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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Robert Edward Lee or search for Robert Edward Lee in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.39 (search)
er when our sinews of the war were strained to the uttermost through her legislature by a special committee to President Davis, offered to emancipate her slaves by an act of the general assembly if such a measure could hell our cause. Any sacrifice for Anglo-Saxon liberty was the tender of her soul. Her spirit stifled the thought of subjugation. Here was the courage that mounteth with occasion. Hers the knighthood that felt that Hope, howe'er he fly For a time can never die. Robert E. Lee recommended the enlistment of negroes in our armies, and Virginia's governor advised it in his first message after his inauguration the 1st of January, 1864, and sustained his views elaborately, declaring that if the result were to emancipate our slaves, there was not a man that would not put the negro in the army rather than become a slave himself to our hated and vindictive foe. Perish the imputation that Virginia battled not for liberty. Proudly can she exalt herself before all peo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
. T. Davis, W. H. Dean, Leonidas H. Derring, James Dunlop, James R. Folks, Joseph Farley, George W. Farley, Peter F. Farley, Thomas A. Gibson, Jeb Gregory, Thomas B. Grigg, W. E. Guess, Nelson Harrison, R. H. Hobbs, Robert H. Hobbs, Samuel B. Hofman, C. H. Jelks, William A. Jameson, W. A. Johnson, R. H. Jones, R. E. Jordan, Orris F. Kenney, Robert Kevan, William C. Kinsey, Levi A. Kull, Mark E. Lacy, William P. Lee, E. B. Lilly, William E. Lipscomb, Hersey Lufsy, H. Lewis Lyon, Daniel Robertson, J. T. R. Roberts, John P. Ruffin, Theo. B. Sandford, Paul W. Simmons, N. B. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Robert L. Snead, John W. Summerville, J. B. Spottswood, Jos. E. Steel, Alexander Stone, Jordan Stywalt, Hiram Styles, Waverly R. Tally, George A. Talley, Peyton Taliaferro, J. B. Taylor, George A. Tatum, L. Tomlin, C. B. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Chiltun, R. H., 106 Cocke, Philip St. Geo., 106 Colston Raleigh E., 107 Cooke, John R., 107 Cooper, Samuel 107 Corse, M. D., 107 Dearing, James 107 Early. Jubal A.. 108 Echols. John, 108 Ewell, Robert S., 108 Foyd, John B., 108 Garland, Jr., Samuel, 109 Garnett, R. K., 109 Garnett, Robert S., 109 Killing of, 146 Heth. Henry. 109 Hill, Ambrose P., 109 Hunton, Eppa, 110 DeLagnel, Julius, 110 Lee Edwin G., 110 Lee, Fitzhugh, 110 Lee, Geo. W. Custis, 110 Lee, Robert E., 110 Lee, Wm. H. F., 111 Lilley. R. D., 111 Lomax. Lunsford L. 111 Long, Armistead L. 112 Magruder, John B., 112 Mahone, Wm., 112 Maury, Dabney H. 112 McCausland, John, 113 Moore, Patrick T., 113 Munford, Thos. T., 113 Page, Richard L., 113 Paxton, E. F., 113 Payne W H., 114,285 Pegram John 114 Pemberton John C., 114 Pickett, Geo. E., 115 Pendleton Wm. N. 114 Pryor Roger A., 115 Randolph, Geo. W, 115 Reynolds, Alex W., 115 Robertson, Heverley H., 11
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