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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones).

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is believed, Mr. William Humphreys. Dr. Howe, in his History of the Presbyterian Church, says: At what time this school was discontinued is not known, but it was probably about the time when Lord Cornwallis moved his headquarters to Winnsboro, in 1780. Two years after the end of the war, i. e., in 1783, a committee of the Society reported that the temporary school had been broken up by the enemy, but the buildings were safe and in the custody of Colonel Richard Winn. Lands were given by Coloned military ability as well as courage. He was but exhibiting the same talent with which his ancestor, Colonel Bratton of the Revolution, planned and successfully carried out the attack upon the British Captain Houk at the Williamson residence in 1780. Worthy son of heroic sire, it was indeed your fortune, survivors of the Sixth, to have been led by so gallant and able an officer and so pure and true a citizen. The Sixth was next engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. General
d and forty-five wounded—sixty-three. Upon the reorganization of the regiment in the spring of 1862, John Bratton was elected Colonel; James M. Steadman, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Edward C. McLure, M so pure and true a citizen. The Sixth was next engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. General Bratton, in an account published in the Southern Historical Society Papers, which he wroign, in all which this regiment bore its part with its accustomed gallantry. Then your winter of 1862-‘63 at the Blackwater, thereby missing Chancellorsville; then your return to the Army of Northern The Seventeenth regiment. The Seventeenth regiment, which was organized in the early part of 1862 (with the exception of but two companies from Barnwell), was composed entirely of men from York, Sixth. He resigned this command in June, 1861, but he could not keep out of the service, and in 1862 he raised a company in Fairfield, and with Colonel P. H. Nelson, of Kershaw, formed a battalion,
Heroes of the old Camden District, South Carolina, 1776-1861. an Address to the Survivors of Fairfield county, delivered at Winnsboro, S. C., September 1,1888. by Col. Edward McCrady, Jr. It is no disparagement of the rest of the troops of the State, in the late war, to say that the Sixth, Twelfth and Seventeenth Regiments, wis original regiment, organized under the ordinance of that Convention. With Gregg's regiment the company served on Morris' Island during the winter and spring of 1861, and was present at the battle of Fort Sumter. From Fort Sumter it went with Gregg to Virginia as a part of the Veterans from Sumter, and was engaged under him at1,688, including many of the noblest and best in your ranks. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. VIII, p. 547. The Twelfth regiment. In the summer of 1861, the Confederate Government called upon the State of South Carolina for six regiments of volunteers for the war; that is, for the whole war. The regiments which we
s of the Revolution extinct, but refer to the records of the Confederate soldiers from Fairfield, and Kershaw, and York, and Chester, and Lancaster. The moment the State seceded, the people of this section rose at once to her defence, and furnished many of the very best troops which marched under the leaves of the Palmetto. Fairfield volunteers—Gregg's First regiment. In response to the very first call, nay, indeed, before any call, upon the passage of the Ordinance of Secession in January, the Fairfield volunteers under Captain J. B. Davis at once offered their services, and were accepted by Colonel Maxcy Gregg as one of his original regiment, organized under the ordinance of that Convention. With Gregg's regiment the company served on Morris' Island during the winter and spring of 1861, and was present at the battle of Fort Sumter. From Fort Sumter it went with Gregg to Virginia as a part of the Veterans from Sumter, and was engaged under him at the small affair in Virgi
d, but without success. He drew off, however, undisturbed, having lost few of his followers. Undaunted, Sumter was soon again in the saddle. Quitting his retreat on the Catawba, with Davie, J. Erwin Hill, and Lacy he darted on the British line of communication, and on the 6th of August fell on the post at Hanging Rock. Then ensued a bloody battle—the contest grew fierce and the issue doubtful. The infantry of Tarleton's Legion and Bryan's North Carolina Loyalists were forced back, but Brown's regiment held their ground until nearly all the officers and a great proportion of its soldiers had fallen. The British, then falling back, formed a hollow square in the centre of their position. Sumter advanced to strike their last point of resistance, but the ranks of the militia had become disordered and the men scattered from success and the plunder of the British camp, so that only two hundred infantry and a few dragoons could be brought into array. Sumter could not, by all his exe
Robert E. Lee (search for this): chapter 1.1
tinies of the State. The accounts of this affair I have taken from Dr. Johnson's Traditions. Colonel Lee—Light Horse Harry, whose memoirs were edited and re-published by his nephew, our beloved leader, Robert E. Lee—tells us that Houk, who was killed, was notorious for his cruelties and violence. Colonel Lee adds, these breezes of fortune fanned the dying embers of opposition. Virginia and Colonel Lee adds, these breezes of fortune fanned the dying embers of opposition. Virginia and North Carolina were now called upon by Congress to hasten reinforcements to South Carolina. Baron DeKalb was ordered here also, and Gates, to whom Burgoyne had surrendered, was appointed to the commaames under Grant lost a greater number than there were men in the Army of Northern Virginia under Lee; and then the long siege of Petersburg, ending with Appomattox. General Bratton made a report ings of Grant's heart in the first moments of his great triumph, and his magnanimous treatment of Lee, I feel the greatest gratitude, a gratitude which I will not allow to be diminished even by his a
J. E. B. Stuart (search for this): chapter 1.1
igned to the command and did much to perfect its organization. But it was under Lieutenant-Colonel Secrest, who had been a distinguished officer of the Palmetto regiment in Mexico, that the regiment was to make its first fight and win its first laurels. Though the Sixth was not in time to take part in the First Manassas, it was to be the next regiment from this State to be able to style itself veteran. It was engaged in the battle of Dranesville on the 20th December, 1861, under General J. E. B. Stuart, afterwards our great cavalry leader, and this is his report of its conduct: The Sixth South Carolina and the First Kentucky were, I regret to say, too much screened from my view to afford me the privilege of bearing witness by personal observation of individual prowess; but that the Sixth South Carolina under the fearless Secrest did its whole duty, let the list of killed and wounded and her battle-flag bathed in blood, with the staff shivered in the hands of the bearer, be s
n a large body of Loyalists at Mobley's meeting-house in Fairfield district, and defeated and dispersed them. A strong detachment of British troops under Colonel Turnbull was then stationed at Rocky Mount in Chester district, just over the Fairfield line, for the purpose of overawing this portion of the colony. The news of thhed Colonel Tarleton with his Legion and a corps of mounted infantry to pursue him, and to take the road over Rocky Mount Ford, and dispatched orders also to Colonel Turnbull, then stationed at Little river, to interrupt him if he could and bring him to action. But Major Davie, who had been engaged in escorting the wounded at Hanrge him to take care of his corps. Captain Martin reached Sumter at Rocky Mount the following night. Sumter immediately decamped with his prisoners and booty. Turnbull's attempt to intercept him failed by the celerity with which Sumter had moved, but Tarleton came in sight of his camp fires the night before Sumter left Rocky Mo
t lost eighteen killed, wounded and missing. Then came the great campaign of 1864, and in its first battle, the Wilderness, the Twelfth had another gallant colonewounded was Lieutenant Cadwalader Jones, of York. Then followed the winter of 1864-‘65 in the trenches around Petersburg. The engagements on the 25th and 26th Marrt Sumter, and thence it rejoined the Army of Northern Virginia in the spring of 1864 under the command of General W. S. Walker. Stephen Elliot, who had so nobly dd Federal officer in that fair and admirable history of the Virginia campaign of 1864-‘65, published in the Scribner Series, in the estimate of the important servicesnth regiment under his command on that terrible occasion. The Virginia Campaign 1864-‘65.—Humphreys, p. 256. One-half of the regiment was lost at Fort Steadman o wounded by a bayonet. Going to Virginia with Hagood's brigade in the spring of 1864, on the 14th May, preceding the battle at Drury's Bluff, he drove back a line o
Anderson. This was an army of observation of McDowell's force at Fredericksburg, which was intended to cooperate with McClellan by an advance upon Richmond from the north. This plan Jackson frustrated by his victories in the Valley, and in the laor animosity for the true Federal soldier. I can heartily join my Northern friends in their admiration and respect for McClellan and Meade, and Hancock and Humphreys, and many others. There are few men I would go further, personally, to serve thaneld of the war desire his encomiums upon their courage? Need they boast that they were men who had fought and defeated McClellan and Pope, and Burnside and Hooker and Rosencranz; who had driven McClellan to his gunboats and chased Pope to WashingtMcClellan to his gunboats and chased Pope to Washington; who had slaughtered Burnside at Fredericksburg and routed Hooker at Chancellorsville; who had held Fort Sumter against all comers; who had left their dead from Charleston to Gettysburg, from Gettysburg to Chickamauga, and from Chickamauga to Kno
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