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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
arch of the Confederates much more difficult. Ewell proceeds toward Williamsport, where he fords te movements of the various Confederate corps. Ewell, having started very early, arrives at the momf, and has marched toward Strasburg. Finally, Ewell at the close of the day has brought both Rodeso conceal this movement, Hill at the front and Ewell in his rear have directed their march toward till will pass on the north of Culpeper, whilst Ewell will march directly on that town through Jameseade to inform him of the situation. At last, Ewell arrives with the head of his column and a partnds, with difficulty withdraws in good order. Ewell, however, who is to move toward Greenwich, notreating columns. In fact, Hill before joining Ewell must go through Culpeper: the three Federal cotwo roads. It is eleven o'clock. The whole of Ewell's corps has crossed this stream. Early, who fose positions on Mine Run are less strong than Ewell's, and are as yet lacking artificial defences.[41 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 6 (search)
fth North Carolina; Pettigrew's strong brigade, recently arrived from North Carolina, and Archer's and Pender's brigades, borrowed from Hill, have been added to it to form a division commanded by General Heth; Hill's division has been placed under General Pender; and Anderson's, taken from Longstreet, with the two preceding ones forms the Third corps, commanded by Hill. The First and Second corps have thus found themselves reduced to three divisions each. Longstreet has kept the first, and Ewell the second. From the 31st of May to the 1st of July the army has gained—1st, Pettigrew's brigade; 2d, Jenkins' and Imboden's; it has lost—1st, Corse's brigade and a regiment of Pettigrew's, left at Hanover Junction; 2d, three regiments of Early's division, left at Winchester. Army of Northern Virginia. Effective force May 31st. Present under arms.Total Present.Absent.Total. General staff and that of the army corps4747148 First corpsAnderson's division.7,4409,1594,51713,676 Mc
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 7 (search)
mmes, 10th, 50th, 51st, 53d Ga. Artillery battalion, Colonel Cabell, 4 batteries. 3d division, Major-general Pickett. 1st brigade, Kemper, 1st, 3d, 7th, 11th, 24th Va. 2d brigade Armistead, 9th, 14th, 38th, 53d, 57th Va. 3d brigade Garnett, 8th, 18th, 19th, 28th, 56th Va. (Brigades of Corse and Jenkins absent.) Artillery battalion, Major Dearing, 4 batteries. Corps artillery, Major Eschelmann, Washington Art., Alexander's Batt., 10 batteries. Second corps. Lieutenant-General Ewell. 1st division, Major-general J. Early. 1st brigade, Smith, 31st, 49th, 52d Va. 2d brigade Hoke (Avery), 6th, 21st, 57th N. C. 3d brigade Hays, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th La. 4th brigade Gordon, 13th, 26th, 31st, 38th, 60th, 61st Ga. Artillery battalion, Lieutenant-colonel Jones, 4 batteries. 2d division, Major-general Ed. Johnson. 1st brigade, Jones, 21st, 25th, 42d, 44th, 50th Va. 2d Walker, 2d, 4th, 5th, 27th, 33d Va. (Stonewall Bri gade). 3d Stewart, 10th
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
alion. Colonel E. P. Alexander. Jordan's Virginia Battery (Bedford Artillery). Moody's Louisiana Battery (Madison Light Artillery). Parker's Virginia Battery. Rhett's South Carolina Battery (Brooks' Artillery). Taylor's Virginia Battery. Woolfolk's Virginia Battery (Ashland Artillery). Washington (La.) Artillery. Major B. F. Sherman. Miller's 3d Company. Norco's 4th Company. Richardson's 2d Company. Squires' 1st Company. Second corps. Lieutenant-General Richard S. Ewell. Early's division. Major-general Jubal A. Early. Hays' brigade. Brig.-gen. Harry T. Hays. 5th Louisiana. 6th Louisiana. 7th Louisiana. 8th Louisiana. 9th Louisiana. Smith's brigade. Brig.-gen. William Smith. Col. John S. Hoffman. 13th Virginia. 31st Virginia. 49th Virginia. 52d Virginia. 58th Virginia. Hoke's brigade. Brig.-gen. R. F. Hoke. Col. Isaac E. Avery (wounded). Col. A. C. Godwin. 6th North Carolina. 21st North Carolina. 54th
The Daily Dispatch: January 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of the General officers in the armies of the Confederate States. (search)
12.Daniel S. Donelson, Tennessee, Coast of South Carolina. 13.David R. Jones South Carolina, Army of Potomac. 14.Jones M. Withers Alabama, Commanding Coast of Alabama. 15.John C. Pemberton, Virginia, Coast of South Carolina. 16.Richard S. Ewell, Virginia, Army of Potomac. 17.John H Winder, Maryland, Richmond. 18.Jubsl A. Early, Virginia, Army of Potomac. 19.Thomas B. Flournoy, Arkansas, died in Arkansas. 20.Samuel Jones, Virginia, Army of Potomac. 21.Arnold Elzeyghman. Class of 1837--Braxton Bragg, Wm. H. T. Walker, John C. Pemberton, Arnold Elzey, Henry H. Sibley, Jubel A. Early. Class of 1838--Wm. J. Hardee, James H, Trapier. Class of 1839--Alex. R. Lawton, John P. McCown. Class of 1840--Richard S. Ewell, Paul O. Habert, Richard B, Garnett. Class of 1841--Robert S. Garnett, Samuel Jones. Class of 1842--Earl Van Dorn, Gustavus W, Smith, Mansfield Lovell, James Long street, Daniel H, Hill, Richard H. Anderson, Lafayette McLaws, Alex. P.