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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 1: (search)
Austrian Periodical for History and Statistics; Wolf, one of the librarians of the Imperial Library; Ferdinand Wolf, learned in Spanish literature, became one of Mr. Ticknor's literary correspondents. and Count Auersperg, a gentleman of an old Austrian family, who has distinguished himself as a poet, and got into trouble lately as a liberal poet. It was such a sort of conversazione in the open air as belongs rather to Italy than to Germany; it was all over before ten o'clock. . . . . June 24.—After a visit to Baron Lerchenfeld, this morning, I passed two or three hours in the Imperial Library, with Wolf, in looking over . . . . the old Spanish books. He is a great amateur in this department, and I found much to interest and occupy me, though almost nothing of value that was quite new. The most curious parts were out of the collection of an old archbishop of the Valencia family, of the house of Cordova. When I had finished this, . . . . I went to see Prince Metternich. I br
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
oyed it very much, and we were all put into a sort of spirit of reverie by it. The gondoliers evidently enjoyed it. . . . . We stopped them at the end of an hour and asked them for some of their national airs. With these, too, they were quite ready, and sang a great many of them, intermingling them occasionally with parts of operas, which the whole of them sang with much spirit. It was a beautiful evening, and we rowed about, over towards the Lido . . till after eleven o'clock. . . . . June 24.—We passed almost a long day in the Doge's Palace, giving it entirely to the pictures there, which seem the more astonishing and admirable the more we see them. At two o'clock we saw the doves fed. . . . Wordsworth was with us in the evening, and we had an excellent dish of talk. . . . . June 26.—We left Venice this morning with less reluctance than we otherwise should have done, if the weather had not of late been so warm that we begin to be impatient to get into the mountains, where
t of June 21, 1863, at Upperville, Va. Boston Evening Journal, June 23, 1863, p. 2, cols. 1, 3; June 24, p. 2, col. 3. — Engagement of Sept. 13, 1863, at Culpeper, Va. Despatches. Boston Evening lle, June 21, and other news of date. Boston Evening Journal, June 23, 1863, p. 2, cols. 1, 3; June 24, p. 2, col. 3. —Movements of the armies; further accounts of engagements at Winchester and Aldie, Upperville, etc. Boston Evening Journal, June 23, 1863, p. 4, cols. 1-6; June 24, p. 2, cols. 1-3, p. 4, cols. 2, 6. —Guesses as to the whereabouts of the rebel army; other news. Boston Eveons. Boston Evening Journal, June 22, 1864, p. 4, col. 7; June 23, p. 2, col. 5, p. 4, col. 5; June 24, p. 4, cols. 1, 2, 5, 6; June 25, p. 2, cols. 1, 2, 4, 5, p. 4, cols. 3, 4; June 27, p. 2, colsf June 21, 1863. Other news of date. Boston Evening Journal, June 23, 1863, p. 2, cols. 1, 3; June 24, p. 2, col. 3. Upton, col. Edwin, 25th Regt. M. V. I. Roanoke Island, N. C., Feb. 8, 18<
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 7: Marylanders in 1862 under Gen. Robert E. Lee. (search)
0-61, and had joined Captain Herbert, his cousin, at Harper's Ferry, early in May, 1861. He was as honest, gallant and high-minded a gentleman as ever lived. The blood that Maryland poured out on that evening of June 6th was as precious and as glorious as any she has ever given in all her history, at Long Island, at Monterey, or in the army of Northern Virginia. At Staunton the regiment was reinforced with a new company under Capt. John H. Barry, which was designated Company G. About June 24th Jackson made a sudden disappearance from the front of Fremont, and reappeared on Lee's left on the Chickahominy. He picked up the First Maryland at Staunton, and moved by train. On the 25th he reached Ashland on the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad, fifteen miles north of Richmond, and at daylight of the 26th moved east toward Lee's left. By three o'clock he got in touch with the enemy's pickets at Pole Green church in Hanover county, and the First Maryland was ordered fo
in support; and next day he wrote, that threatened by an advance of the enemy, via Warwick Court House, he had evacuated Bethel and marched for Yorktown. He learned, afterward, that the enemy had only come out to procure horses and mules and had then returned; and he found his men much fatigued and dispirited by this constant marching and countermarching, made necessary by the weakness of his force, but still that must be done and the enemy kept in his trenches and fortifications. On June 24th, a war steamer came opposite the house of J. W. Gresham, on the Rappahannock river, below Urbana, and sent men ashore to purchase supplies. On being refused, and seeing a small company of Lancaster troops approaching, the enemy fled precipitately to their boats, fired on as they shoved off. The ship then opened and fired fifty-three shot and shell at Mr. Gresham's house, one of the balls striking the bed in which Mrs. Gresham was lying ill, and a shell exploding in an outhouse to which sh
toward Richmond for a conference to which Lee had invited him. By impressing a relay of horses, he reached that city after a 50-mile ride, at 1 p. m., and at 3, Monday, 23d, was in conference with the commanding general in reference to an attack on McClellan's right. On that same Monday, Jackson's men moved forward and on the evening of the 25th reached Ashland, suffering greatly from the intense summer heat of the lowlands, the choking dust of the roads, and the scarcity of water. By June 24th, McClellan had an inkling of the approach of Jackson, and asked Stanton, his secretary of war, what he knew of the whereabouts of this hardto-be-located man. This information was supplied him on the 25th, locating Jackson anywhere from Gordonsville to Luray, or in the mountains of West Virginia, while Banks and Fremont, in the lower valley, were intently watching for an attack by him from up the valley. On this same 25th, McClellan telegraphed to Washington: I am inclined to think that Ja
privates Corlew and Damrell reported to quarters. Private G. W. Parks returns from extended sick furlough and reported for duty. June 16. Donnelly reported to quarters. June 17. Privates Damrell, Frost and Donnelly, and Sergeant Allard reported for duty. Corp'l Shattuck and Private Corlew sent to General Hospital, Washington, D. C. June 18. Millett reported to quarters. June 19. Millett reported for duty. June 20. Privates John Knowland, John Millett, Frank A. Chase, John W. Bailey reported to quarters. June 21. Privates Knowland, Millett, Chase and Bailey reported for duty. Corp'l William H. Starkweather and Private Asa Richardson reported to quarters. June 22. Private Waldo Pierce reported to quarters. Corp'l Starkweather reported for duty. June 23. Private Waldo Pierce reported for duty. June 24. Started for Maryland Heights with Battery at 5 o'clock P. M. Camp equipage ordered to (be)? abandoned by order of Col. A. B. Jewett, comanding Brigade.
Chapter 5: June 24 to July 31, 1863. March to Maryland Heights join French's command march to Frederick Guarding the Monocacy bridge at Frederick Junction Rumblings of Gettysburg hanging of a spy we join the Third Corps of the Army of the Potomac march to South Mountain Williamsport escape of Lee Chagrin of the Army Antietam battlefield through pleasant Valley into Loudon Valley four men prisoners Wapping Heights Warrenton camp at Sulphur Springs. After leaving Poolsville we marched until 10 o'clock P. M., when, having travelled about six miles, we halted for the night, going into park on a little knoll near the roadside. This spot will be remembered by comrades of the Company for the sickening stench, filling the night air, from some animal carcasses rotting near by. We unharnessed and stretched the picket-rope across the caissons, a plan usually adopted in temporary camps. To this the horses were hitched, between caissons, soon to be fed and groome
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: (search)
der Fitz John Porter, was well and strongly posted behind Beaver Dam creek, north of the Chickahominy, with a grand guard at Mechanicsville in front, and outposts still beyond, guarding the crossing. General Lee's determination was to attack this right and separated wing with three of his divisions, calling Jackson's corps to co-operate. Jackson's march, from his victorious campaign in the valley, was so directed that he was expected to be at Ashland, 15 miles north of Richmond, on the 24th of June. From Ashland a march of 15 miles, toward Cold Harbor, would place his corps on the right flank and rear of the Federal position at Beaver Dam, while A. P. Hill, D. H. Hill and Longstreet, with their divisions, crossing the river at Mechanicsville, should carry that place and the strong position at Beaver Dam. The morning of the 26th (Thursday) was fixed by Lee for this concerted movement against McClellan's right wing. But Jackson did not reach Ashland until the night of the 25th,
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 18: (search)
iddle of the day the division (Field's) made a sort of spontaneous charge, as Bratton put it, in which my skirmish line participated, and recovered the line. Next morning, relieved by Pickett, Bratton moved to the Petersburg line beyond the Appomattox, taking position on the right of where the mine was sprung later. Here for several days, during the first assaults of Grant's army, under incessant fire night and day, Bratton's men had their severest tour of duty in all the four years. On June 24th they were relieved by Elliott's South Carolinians, and took other positions on the line until transferred north of the James. Hagood's brigade served with distinction in the Petersburg battles of June 16th to 18th, repelling all assaults. Reaching Petersburg from the Drewry's bluff line on the night of the 15th, the brigade pushed out at the City Point road where the Confederates were being driven from the outer intrenchments. Under a fierce shelling on the 16th and 17th, many were ki
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