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The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1863., [Electronic resource], From Tennessee — the evacuation of Knoxville. (search)
the telegraph operator having left there two or three days ago. The people from London county, below Knoxville, are bringing their negroes and chattels with them to Bristol, on the Virginia line. Burnside's force is reported to be 30,000, though the report is thought to be exaggerated. He was in London county, about twenty-nine miles from the city on Monday, but was not advancing rapidly, and had not sent forward troops to occupy it in force, for fear, it is supposed, of an attack by Buckner, whose locality he is unable to ascertain. At Chattanooga, on the 29th, all was quiet. The poorer people had moved out and camped in the woods to escape the shells of the enemy. The Rebel, of the 28th, says: On Thursday morning, about 9 o'clock, the enemy opened briskly on Chattanooga. Our batteries replied slowly and at long intervals, preferring not to waste ammunition. The firing was rapid from the other side until 2 o'clock. Many houses and a few luckless persons were struck.
From Tennessee. --Passengers, who arrived in Lynchburg Friday from the West, report that Knoxville was occupied on Tuesday by 900 of the enemy, mounted — mostly East Tennesseeans. They commenced at once arresting prominent Secessionists, and it was reported that some had been hung. Three locomotives were captured. Buckner had previously fallen back to London, on the Tennessee, and Gen. Jackson's forces are at Bristol. The Yankees are said to be in strong force at Jacksboro', 40 miles from Knoxville.
dications of an early engagement; but a slight cause may bring it on, however at any moment. Our artillery at Driver's Ferry opened on the enemy at 6 o'clock this morning, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the position of the enemy's batteries. They responded promptly, and for half an hour a lively artillery duel was kept up without injury to our side. The discipline and health of the army are very fine. The troops are in the best spirits. Nothing heard from Gen. Buckner's command. The weather is clear and warm. [another Dispatch.] Atlanta, Sept. 5. --A special dispatch to the Confederacy says that Col. Morrison, of the 1st Georgia cavalry, repulsed the enemy at Diamond Gap, on the night of the 3d inst. Our loss was two wounded. The enemy's loss is not known. The brigade fell back south of the Tennessee river. The enemy shelled London on the 2d instant, and killed two women. The bridge was burnt to prevent the enemy's crossing.
on September 1st, writes: The news brought by the train from Kast Tennessee, last night, is to the effect that a large Federal force has appeared at Blythe's a Ferry, on the north side of the Tennessee opposite the month of the Hiwassee. Gen. Buckner on yesterday evacuated London and felt back with his whole force to Charleston, where the railroad crosses the Hiwassee, some eighteen mile distant from its month. The Yankee force is reported to be some 20,000 strong, and one report — not bet they got three operatives, but this is doubtful. It is said that the force of the enemy operating in that region is not Burnside's command, but bushwhackers and sharpshooters under Carter, composed of Union men of East Tennessee, and that Buckner with his command was absent from Knoxville, which being known to these gentry they took advantage of the situation to make a descent. upon that place. Burnside, it is said in afraid to enter the country, feasting that retreat will be cut off.
for the lion's audacity! The men of the Army of Tennessee wish him to fall into no securer trap than this! Opinions are divided as to whether he will form a junction with Burnside in East Tennessee, or leave the latter to fight it out with Buckner, while he endeavors to move in the direction of Dalton. An eminent general officer of this army believes that he is moving his whole force to effect a junction with Buckner; that Crittenden's headquarters are now at Dunlop, at the foot of the mBuckner; that Crittenden's headquarters are now at Dunlop, at the foot of the mountain; that he has left large garrisons at Bridgeport, Stevenson, and Murfreesboro', and has 45,000 left with which to reinforce Burnside. If the view and information of this officer be correct, he is then compelled to fight a desperate battle; for if he fails his whole army will fall an easy prey to Bragg, whose communications with the rear will be left undisturbed, while those of Rosecrans will extend over two difficult mountain ridges, sparsely settled, badly watered, and easy of ambush.
Skirmishing in the West--capture of prisoners. Atlanta, Sept. 14. --Advices from General Bushrod Johnson and General Forrest represent skirmishing with the enemy near Dalton, Friday evening.--General Forrest was slightly wounded, but is still in the saddle. The Yankee advance was at Tunnel Hill Friday night. Our forces are concentrating to meet them. It is reported that Gen. Wheeler had a skirmish near Lafayette Friday.--The enemy being too strong, Wheeler fell back Saturday. Buckner took three hundred prisoners at McLemore's Gap. A general engagement is thought to be imminent. A collision occurred on the Western and Atlanta Railroad Sunday, near Altona. About thirty were killed and wounded, principally soldiers. [third Dispatch.] Charleston, Sept. 15. --The weather here is variable, and the equinoctial gales are daily expected. The enemy is building a telegraph line from Tybee Island and Fort Pulaski along the Carolina coast to Cummings's Point. Our
The Daily Dispatch: September 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], White Recruits Flogged by Provost Marshals. (search)
idgeport, and on our right centre, opposite and above Chattanooga, while Burnside's army threatened our forces under General Buckner, in the vicinity of Knoxville. To resist the combined forces of the enemy the abandonment of our line in East Tennessee towards Knoxville was determined upon, in order to concentrate Buckner's forces with Bragg's. In the meantime the enemy, crossed the river at Bridgeport, and attempted a flank movement on our left by Wills's Valley, towards Rome, threatenWe are credibly informed that a fight took place on Saturday near McLemore's Cove, 14 miles West of Ringgold, between Gen. Buckner's troops and Crittenden's division. The report states that we captured 300 prisoners and several pieces of artillery. Rosecrans will fall back to Chattanooga, before which Bragg may force battle. Three hundred prisoners, captured by Buckner, are expected here to-day en route for Atlanta. Information from an officer from Cumberland Gap says the Gap was ev
ga the enemy retired to Lafayette and massed a force at that place, taking possession of the gaps of Pigeon Mountain directly in front of General Thomas's column. The rebel force had been made formidable by new additions from Johnston, Hindman, Buckner, and Maury. Deserters report the enemy now superior in numbers to the army they had at the battle of Murfreesboro'. Among the divisions are Cheatham's, Deyes's, Claiborne's, Buckner's Stuart's, Hindman's, Slaughter's, and detached brigades of JBuckner's Stuart's, Hindman's, Slaughter's, and detached brigades of Jackson and Anderson — in all thirty-five brigades of infantry, not less than sixty-five thousand men. Thus formidable in numbers and position, Rosecrans was compelled to concentrate his forces, necessarily much scattered in crossing the Lookout Mountains. The lines of the opposing armies may now be represented as a crescent, shaped by the Pigeon Mountains, which extend like the are of a circle around Lafayette. The rebels hold the interior and we the exterior lines. The two forces are w
that the battle would be renewed this morning. The army was in fine spirits and confident of success. They are determined to respond as heroes should to the eloquent call of Gen. Bragg. On Saturday morning Rosecrans's forces occupied the line of Pea Vine creek, the only water in the vicinity. To drive him from this position was the object, but the heavy artillery firing kept up during the forenoon delayed the execution of the assault. At 1 o'clock P. M. Gen. Polk's corps and Gen. Buckner's command, from our left, made a junction with Gen. D. H. Hill's corps, forming the centre, and advanced to the assault. Our men made the charge through the heaviest artillery and infantry fire ever known, and carried the heights around the creek, driving the enemy from all positions. The ground was literally strewn with dead Yankees. We drove the enemy two miles to the road leading to Chattanooga, which runs parallel with Pea Vine creek, along which Rosecrans brings his supplies.
he left north of Ringgold. Gen. Bragg's right was in the vicinity of Ringgold, under Longstreet. Gen. Hill commanded the centre, and Gen. Polk the left. Gen. Buckner's corps also formed part of the left. Gen. Bragg determined to bring on a general engagement, and this determination was announced to the army in a generamost enthusiastic degree, and, we are informed, endured the fatigue necessary in the most cheerful manner. On Saturday morning the left, under Gens. Polk and Buckner, attacked the enemy's right and drove them back some four miles, when evening came on and the pursuit was stopped. At the same time Gen. Walker's division made af Andrew J. Donelson, was killed, and Capt. St. Clair Morgan, of Nashville. We are informed that Avery's battalion of cavalry was captured by the enemy. Buckner's division was engaged in the fiercest of the fight on Saturday. Brigadier Gen. Preston's command of Virginians, of this division, lost heavily. Gen. Preston wa
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