Washington Items.
The Explosion at the Arsenal was not owing to any fault on the part of the officers.
So said the coroner's jury.
F. A. Fuller has been appointed collector of customs for the district of Newbern, North Carolina.
Fight with smugglers.
The Commissioner of Customs has received intelligence of armed resistance to the execution of the laws against smuggling, at Buffalo, New York.
The collector of that city states that an attempt was made to seize two boats engaged in smuggling, which attempt was resisted by force of arms, some of the smugglers being armed with muskets.
Two men were arrested, but on their way to the prison the officers were attacked by a mob and the prisoners rescued.
The customs officers secured the boats and their cargoes, together with one of the muskets, which was heavily loaded.
Subsequently, while seizing a boat loaded with whisky, the officers were attacked by a party of six armed men: one of them fired, but no