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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
obligations or patriotism required them. Had I time it would be, indeed, a pleasing duty for me to speak, in connection with the Sixty-third, of such officers as Captains Gleason, Condon, Moore, and Lieut. James R. Brady, and others, whom it would be difficult for me now to mention without having the leisure to speak of them with adequate commendation. Within the last three months two regiments were incorporated in the brigade. Pennsylvania contributed the One Hundred and Sixteenth; Massachusetts contributed the Twenty-eighth. The fact that Col. Heenan, Lieut.-Col. Mulholland and Major Bardwell, of the first named regiment, were badly wounded, speaks filly for the intrepidity and mettle of the men of which it is composed. Where there are such officers there must be staunch men. The Twenty-eighth Massachusetts volunteers was raised for the Irish Brigade, but, owing to some mistake, was kept aloof from it until, by a most fortunate vicissitude of the war, it was restored to us
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
the night, and the next morning we were marched back to our old camp, where the regiment is at present quartered. In closing this report permit me to bring before your attention the names of Captain E. S. Pierce and Captain I. S. Geer, both acting field-officers who ably assisted me upon the march and during the engagement of Saturday, December thirteenth; also Adjutant Geo. W. Remington and all officers and men-each vied with the other in sustaining the reputation of the regiment won at Bull Run, Yorktown, Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Charles City Cross-Road, Groveton, Chantilly, etc. The following is a correct list of the casualties that have occurred: Privates, Wm. Williams, company B, back; Charles Miller, company B, arm; Wm. Osborne, company C, hand; H. S. Briggs, company F, head; Michael Kane, company G, foot; Ira Austin, company I, foot. I have the honor to be, etc., M. B. Houghton, Major Commanding Third Michigan Volunteers. Report of Colonel Morgan.
Point Lookout, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
dried fruit, ten boxes of soda biscuit, six barrels of crackers, nearly one thousand pounds of concentrated milk. The beef stock we had brought up was, I am again happy to say, not needed, there being a bountiful provision among the hospital stores, and fresh beef at command at all times, and in any quantity. As rapidly as the wounded were attended to and put in a condition for safe transportation, they were removed from the field-hospitals to the general hospitals in Washington and Point Lookout. The removal was effected by ambulance or stretcher to the cars, by cars to the landing at Acquia Creek, and thence to Washington by steamboat. The principal battle occurred on the thirteenth December, and on the twenty-fifth the last of the wounded were removed. The floors of both cars and boats were well covered with fresh hay, and in addition to this, the severely wounded had mattresses or bed-sacks. In order to meet whatever demands might arise for the proper sustenance of the
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 27
lleck, General-in-Chief, United States Army, Washington: General: I have the honor to offer the f Uniontown, some two miles southerly from Washington City. We encamped the second day near PiscataTwitchell was not present, being detained in Washington, and arriving here on Tuesday after the batt Washington; Captain N. D. Stoodley, sick in Washington; Captain Luther M. Wright, sick in quarters; field-hospitals to the general hospitals at Washington. The comfort of the wounded and the resulur special relief agent, was despatched from Washington to Acquia Creek to provide suitable accommody part of last week in procuring passes from Washington to the line of operations of the army of them a strict examination. I spent two days in Washington providing myself with the document that, accreek landing is about sixty-five miles below Washington, on the Potomac, and is now the principal de with his division. The idea entertained at Washington had been, that Burnside would force the pass[6 more...]
Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
iding myself with the document that, according to orders, was demanded before transportation to the Rappahannock could be procured, and from the War Office to Gen. Burnside's tent it remained snugly folded in my pocket-book. The boat from Washington to Acquia Creek was crowded with officers and privates, returning to the army from home and convalescent camps. The majority of them had been wounded, and were about to try again the hard fortunes of war. The familiar portico and cupola at Mount Vernon, with an unfamiliar red roof, and the white spot in the trees that is the tomb of Washington, was greeted by the tolling of the steamer's bell, and the battered soldiers returning to the wars hushed their songs and loud conversation, to look upon the old home of the Father of his Country, which now peculiarly summons emotions in the breast of the American citizen that are solemnizing and unutterable. The Acquia Creek landing is about sixty-five miles below Washington, on the Potomac, a
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
Captain H. M. Hoyt's report. headquarters Eighth Connecticut volunteers, Falmouth, Va., December 18, 1862. Adjutant-General J D. Williams: General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of the Eighth regiment Connecticut volunteers during the recent operations against the enemy's position near Fredericksburgh. For a few days previous to the engagement the regiment had been stationed upon the bank of the river opposite the centre of the city, in support of DNew-Hampshire regiment, and rejoined the brigade in the rear of the city, and then re-crossed the bridge and returned to our former camp near the Lacey House. There is no necessity of saying any thing in regard to the conduct of the men, as Connecticut soldiers always do credit to their native State. The following is the list of casualties: wounded, December eleventh, private Robert Rice, Co. C, mortally in abdomen; private Sylvester Godfrey, Co. H, shoulder, slightly ; December thirteent
Stafford Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
smoothly along, breaking through only in lowland places. We had not marched very far before the serene stillness of the morning was broken by the roar of cannon which told us there was work ahead. Just at the break of day we descended from Stafford Heights into the valley of the Rappahannock, which was overhung by a dense fog. We slowly approached the river about two miles below Fredericksburgh City, where the engineers were hard at work in throwing across the stream two pontoon-bridges. Densields on the south bank were swarming with Union soldiers drawn in line of battle. Hooker's and Franklin's grand divisions crossed below the city. The rebels occasionally opened their batteries from the mountain, to which ours replied from Stafford Heights on the other side. The musket-firing between skirmishers at times was very brisk. The day was mostly spent, however, in getting our mien in position and seeking out the strongholds of the enemy. One man of our regiment in the afternoon wa
Wilmington (Delaware, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
gret to mention Captain Allen, Capt. Pierce, and Adjutant Lewis; among the killed was Sergeant-Major E. E. Henthorn, a most gallant and brave soldier. A full statement of our loss has been previously forwarded. My officers and men behaved with the utmost courage and bravery, and deserve the highest reward and esteem of their country. I have the honor to be, etc., Franklin Sawyer, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Eighth Ohio Volunteers. Official report of Colonel Andrews. Wilmington, Delaware, December 27, 1862. Captain Joseph W. Plume, A. A.A. G., French's Division. Captain: I have the honor to report the following, as the part taken by the Third brigade, under my command, in the attack on the enemy's works near Fredericksburgh. On the morning of the twelfth of December at half-past 7, the command, following General Kimball's brigade, and advancing by the left flank, crossed the pontoon-bridge, and formed line of battle in the main street of Fredericksburgh, the men k
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
Burnside's reports. headquarters of the army of the Potomac, Falmouth, December 19. Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, Uniteing Army of the Potomac. headquarters of the army of the Potomac, Falmouth, December 23, 1862. Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief,sota. Lieutenant-Colonel Sawyer's report. in camp near Falmouth, Va., December 16, 1862. Captain E. D. Mason, A. A.A. General, etc.:Hoyt's report. headquarters Eighth Connecticut volunteers, Falmouth, Va., December 18, 1862. Adjutant-General J D. Williams: General:third New-York Volunteers. Cincinnati commercial account. Falmouth, December 17, 1862. There was much difficulty in the early parte where I was advised not to be in the morning, the little town of Falmouth, as it was supposed the rebels would give it their attention in ththe Supplement. M. H. Detroit free press account. near Falmouth, Va., December 19. Since the recent battle at Fredericksburgh I h
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 27
Doc. 25.-battle of Fredericksburgh, Va. General Burnside's reports. headquarters of the army of the Potomac, Falmouth, December 19. Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, United States Army, Washington: General: I have the honor to offer the following reasons for moving the army of the Potomac across the Rappahannock, sooner than was anticipated by the President, Secretary of War, or yourself, and for crossing at a point different from the one indicated to you at our last onor to remain, very respectfully, your Excellency's obedient servant, A. F. Stevens, Colonel Thirteenth Regiment, New-Hampshire Volunteers. list of casualties in Thirteenth regiment New-Hampshire volunteers, at the battle of Fredericksburgh, Va., December thirteenth, 1862. killed--Company D, Private Lorenzo Phillips; Company H, Private James Knights. Total, two. wounded--Company A--Lieut. B. C. Carter, slightly in leg; Private N. W. Gray, thumb shot off. Company B--Corporal Geo.
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