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From Georgia. Atlanta, July 25. --The enemy made an attempt last night to break our lines, but was repulsed by Cheatham after a conflict of one hour. During the day quiet prevailed around the city, the only demonstration being occasional picket firing. At midday to-day the Yankees opened with shell again upon the city, shelling it one hour with some vigor. No notice of his intention to shell the city was given to enable the women and children to be removed to places of safety. His barbarous violations of the usages of civilized warfare only enabled him to murder a few non-combatants. Most of the shells come from 20 pounder parrot guns in position on the line of the Western Atlanta railroad, with occasional missiles from another gun east of the city. The gallant operations of Wednesday and Friday seem to have impressed the Yankees with a wholesome desire to strengthen their flanks, which they are now doing.--Their display of rocket signals has been brilliant, ind
nothing of interest transpiring in front of Petersburg yesterday. A little shelling from battery No. 5, the "bungs" striking near the planing mill, in Blanford, and doing no injury, has been the only occurrence worthy of note in the last forty-eight hours. The Situation in Georgia. The position of affairs near Atlanta remains unchanged. Skirmishing has been progressing daily, and it was in one of these a few days since that we lost Brig. Gen. Stevens, of Walker's division. Gen. Cheatham has taken command of Gen. Hood's corps. The recent cavalry raid was undertaken for the purpose of destroying the railroad between Atlanta and West Point, and which runs from West Point to Augusta. They struck it on Friday last at Conyer's depot, about 31 miles from Atlanta, and again at Covington, the station below. The whole force numbered about three brigades. The fact that they have been driven from the road by our cavalry has already been announced. Early's late victory.
ed prisoners, burned a considerable amount of camp equipage, and galled their antagonists at every step. Contemporaneous with the superb movement of Hardee, Cheatham, with Hood's old corps, advanced from the entrenchments they had previously occupied, drove the Yankee skirmishers from their front, and then with a yell commenc enemy whose presence stains our soil. In practical results, few battles of the war have a better showing. Hardee captured from sixteen to twenty guns, and Cheatham's corps eight or ten, besides battle-flags and regimental colors. In prisoners we cannot have less than from twenty-five hundred to three thousand, among whom aparent object of forcing our lines, and to gain a certain advantage of position which would make their operations much more effective. They were repulsed by General Cheatham's corps. The enemy suffered disastrously during the hour that they fought against the impenetrable lines held by that veteran general and his invincible sol
ficial dispatches were received yesterday at the War Department, communication with Atlanta having been re-established. The fight on the Lick Skillet road, mentioned by General Hood in his first dispatch, took place on Thursday last, and this was the first intimation we had of the occurrence. As no allusion is made to it in the second dispatch, dated four days later, the inference is that we still hold our own. Indeed, the correspondent of the Associated Press says that the enemy attacked Cheatham on Friday, and were easily repulsed, with considerable loss. Our troops carried two lines of the enemy's entrenchments, but afterwards fell back to their original position. Altogether, the situation before Atlanta is quite as favorable as could be expected. Atlanta, July 28, 1864. Hon. James A. Seddon: The enemy commenced extending his right about 8 o'clock this morning. Lieutenant Generals Stewart and Lee were directed to hold the Lick Skillet road for the day with portions
ulse of the enemy-capture of General Stoneman and a Portion of his commanding wounding of Generals Loring and Stewart. July 30. --A train from the break in the road is just in, with Generals Stewart and Loring aboard. Our loss in the battle of Thursday is estimated at fifteen hundred killed and wounded. There has been a most furious shelling of Allants during the last two days. A lady on the train was killed by a shell at Atlanta this morning. The enemy attacked Cheatham this morning early, and were easily repulsed with considerable loss; our loss, none. About fifty raiders are known to have been captured in the neighborhood of Lovejoy's to-day. The rumor that twelve or fifteen hundred had been taken it not well authenticated. The railroad is not much injured, and will be running through to-morrow.--The telegraph is being replaced and will be working to-morrow. Generals Strabl, Brown and Walthall were only slightly wounded, and all are in the fi
ry as fruitful in resources as he is audacious in execution, and hence the Yankee commander has anticipated the necessity of acting hereafter as much on the defensive as on the aggressive. The pride and recklessness with which he has thus far advanced have been measurably checked by the rough handling he has unexpectedly received, and we may look for an exercise by him of a degree of tenderness and caution that has marked his career from Dalton. The contest in front of the corps of General Cheatham was not less desperate than that of Hardee. The enemy were here in position. They had not only their own complete breastworks, with powerful abattis, but those built by our troops; and when pressed held their ground and delivered their fire with a steadiness that could not have been withstood but for the co- operation of our flanking column.--Here, also, occurred hand-to-hand encounters, in which men were bayonetted, knocked down with clubbed guns and otherwise killed at arm's length,
little room to doubt that, by this time, General Hood's army is in Tennessee. The latest Northern accounts report it at Gunter's landing, on the Tennessee river, about to cross. It left Gadaden, Alabama, on Saturday, the 22d, and started on the road for the plant, thirty miles distant, at which the Yankees announce its arrival. On Friday, the Cooss river was crossed. The transportation quickly followed, and at noon the pontoon was taken up and also hurried forward after the troops. General Cheatham was quite unwell when he mounted to follow his corps; "but," said he, we are going home now, and I'll strap myself to my saddle before they shall leave me behind." General Beauregard is with General Hood. Every general officer is at his post and the spirit and morale of the men unbounded. The army received thirty thousand additional blankets before it started. From Missouri. Notwithstanding the blazing telegrams of the Yankee press about the defeat of Price, it is extremely d
w the feint on Decatur was managed. It says: "We have at last struck the Tennessee river, and if present indications do not fail, will cross the river in a day or two at Florence, three miles from this place. "The army moved from Gadsden, to which place it came after the Dalton trip on the 22d instant, and crossing Sand mountain, reached Decatur on the night of the 26th instant. Our skirmish lines were drawn around this place, and the works invested by them only. Stewart's and Cheatham's corps occupied the different roads leading from the town and went into bivouac. Decatur was supposed to be garrisoned by two thousand five hundred or three thousand troops, in very strong works, of which I had good ocular proof, visiting the skirmish lines quite frequently. "It was not General Hood's intention to invest the place with the view of taking it; for it would have cost a heavy sacrifice of life, especially as the enemy was reinforcing, and had his gunboats in the river to
d wounded have been transferred to Nashville. Columbia is a small town of some six thousand inhabitants, about forty miles from Nashville, on the Decatur line. It is a strong position, admirably situated for defence. About four days ago. Cheatham's corps marched on the Gainesboro' road towards Mount Pleasant, so as to command the flank of Thomas's position. Hood has crossed the whole of his army over the Tennessee, moving towards Laurenceburg and within cooperating distance of Cheatham.Cheatham. This, of course, compels a counter movement on our part; and, as I have said, it is likely that our army will occupy Columbia, and there await Hood's movements. As Hood knows too well that Thomas has a very large army, he will scarcely risk a battle on such disadvantageous terms. Hood may be impressed with the belief that Thomas's army is chiefly composed of new troops, and therefore not as much to be feared as veterans. In this he will find himself mistaken should he try the experiment. I
ned; but, by good management, they were all brought through safely. A telegram, dated Nashville, the 4th instant, which is the latest the Yankees have, says nothing occurred on that day. The Confederates were throwing up breastworks in half a mile of the Yankee works. The same dispatch has the following about the Confederate losses: Prisoners, brought in to-day, say that Brigadier-Generals Gist, Strabl, Granberry and Brown, of the rebel army, were killed at Franklin, and that General Cheatham lost every brigadier in his corps. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Commercial, from Nashville, says Murfreesboro', Bridgeport and Chattanooga are safe.--Nashville and the surrounding country for miles have been converted into huge forts. "The destruction of rebel property to facilitate the defence of the city has been immense. Almost all the rich property holders hereabouts are rebel sympathizers. The advance of the rebel army has necessitated the destruction of property." Ther
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