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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 78 (search)
different times, so as to use the same force in turn against Rosecrans and Grant, his cherished military maxim, not to risk two great decisive battles at the same time, was not applicable—and at the same time warning him of the other and more truthful military maxim, councils never fight. To these persuasive arguments, accompanied with the assurance of the constantly growing complaint and dissatisfaction, not only in Washington, but throughout the country, Rosecrans yielded, and on the 24th of June, commenced a series of movements with the view of creating the impression of a main advance on our center and left, in the direction of Shelbyville, whilst he would strike the decisive blow by a rapid march, in force, upon our right, and after defeating or turning it, to move on Tullahoma, and thereby seize upon our base and line of communication from that point. In furtherance of that design he moved upon and took possession of Liberty and Hoover's Gaps, which gave to him a commanding
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
stream, was attended with considerable difficulty and some danger, and encamping a short distance beyond. Our regiment lost 2,370 rounds of ammunition by the fording. On Sunday, 21st, we were put in motion at 4 P. M., and marched rapidly across the river, back to the top of the Gap, and formed into line of battle to repel a threatened attack from cavalry. In this position we remained with the other regiments of the brigade until 3 P. M. of the 22d, when we returned to our camp. On the 24th of June we took up the line of march from Berry's Ford, passing through Berryville and encamping for the night at Summit Point, on the Harpers Ferry and Winchester railroad. Early the next day we were upon the march, passing through Smithfield and Martinsburg, and encamping one mile beyond the latter place. On the 26th we moved on the Williamsport road, fording the Potomac in a rain at that point, passing through Williamsport, Maryland, and encamping for the night a short distance beyond. At d
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Wee Nee volunteers of Williamsburg District, South Carolina, in the First (Hagood's) regiment. (search)
om a point in front of the bridge across New Town creek, in a southwesterly direction to meet the pickets in front of Secessionville. The enemy's pickets and ours in sight on some portions of the line. They tried to open communications with our pickets, but were not encouraged. Later in the war a much better understanding was established between pickets, but on James Island we never exchanged as many civilities as our army in Virginia and the Federal pickets are said to have done. June 24th.—Relieved by the Twenty-second South Carolina volunteers. June 25h.—All quiet along the lines to-day. Not a gun fired. The works at the cross-roads, commenced some time ago, approaching completion. June 26th.—Something, which was not communicated to the troops at the front, induced General Pemberton to expect an attack upon our entrenchments. Accordingly, the battalion was roused at 3 o'clock this morning and remained in line on the color-front till after daylight. June 27th.—
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Monument to General Robert E. Lee. (search)
refused to adopt an ordinance of secession by a vote of 35 to 39, assembled again on the 6th of May and passed that ordinance by a vote of 69 to 1. In North Carolina, which had refused in February to call a convention, one was called immediately upon the appearance of the proclamation, which met on the 20th of May and passed an ordinance of secession the following day. In Tennessee, which had refused to call a convention in February, the people ratified an ordinance of secession on the 24th of June by a vote of 104,019 to 47,238, as announced by the Governor. In the Virginia convention, which had refused to adopt an ordinance of secession on the 4th of April, 1861, by a vote of 89 to 45, and which as late as the 11th of April had refused to adopt a conditional declaration in favor of secession, on the 17th of April an ordinance of secession was adopted by a vote of 88 to 55, and the majority vote was afterwards increased to 91. The change in the feeling of the people of Kentucky
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.5 (search)
ould soon reach the Staunton bridge, then guarded by a company of Confederate infantry under command of Captain Farinholt, who was sending out couriers to invoke the aid of all men capable of bearing arms. Colonel Flournoy went at once to the county town and sent out couriers with orders signed by General Lee, for all men and boys and Confederate soldiers on furlough to repair at once to the defence of this important point. Prompt response was made by all whom the summons reached, and by June 24th near five hundred men, armed with shot-guns and pea rifles were on the spot. A Motley array. Some were aged men, too old for field service, some were boys, too young, and a few were Confederate veterans on furlough because of wounds or sickness. Of this last class were Colonel Flournoy and Colonel Eaton Coleman. Colonel Flournoy got together a small party of horsemen and pushed forward to reconnoitre the enemy and report his progress. Colonel Coleman assumed the command of the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
Secretary of War Sep., ‘62, to rank from June 26, ‘62, to report to Medical-Director Kinloch. Passed Board at Charleston June 6, ‘62. Sept. 30, ‘63, 47th Georgia Regiment. McLane, John Thomas, Assistant Surgeon. Sept. 30, ‘63, 47th Georgia Regiment, Oct. 29, ‘63, relieved with 47th Georgia and ordered to report to S. H. Stout. Mangum, J. B., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War, Aug. 31, ‘63, to rank June 26, ‘63, to report to Medical-Director. Passed Board at Charleston June 24, ‘63. Oct. 19, ‘63, reported to Surgeon Forrest's Cavalry. April 30, ‘63, 3rd Arkansas. Mann, Chas., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank Nov. 28, ‘62, ordered to report to General Bragg, Nov. 15, ‘63, 5th Ky. Regiment. Passed Board at Oxford, Miss. Nov. 1, ‘62. Nov. 30, ‘63, to April 30, ‘64, 5th Ky. Regiment. Maney, H. J., contract made by General Roddy, Nov. 1, ‘63, at $100. Appointed by Surgeon-General, Nov. 30, ‘63, 4th Alabama Cavalry. Ma
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
hed, having lost 100 killed, 500 wounded, and 100 missing. Early was hot upon his heels, McCausland leading with his cavalry. The night of the 19th Ramseur drove his rear guard through Liberty, twenty-five miles away. On the 21st McCausland, always enterprising, struck him again at Hanging Rock in Roanoke country, capturing some guns and prisoners, and Hunter passed on through Craig county to West Virginia. The northern historian, Pond, says in his account of this campaign: The night of June 24th—having passed Sweet Springs—the column reached White Sulphur Springs, and there had delicious water and a good rest. Had Hunter advanced from Staunton June 8th to Lynchburg, through the mountain gaps north of the James, it is hard to tell how he could have been foiled. Had he marched as fast as Early, or been bold enough to assail after he arrived, all the chances of the war were in his favor. Had he either marched by the right flank from Lynchburg and joined Grant at Petersburg, or ret
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.60 (search)
break off the pursuit, and we slowly returned to the Caledonia Iron Works. Having passed the buildings we were again fired upon from ambush. This section of Pennsylvania seems to be full of bushwhackers. At Greenwood we met our rear-guard, in charge of the captured horses, and required the citizens to feed men and animals. During the night we marched by way of Funkstown to Greencastle. Twice we came very close to strong cavalry detachments of the enemy, but escaped their attention. June 24th.—We rejoined the regiment at Chambersburg. June 25th.—Captain Moorman reporting sick, I took command of the company, and was ordered to Shippensburg. We camped several miles beyond this place, in the direction of Carlisle. We had several encounters with the enemy. June 27th.—The entire brigade moved on to Carlisle, and after some skirmishing with Pennsylvania militia on horse we passed the obstructions and fortifications, and occupied the city at 10 o'clock. About 3 o'clock General<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), War Diary of Capt. Robert Emory Park, Twelfth Alabama Regiment. January 28th, 1863January 27th, 1864. (search)
E. Church in Hagerstown. At tea met Miss Rose Shafer, and found her to be a brave Belle Boyd in her words and acts. June 22. Took up line of march to Pennsylvania. Passed through Hagerstown in columns of companies. Crossed Pennsylvania line near Middleburg, and camped at Greencastle. June 23. Quiet in camp. Lieut. J. W. Wright's resignation accepted, and Sergeant G. W. Wright elected in his stead. I appointed Tom Clower first sergeant, and Corporal Bob Stafford a sergeant. June 24. Marched towards Harrisburg, and passed through Marion and Chambersburg. We see many women and children, but few men. General Lee has issued orders prohibiting all misconduct or lawlessness, and urging utmost forbearance and kindness to all. June 25. Breakfasted with a citizen, who refused all pay, though I assured him Confederate money would soon take place of greenbacks. June 26. Marched through Greenvillage and Shippensburg. Rained all day. Had a nice bed of wheat straw at nig
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Battle and campaign of Gettysburg. (search)
me effort which might be made to promote the sucof a campaign: you shall have full permission to capture Milroy and all his stores which we very much need at this time. June 19th. Received orders to take command of the valley and repair to Staunton. On reaching that place the 22nd, on horseback, I found that all the forces in the valley had moved, or were under orders for Maryland. I continued down the valley to overtake General Lee and report to him, which I did the afternoon of the 24th June, near Berryville. As soon as the courtesies of meeting had passed, he said: You are tired and hungry, if you will step down to the mess you may find some remains of a fine mutton which kind friends have sent us, and after eating come up and we will talk (General Lee had dined, but finished before his staff, as was his custom). On returning I found him alone by his tent, and said: Well, General, you have taken away all my troops what am I to do? He kindly replied, Yes; we had no time
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