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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for 1872 AD or search for 1872 AD in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Weston, Edward 1850- (search)
Weston, Edward 1850- Electrician; born in England, May 9, 1850; came to the United States in 1870, and became chemist in the American Nickel-plating Company; studied dynamo-electric machinery in 1872; and invented the first copper-coated carbons in 1873. Two years later he settled in Newark, N. J., where he established the Weston Dynamo-Electric Machine Company in 1877, and four years later merged it with the United States Electric Lighting Company, of which he was electrician until 1888. He has made many improvements in electric lighting and other electrical devices. In 1888 he was made president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Whitney, Anne 1821- (search)
Whitney, Anne 1821- Sculptor; born in Watertown, Mass., in September, 1821; received a private school education; wrote a number of poems which were collected in one volume; studied art in Europe for four years; and established herself in Boston in 1872. Among her works are statues of Samuel Adams, Lief Erikson, etc., and busts of Ethiopia, Roma, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Williams, Catherine R. 1787-1872 (search)
Williams, Catherine R. 1787-1872 Author; born in Providence, R. I., presumably in 1787; married Mr. Williams in 1818. Her publications include Old Fort Frederick at Pemmaquid. Tales, National and Revolutionary; Fall River, an authentic narrative; Biography of Revolutionary heroes; Neutral French, or the exiles of Nova Scotia; Annals of the aristocracy of Rhode Island, etc. She died in Providence, R. I., Oct. 11, 1872.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Williams, George Henry 1823- (search)
Williams, George Henry 1823- Jurist; born in New Lebanon, Columbia co., N. Y.. March 23, 1823; admitted to the bar in 1844; removed to Iowa, where he was judge of the 1st Iowa District in 1847-52; chief-justice of Oregon Territory in 1853-57; member of the Oregon constitutional convention in 1858; United States Senator in 1865-71; member of the joint high commission in 1871 for the adjustment of the differences growing out of the Alabama claims, which resulted in the treaty of Washington; Attorney-General of the United States in 1872-75; nominated chief-justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1873 by General Grant, but the nomination was not confirmed by the Senate; and has since practised law in Washington.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilson, Henry 1812- (search)
s—to give them civil rights and make them voters—to put them on an equality with the rest of the people—to every one of that series of thirty or forty measures the Democratic party gave their President unqualified and united opposition. Well, now, we have been accustomed to say that they were mistaken, misinformed, that they were honest—that they believed what they did; but, gentlemen, if they have believed what they have said, that they have acted according to their convictions from 1832 to 1872—a period of forty years—can they be honest, to-day, in indorsing the Cincinnati platform—in supporting Horace Greeley? Why, we have read of sudden and miraculous conversions. We read of St. Paul's conversion, of the light that shone around him, but I ask you, in the history of the human family, have you ever known 3,000,000 men—3,000,000 great sinners for forty years—3,000,000 men, all convicted, all converted, and all changed in the twinkling of an eye? Why, gentlemen, if it
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Woodford, Stewart Lyndon 1835- (search)
Woodford, Stewart Lyndon 1835- Diplomatist; born in New York City, Sept. 3, 1835; graduated at Columbia College in 1854; studied law and began practice in New York in 1857; was assistant United States district attorney for the southern Stewart Lyndon Woodford. district of New York in 1861-62; served in the National army in 1862-65, and received the brevet of brigadier-general of volunteers; was lieutenant-governor of New York in 1865-68; Presidential elector and chairman of the electoral college in 1872; member of Congress in 1873-75; and United States attorney for the southern district of New York in 1877-83. He was a member of the commission that drafted the charter for the Greater New York in 1896. In 1897 he was appointed minister to Spain, and served in that office till April, 1898, when war was declared by the United States and he returned home.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wright, Carroll Davidson 1840- (search)
Wright, Carroll Davidson 1840- Statistician; born in Dunbarton, N. H., July 25, 1840; received an academic education; member of the Massachusetts Senate in 1872-73; chief of the bureau of statistics of labor for Massachusetts in 1873-88; became United States commissioner of labor in 1885; and Professor of Statistics and Social Economics in the School of Comparative Jurisprudence and Diplomacy of Columbian University in 1900. He is the author of The factory system of the United States (United States census report for 1880, vol. II.) ; The relation of political Economy to the labor question; History of wages and prices in Massachusetts, 1752-1883; The industrial evolution of the United States; History and growth of the United States census, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Yale University, (search)
new charter was given, it was applied to the whole institution. Its laws were printed in Latin in 1748, and this was the first book printed in New Haven. The government of the college was administered by the rector, or president, and ten fellows, all of whom were clergymen, until 1792, when the governor and lieutenant-governor of the State and six senior assistants of the council were made fellows ex-officio, making the corporation consist of eighteen members besides the president. In 1871-72 the legislature of Connecticut passed a law providing for the substitution of six graduates of the college for the six councillors, to be selected by the alumni. In 1887 the college became a university. The university has a scientific school (Sheffield), museum of natural history, picture-gallery, extensive mineral and geological cabinets, and a library containing over 258,000 volumes, exclusive of pamphlets. In Yale University particular at- Osborn Hall, Yale University. tention is give
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Yellowstone Park. (search)
Yellowstone Park. In 1872 Congress passed an act for setting apart a large tract of the public domain, about 40 miles square, lying near the head-waters of the Yellowstone River, on the northeastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, for a public park. Its present extent is about 5,500 square miles. It is dedicated to the pleasure and enjoyment of the people of the United States.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Yonkers, (search)
Yonkers, A city in Westchester county, N. Y.; on the Hudson and Bronx rivers; adjoining the northern part of New York City. It is a charming residential place and has important manufactures. The place received its name in 1788; was incorporated as a village in 1855 and as a city in 1872; and is the seat of the The Falls of the Yellowstone. Philipse Manor, erected in 1752, and now the city hall; Greystone, the suburban residence of Samuel J. Tilden; the Hebrew home for the aged and infirm; and the Leake and Watts orphan home. Population in 1900, 47,931.
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