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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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d strongly guarding these routes. Our market is well supplied with everything that we wish, and prices as low as could be desired. A Fincastle correspondent recommends that town as a pleasant, safe and healthful retreat to all who, during our difficulties, would make it a home. The society is good, religious advantages ditto, and there are two excellent hotels — all of which we can endorse. The writer furnishes the following news: A large number of the convicts employed by Rosser, and working on the Covington and Ohio Railroad, escaped a few days ago. Two were re-captured on the same road, and at the same time some twelve or more hirelings made off. A party of gentlemen from the vicinity of Fincastle succeeded in capturing six of them, five of whom are in our jail, and the other was shot. I am credibly informed that only a guard of four men had charge of the convicts. They were not manacled, or in any way secured against escape. Thus, by a dereliction of duty in y
Alma Mater (search for this): article 1
y 18: Company A of Cavalry, held a meeting to-day at the Court House, when Captain H. W. Cox tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the company with much reluctance, in view of his superior qualifications as an officer and of the many good traits of character possessed by Capt. Cox. It is understood that Capt. Cox designs entering the Army of the Confederation, and being a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, will no doubt reflect honor on himself and credit on his Alma Mater. He was unanimously elected an honorary member of the company. Lt. Joseph T. Mason was thereupon elected Captain of the company; Lt Geo C. Gregory being promoted to the 1st Lieutenant, Lt. Geo. W Gregory 2d, and Benjamin Hancock 3d Lieutenant.--Mr. J. P. Cox was elected Orderly Sergeant, who is a brother of Capt. H. W. Cox, and was for some time at West Point. A Spotsylvania correspondent sends us the following appropriate notice of the death of Oscar M. Critchfield: The Hon
superior qualifications as an officer and of the many good traits of character possessed by Capt. Cox. It is understood that Capt. Cox designs entering the Army of the Confederation, and being a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, will no doubt reflect honor on himself and credit on his Alma Mater. He was unanimously elected an honorary member of the company. Lt. Joseph T. Mason was thereupon elected Captain of the company; Lt Geo C. Gregory being promoted to the 1st Lieutenant, Lt. Geo. W Gregory 2d, and Benjamin Hancock 3d Lieutenant.--Mr. J. P. Cox was elected Orderly Sergeant, who is a brother of Capt. H. W. Cox, and was for some time at West Point. A Spotsylvania correspondent sends us the following appropriate notice of the death of Oscar M. Critchfield: The Honorable O. M. Critchfield, so favorably known as Speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia for many years, expired suddenly on the 15th inst., at his residence, Green Branch, in the county of S
Jerome A. Pendergrast (search for this): article 1
ds, (rendezvous Abingdon.) He was in a lucrative practice of law, but has given up all for our just and glorious cause, which every true, patriotic man will do now, if he deserves not the name of man. "Who would be a coward now, Let him basely die." M. A letter from our regular Norfolk correspondent, (which arrived somewhat behind time,) says that the British barque Volant and the Swedish brig Tyres, which were stopped by the blockade in Hampton Roads, and afterwards reported by Pendergrast to have sailed for New York, are probably lying at anchor in Lynnhaven Bay; sent there, no doubt, in order to be out of sight of those whom the blockheads expected would be sent to look after them. The letter also alludes to the fact that the troops at Fortress Monroe have taken possession of wells of water in the neighborhood. The writer believes the real object is-- To encroach, little by little, in two different directions, towards Richmond, with a view of possessing themselves
men had charge of the convicts. They were not manacled, or in any way secured against escape. Thus, by a dereliction of duty in your city, we have some 90 or 100 desperadoes turned loose in our county. At this time why not send the convicts on York River to aid in putting up batteries? They would be under a strong guard, and of service to the State. I have just learned that one convict and one slave were brought in and lodged in jail last night. To morrow the Botetourt Dragoons, Capt. Pitzer, leave for Lynchburg. Already Botetourt has nobly done her duty, having now five companies in service. Our old correspondent "Dyke" (who has turned soldier) writes a gratifying account of the war spirit in New Kent county. He says: New Kent has responded nobly to the call for troops. Two companies have already been mustered into service, the New Kent Rifles, under command of Capt. James Richardson, and the Pamunkey Guards, (artillery,) commanded by Capt. Robert T. Ellett.
we have some 90 or 100 desperadoes turned loose in our county. At this time why not send the convicts on York River to aid in putting up batteries? They would be under a strong guard, and of service to the State. I have just learned that one convict and one slave were brought in and lodged in jail last night. To morrow the Botetourt Dragoons, Capt. Pitzer, leave for Lynchburg. Already Botetourt has nobly done her duty, having now five companies in service. Our old correspondent "Dyke" (who has turned soldier) writes a gratifying account of the war spirit in New Kent county. He says: New Kent has responded nobly to the call for troops. Two companies have already been mustered into service, the New Kent Rifles, under command of Capt. James Richardson, and the Pamunkey Guards, (artillery,) commanded by Capt. Robert T. Ellett. The former will compare with any similar corps of the State, both as regards fine looking men, and their proficiency in the manual exercise.
G. A. Scott (search for this): article 1
Affairs in Virginia. A lady in Nelson county requests us to add the names of herself and daughters to the list of those who demand of Gen. Scott the return of the sword presented to him by his native State. The same correspondent informs us that the farmers of Nelson are planting the largest corn crop they ever planted. The wheat promises finely, and there never was a more flattering prospect for good crops in Nelson. The county is fully aroused to her sense of duty, and has formed several fine volunteer companies. The ladies are lending a helping hand, like the patriotic Virginia ladies everywhere. Among the volunteers in Nelson county is a young lawyer who gave up a lucrative practice and handsome property in Kansas, (the latter will probably be confiscated,) and came home to help on the glorious cause of his mother State. The writer adds: I have two sons--one only 15 years old; he is very anxious to join the volunteers, and we will not object if it should become ne
James Richardson (search for this): article 1
soldier) writes a gratifying account of the war spirit in New Kent county. He says: New Kent has responded nobly to the call for troops. Two companies have already been mustered into service, the New Kent Rifles, under command of Capt. James Richardson, and the Pamunkey Guards, (artillery,) commanded by Capt. Robert T. Ellett. The former will compare with any similar corps of the State, both as regards fine looking men, and their proficiency in the manual exercise. These two companies, with two others, are now rendezvoused at West Point, but we have heard there is a probability of Captain Richardson's company being transferred to some other point. We have a splendid corps of Cavalry, to which your correspondent has recently had the honor of attaching himself. It was organized and commissioned soon after the close of the Revolutionary war, and has prospered ever since. Capt. Melville Vaiden, a gentleman of great worth and valor, and who possesses much military skill, has t
H. W. Cox (search for this): article 1
ve the following, under date of May 18: Company A of Cavalry, held a meeting to-day at the Court House, when Captain H. W. Cox tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the company with much reluctance, in view of his superior qualifications as an officer and of the many good traits of character possessed by Capt. Cox. It is understood that Capt. Cox designs entering the Army of the Confederation, and being a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, will no doubt reflect honoCapt. Cox designs entering the Army of the Confederation, and being a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, will no doubt reflect honor on himself and credit on his Alma Mater. He was unanimously elected an honorary member of the company. Lt. Joseph T. Mason was thereupon elected Captain of the company; Lt Geo C. Gregory being promoted to the 1st Lieutenant, Lt. Geo. W Gregory 2d, and Benjamin Hancock 3d Lieutenant.--Mr. J. P. Cox was elected Orderly Sergeant, who is a brother of Capt. H. W. Cox, and was for some time at West Point. A Spotsylvania correspondent sends us the following appropriate notice of the death o
Joseph T. Mason (search for this): article 1
Captain H. W. Cox tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the company with much reluctance, in view of his superior qualifications as an officer and of the many good traits of character possessed by Capt. Cox. It is understood that Capt. Cox designs entering the Army of the Confederation, and being a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, will no doubt reflect honor on himself and credit on his Alma Mater. He was unanimously elected an honorary member of the company. Lt. Joseph T. Mason was thereupon elected Captain of the company; Lt Geo C. Gregory being promoted to the 1st Lieutenant, Lt. Geo. W Gregory 2d, and Benjamin Hancock 3d Lieutenant.--Mr. J. P. Cox was elected Orderly Sergeant, who is a brother of Capt. H. W. Cox, and was for some time at West Point. A Spotsylvania correspondent sends us the following appropriate notice of the death of Oscar M. Critchfield: The Honorable O. M. Critchfield, so favorably known as Speaker of the House of Delegate
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