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Your search returned 417 results in 230 document sections:
From Charleston. Charleston, Oct. 15.
--Firing from our batteries continues as usual.
The enemy makes no reply, but continues working.
An additional number of transports is reported in Folly Inlet.
[Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 15.
--Two French war vessels arrived off the bar to-day, and signified a desire to communicate with the French Consul, who will probably visit them to-morrow morning.
Capt. Hennley and crew of seven men, in a small boat, were drowned in makes no reply, but continues working.
An additional number of transports is reported in Folly Inlet.
[Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 15.
--Two French war vessels arrived off the bar to-day, and signified a desire to communicate with the French Consul, who will probably visit them to-morrow morning.
Capt. Hennley and crew of seven men, in a small boat, were drowned in the harbor this morning.
Firing from our batteries continues slowly.
No response from the enemy.
Movements of the President. Atlanta, Oct. 15.
--The President returned here last night from the army, and remained here to-day.
It is understood there will be changes made in the Army of Tennessee.
The President leaves to-night by special train for Mississippi.
The lines are working only to Dalton to-day.
The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Exodus of women and children from Norfolk . (search)
Exodus of women and children from Norfolk.
--The Federal Brig. General Barnes, who commands at Norfolk, has issued the following order:
Headq'rs military commandant,Norfolk, Oct. 9th, 1863.
Circular.--At the request of numerous persons in Norfolk the Government will dispatch a flag of truce boat to Suffolk for the conveyance of such ladies as may wish to go outside the Federal lines, on Thursday, the 15th of October, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Personal baggage not exceeding 100 pounds for each person will be allowed to be taken, which will be subject to the usual jurisdiction.
The boat will not go beyond Suffolk and no transportation beyond that point can be furnished by the Government.
The means for proceeding beyond that point will therefore necessarily have to be furnished by the persons themselves who may take this opportunity of leaving the city.
All persons desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity will notify these headquarters by Wednesday noon
Gen. Posey.
--Brig.-Gen. Carnot Posey, who died at Charlottesville, Va., commanded a regiment in Ewell's division at the battle of Cross Keys, at which he was wounded in the breast and right arm. He was promoted to a Brigadier General and commanded a brigade in Ewell's corps.
On the 15th of October, in a skirmish with the enemy near Bristol, he was wounded in the left leg just above the knee, from the effects of which he died on the 13th inst. His remains were interred in the University burying-ground.
From the United States.
The Yankee papers are rather uninteresting just now. Dates as late as the 26th contain nothing of importance.
A Washington telegram of the 25th says that Sheridan has pursued Early one hundred miles from Harper's Ferry, and "has advanced so far from his base of operations that communication is hazardous."
An order has been issued expelling from Norfolk all persons over sixteen years of age who do not take the oath by the 15th of October next.
The following are the latest gold quotation:
On Saturday the excitement was intensified, and the market was in a state of panic all day. The opening sales were at 212, from which there was a rapid decline to 201½ then, a momentary dip still lower, and a sale in one instance at 200.
An immediate rally took place, and the price at half-past 3 had reached 206½; but shortly before five o'clock it had dropped again to 202½@263.
Later in the evening, at the up-town exchange, it sold as low as 199½ and
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1864., [Electronic resource], The War news. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1864., [Electronic resource], The art and science of War. (search)