, and thus enables him to turn upon Sheridan. It will be seen that the President did not he Shenandoah Valley. On the 9th of October, Sheridan's cavalry, under Torbert, had an engagement w his friends, started back to Washington. Sheridan had been ordered to Washington to consult witread you a despatch I have just received from Sheridan. We were all eager to hear the news, for we be a disaster into a glorious victory stamps Sheridan what I have always thought him-one of the ablest of generals ; and said in conversation: Sheridan's courageous words and brilliant deeds encouragmies in the field. He ordered one hundred guns to be fired in honor of Sheridan's decisive victory.[15 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 20 (search)
Chapter 20 Grant's narrow escape at Hatcher's Run discussing the March to the sea why Grant never held Councils of War how the March to the sea was conceived and executed Even before the completion of Sheridan's victory in the Valley, Grant was planning another movement for the purpose of threatening Lee's position, keeping him occupied, and attacking his communications. On October 24 he directed both Meade and Butler to prepare for a movement which was to be made on the 27th. Meade was to move against the South Side road, while Butler was to go to the north side of the James again, and make a demonstration there against the enemy. Early on the morning of October 27 General Grant, with his staff, started for the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, and rode out to the front, accompanied by Meade. The morning was dark and gloomy, a heavy rain was falling, the roads were muddy and obstructed, and tangled thickets, dense woods, and swampy streams confronted the
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 22 (search)
ful; besides, by this delay our expedition was losing the chance of surprise. He therefore telegraphed Butler, urging him to start immediately. The only good news received at headquarters upon this important day was the information that a movement made by Warren had been successful. He had destroyed the Weldon Railroad from Nottoway River to Hicksford, with but little loss, and his troops were now on their return to the Army of the Potomac. Grant promptly telegraphed the situation to Sheridan, and impressed upon him the importance of destroying the roads north of Richmond, in furtherance of the plan of cutting off the supplies of that city. The next morning a reply came from Thomas to Grant's last despatch, saying that he would obey the orders as promptly as possible, but the country was covered with a sheet of ice and sleet, and the attack would be made under every disadvantage. About four hours afterward he telegraphed again that the condition of the country was no bette
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 25 (search)
gress Shaving under difficulties arrival of Sheridan's scouts General Grant was at this time em view to ending the war in the early spring. Sheridan was to move down the valley of Virginia for trant felt no apprehension as to the result of Sheridan's movements, but was anxious to get definite end of the meal the conversation turned upon Sheridan, and all present expressed the hope that we menough to state that they were scouts sent by Sheridan from Columbia on the James River, had passedbout three pages, and gave a vivid account of Sheridan's successful march, and the irreparable damagttle food. The second pair of scouts sent by Sheridan made their way by canal and on foot to the soation for sending supplies and troops to meet Sheridan at White House. The general complimented them around to White House on a steamer to await Sheridan there; but on their arrival they could not re Campbell was only nineteen years of age. Sheridan always addressed him as Boy, and the history [3 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 26 (search)
assable for wagons and artillery, and because Sheridan's cavalry had not yet joined our army in fronis nature. General Grant had sent word to Sheridan, whose troops were now crossing the James, tom. Rawlins, in his enthusiasm, seized both of Sheridan's hands in his own, wrung them vigorously, an destroying all communications as they went. Sheridan looked greatly annoyed at this information, ah him that such a move ought not to be made. Sheridan was told that the general-in-chief was awaitimove independently under other instructions. Sheridan felt convinced, from what was said verbally, of the staff now entered the room, and found Sheridan arguing against the policy of such a move. Wd the contest at once where we were, and that Sheridan was to operate against Lee's right, and be in commander Sheridan only at the last moment. Sheridan was made happy by this conversation, and immemes on the north side of the James River, and Sheridan was invited to join the party from headquarte[11 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 27 (search)
on his last campaign storm bound Grant and Sheridan confer Grant on Warren's front carrying insying that it had been definitely decided that Sheridan was to remain with our army, then in front ofhe general wanted to hear what he had to say. Sheridan then went in, and found Grant and Rawlins stial persons soon after came into the tent, and Sheridan, saying he was cold and wet, stepped out to tfrom that portion of the line to send against Sheridan. The advance was made later in the afternoonided upon, General Grant directed me to go to Sheridan and explain what was taking place on Warren'se, was open to adverse criticism. I found Sheridan a little north of Dinwiddie Courthouse, and g., and gave the general a full description of Sheridan's operations. He took in the situation in annzie's small division of cavalry to report to Sheridan. It was expected that the infantry would rear another was met with, and Grant, Meade, and Sheridan spent a painfully anxious night in hurrying f[20 more...]
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