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n Jones' Lake, July 13, 1863. Captain John W. Hinsdale, A. A. G.: Captain: I have the honor to submit to the Lieutenant-General commanding, the following report of the part taken by this division in the attack made upon Helena on the fourth instant: I left Jacksonport, in obedience to his orders, on the twenty-second day of June, with this division and Marmaduke's division of cavalry. My march was greatly impeded by the extraordinary rains, which, beginning on the evening of the twenty-fourth June, and falling almost without intermission for four days, made the rivers, bayous, and creeks, over which my route lay, and the bottoms and swamps through which it ran, almost impassable to troops, unprovided, as mine were, with the means of repairing roads and constructing bridges or rafts. I was, however, enabled by the skill and energy of my officers, and by the willing endurance and laborious industry of my men, to surmount these unlooked — for obstacles, and to reach, on the mornin
July 8th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 47
r killed and eight wounded--one mortally, two seriously, and five slightly. For particulars I refer you to Dr. Dunn, surgeon of my regiment. The officers and men of my regiment and battery deserve great credit for gallantry and courage displayed on that day. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, arch. S. Dobbins, Colonel, commanding Regiment Cavalry. Report of Colonel Newton. headquarters Newton's regiment Arkansas cavalry, camp at Gist's, Phillips county, Arkansas, July 8, 1863. Captain J. C. Alexander, A. A. G. Walker's Division, &c., in the Field: Captain: I have the honor, in obedience to your instructions of to-day, to submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the attack on Helena on the fourth instant: I reached Mrs. Moonley's and halted there about twelve o'clock P. M., on the third instant. About an hour before day on the morning of the fourth, in obedience to an order from the Brigadier-General commanding, I resumed the march
July 7th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 47
ould see the force which engaged Walker's brigade, and at no time did it exceed five hundred; I think three hundred a big estimate. Walker's brigade not only did not prevent reinforcements from going to Fort Reiter, but the enemy, after sunrise, actually passed to my left, and half a mile to my rear, and held that position during the day. Very respectfully, J. Marmaduke, Brigadier-General, commanding. Report of General Walker. Headquarters in the field, camp near Lick Creek, July 7, 1863. Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the conduct of my cavalry brigade, in the battle before Helena, on the fourth instant: In obedience to General Orders No. 2, I moved my command towards Helena, on Sterling's road. Arriving at the blockade before daylight I dismounted and sent forward three companies, attempting to capture the enemy's pickets in that direction. At daylight, I sent forward three more companies dismounted, and commenced the work for removing
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