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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel John Bowie Magruder. (search)
Col. J. B. Magruder, 57th Virginia regiment, Commanding, White Marsh Road. Thereupon the colonel commanding issued congratulatory orders to his troops. General Longstreet ordered his troops to withdraw from the siege of Suffolk on the night of the 4th of May, and Colonel Magruder's regiment marched from thence to Richmond, where it remained about a week; thence it moved to encamp within two miles of Hanover Junction, where preparations were made for the advance into Pennsylvania. On June 24th, Pickett's division crossed the Potomac at Williamsport and bivouacked on the Maryland shore. It entered Chambersburg on the 27th of June, marched directly through the town, and encamped on the York road about four miles out. The division was detained here three or four days, destroying railroad depots, workshops and public machinery. On the morning of the 2d day of July, 1863, at 2 o'clock, it took up the march to Gettysburg, marching 23 miles, and within three miles of that place, befo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate States Navy and a brief history of what became of it. [from the Richmond, Va. Times December 30, 1900.] (search)
ee guns, formerly the Sphinx. Purchased in Denmark in 1865 and name changed to Stonewall. She was acquired too late to be of service and was turned over to the Spanish authorities at Havana after the war ended. Sumter—Cruiser, formerly the merchant steamer Habana. Bought at New Orleans in 1861 and mounted with five guns. Her machinery gave out and she was sold at Charleston in 1862 by the Confederate authorities. Tacony—Merchant bark, captured by the Clarence June 12, 1863. Burned June 24th and crew transferred to the Archer. Tallahassee—Cruiser, formerly the blockade runner Atlanta. Bought at Wilmington and mounted two guns. Name afterwards changed to Olivetree. Reconverted into a blockade runner, the Chameleon, and taken to England. Talmico—Side-wheel, two guns. Accidentally sunk at Savannah in 1863. Teaser—Wooden tug, two guns, bought at Richmond in 1861, and captured by the Federals in James river in 1862. Tennessee—Iron-clad, six guns. Built at Mobi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Thomas R. R. Cobb. (search)
going on from both sides. Eight men in the 8th Georgia Regiment were sitting around playing cards when a shell fell in their midst, killing four and wounding three others. Generally shells do little harm. Several bursted over me this afternoon as I returned from Stuart's headquarters, but did not even frighten my horse. June 21.—Wright has been made Brigadier-General. Hal Billups becomes Lieutenant-Colonel of the 3rd Georgia. Wright deserves the promotion and I am glad he got it. June 24.—Affairs are drawing to a crisis here. A general battle cannot be postponed long. There is no doubt that Stonewall Jackson's army is near Richmond to join us in the attack. (The seven days fight occurred at this time.) July 3.—I got hold of a Yankee candle and camp candle-stick today, and though I am very tired, I don't know when I will get another chance to write. The battle is about over. The enemy has retreated in good order. Their loss is very heavy. Their army is whipped, b<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
urse, be restricted much as to reasonable sums of money. General Parsons, of Missouri, with a good command, is now encamped a few miles west of Helena, and could co-operate with the boats on the river in the bloodless capture of Helena. Awaiting your earliest advices, and begging to urge your prompt action, I beg to subscribe. President Davis on the back of this letter wrote: Confidential letter of Governor Pettus. The record shows nothing farther of the proposed transaction until June 24, when a dispatch from Governor Pettus was sent to Mr. Davis. This dispatch shows that Mr. Mallory, the Secretary of the Navy, had not approved of the plan, and that Mr. Davis had forwarded a copy of it to Governor Pettus. To this letter Governor Pettus replied: To the President. The plan submitted to you in my letter 7th of May, is embarrassed and may fail by reasons of instructions given by Secretary of the Navy. No allusion made to Helena. In these instructions, if possible
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
town. At tea met Miss Rose Shafer, and found her to be a brave Belle Boyd in her words and acts. She is a true blue Southerner. June 22. Took up line of march to Pennsylvania, and passed through Hagerstown in columns of companies. Crossed Pennsylvania line near Middleburg and camped at Greencastle. June 23. Lieut. J. W. Wright's resignation was accepted, and Sergt. G. W. Wright was elected in his stead. I appointed T. H. Clower, First Sergt., and Corp. Bob Stafford a Sergeant. June 24. Marched to Harrisburg and passed through Marion and Chambersburg. We see many women and children, but few men. General Lee has issued orders prohibiting all misconduct or lawlessness, and urging the utmost forbearance and kindness to all. His address and admonition is in contrast with the conduct of the Northern Generals, who have invaded the South with their soldiers. But it is in accord with true civilization. We cannot afford to make war upon women and children and defenseless men.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate dead buried in the Vicksburg Cemetery. (search)
June 9—John D. Robertson, interred at Mrs. Roach's residence. June 10—Lieut. J. Casto, Company A, 47th Ohio. June 14—Wm. Teracy, Company G, 4th (West) Virginia, a prisoner. June 14—Lieut. Lace, 17th Louisiana. June 15—Lieut. Sam Bates, Company I, 22d Iowa. June 17—Col. Garrott, interred by his friends. June 19—C. B. Hooper, Company K, 99th Illinois. June 20—Lieut. J. H. Langston, Company B, 5th Regiment, Mississippi S. T. June 22—R. Kenell, Botetourt Artillery. June 24—Lieut. Col. McLaurin, (officers' lot). June 26—J. J. Banks, Partisan Rangers. June 27—Major (Brigadier.) Gen. Green, of Missouri. Buried on Geo. Marshall lot. June 27—Prisoner, unknown. June 27—Lieut. Col. Griffin, of 31st Louisiana. June 28—Five soldiers from Washington Hotel. June 30—G. R. Moreley, Botetourt Artillery. June 30—Sergt. E. Jones, Company D, 38th Mississippi. July 2—Lieut. J. Kelsey, Company A, 61st Tennessee. July 3—
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Stuart's cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
next morning. He listened to what I told him, wrote a dispatch, sent off a courier to General Lee. * * * * The information was that Hooker's army was still resting in the camps where it had been for a week. And again, on pages 169 and 170, June 24th: Stuart was anxiously waiting to hear what Hooker was doing. He must then have received General Lee's order of 5 P. M., of the 23rd. * * * I told him that Hooker was quiet, waiting on Lee. After hearing my report, Stuart wrote a letter to General Lee—the most of it at my dictation—giving him the information I had brought. The information obtained by Col. Mosby on the 23rd and communicated to General Stuart on the morning of June 24th, after he had received the second letter from General Lee, dated June 23rd, giving him permision to cross the Potomac east of the Blue Ridge, provided he could do so without hindrance, no doubt influenced him to cross at Seneca instead of Shepherdstown, for Hooker's army had then made no
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
rch towards the Susquehanna, General Stuart himself says in his report that he was directed to proceed with all dispatch to join the right of the army in Pennsylvania. In his zeal to justify General Stuart, Colonel Mosby has misread and so mis-stated the records. Such carelessness in a crucial point like this is inexcusable. Here, let it be noted that, in order to interpret correctly the meaning and intent of General Lee's communications to General Stuart in those critical days, June 22-24, it is essential to place before the mind's eye the situation of the two armies at the time. General Stuart in his report says: I submitted to the Commanding General the plan of leaving a brigade or so in my present front, and passing through Hopewell or some other gap in the Bull Run Mountains, attain the enemy's rear, passing between his main body and Washington, and cross into Maryland, joining our army north of the Potomac. The Commanding General wrote me authorizing this move if I d
s for the Russell district, four months, at $30. The care of the outside schools was assigned to Messrs. Adams and Hawkins for the trustees. At a special meeting held June 20, 1833, it was voted that teachers of the public schools be requested to parade their scholars on the day of the reception of the President of the United States, under the direction of the chief marshal, and agreeably to the request of the committee of arrangements, and that the schools have a vacation during that day—June 24. The petition of John Tufts and others praying for a removal of the schoolhouse in Milk Row was referred to Messrs. Willard, Frothingham, and (later) Hawkins. This seems to be the first move on record looking to the establishment of the Prospect Hill school on Medford street. Voted that teachers receive no scholar into school after twenty minutes past the hour for commencing school. The only reference to teachers within the peninsula this year was November 8, 1833, when James Swan wa
Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908, Company E, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, in the Civil War.—(Iii.) (search)
I am on picket all day; still pleasant. Two of my detail were hit: Barden of Company A, in the head, and killed; Corporal Fitts, of Company H, in the foot. I was relieved at 10 p. m., and went back to my regiment. I had just reached it when heavy firing was directed right upon us. June 23. A fine day, but warm. T. P. Harris, of my company, was hit in the head and killed at 8 a. m. There were rumors of a move to-day to some other part of the line, but we remained here all night. June 24. Just before daylight we moved to the left, the enemy shelling us all the while. We were sent up to the first line to relieve a part of the Second Corps, and stayed there all day. The time of the Twelfth Massachusetts expires and they leave for home to-day. To-night, as on the previous nights, hall of our men are kept awake, that we may not be taken by surprise. This state of things continued night after night. June 25. We turned out at daylight. The recruits and reenlisted men of
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