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ines going beyond diplomatic action. The insurgents defeated the Russians at Sielan Palatinate of Plock. The Emperor has returned to Paris. The Bourse is firmer, and closed on the 5th at 68th for Rentes, an advance of over three quarters per cent. It is officially announced that the Emperor of Austria, in an autograph letter, dated July 31st, has invited all the Sovereigns of the Germanic Confederation and Sineros of free cities to personally meet in assembly and discuss the question of reorganization of the German Confederation suitable to the requirements of the age. The Emperor proposed Frankfort as the place and 16th August as the date. The German question was discussed at the late meeting of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia. The London Globe contradicts the idea that the conscription in the Northern States of America is a menace to England, and says the relations existing between England and the United States are of the most friendly nature.
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Affairs in Mississippi--the negro Retaliation Question. (search)
Affairs in Mississippi--the negro Retaliation Question. A letter in the Atlanta (Ga.) Appeal dated at Morion, Miss., August 16th, gives the following interesting account of the recent successful fight made by Col. Logan near Port Hudson. The writer says: It was chiefly an artillery and cavalry action, lasting about two hours, between eight hundred men on each side, commanded respectively by Colonel Logan and General Andrews. Logan, it is true, dismounted some of his men, but a cavalryman dismounted is still a cavalryman. If the enemy were not surprised, Logan charged on them with such impetuosity as to give the affair all the character of a surprise to the blue coats. The hottest of the action occurred in the immediate vicinity of that literary institution, Centenary College, whose classic walls bear the marks of grape, shrapnel, and Minnie balls. Around this building the enemy rallied, and it is said the negroes in arms with the enemy fought for awhile with spirit, co
From Georgia. Atlanta, August 16. --The party of the enemy's cavalry that passed through Decatur last evening, after reaching Cobb's Mills, returned at night. It is supposed to be only a reconnaissance. Another party, which moved simultaneously from Owl Creek Church, struck the Atlanta and West Point railroad at Fairburn, burned the depot and fore up the track in several places. They then withdrew three miles and went into camp. The force is variously estimated at from two to five thousand. The track has since been repaired, but trains are not allowed to run in consequence of the proximity of the enemy. Unusual quietude prevailed yesterday and to-day along the lines. The enemy's artillery is remarkably quick, which is generally attributed to a scarcity of ammunition, caused by the interruption of his communications. But few shells were thrown into the city last night. One set fire to a frame house in Peachtree street. Loss small. [Second Dispatch
Northern papers of the 18th have been received. They contain advices from Grant's army to the 16th, inclusive: The movements on the North side. The following press dispatches give some details of the enemy's recent movements on the north side of the James: Washington, August 16.--On Saturday last, General hancock's corps was put in motion on the James river, and by a circuitous route, reached the north side of the river at Deep Bottem, near Dutch Gap, on Saturday night. Turner's and Tany's divisions, of the Tenth corps, also crossed over to Deep Bottom on the same night. Foster's division, which has been for some time posted at Deep Bottom, was advanced by General Birney a little after sunrise on Sunday, pushing the rebel line of skirmishers before them for some considerable distance, when the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts regiment, Colonel Osbovne, charged and broke the rebel line and captured seventy prisoners. In the meantime, Gregg's cavalry had cle
The Daily Dispatch: August 24, 1864., [Electronic resource], The late campaign on the North side of the James. (search)
a heavy line of battle, but were held in cheek. Our Toss to-day was one man: private E. N. Mahoney, wounded in the arm. Several others were struck but not disabled, among whom was Corporal S--. His "suspender." was cut in two by a shell. After dark our right section returned to the "heights," we having been reinforced by the remaining companies of our battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel R. A. Hardaway commanding. August 15th."All quiet to-day save occasional picket skirmishing. August 16th.--The enemy charged on our left, in front of Wright's brigade, and for a time held possession of our works; but they were finally driven out with great slaughter, the poor deluded black being the chief sufferer. In our front the fighting amounted to nothing more than very heavy skirmishing and an extremely unpleasant shelling from land batteries, gunboats, &c. At one time during the day it became necessary to move one of our guns some distance "by hand" and in the very teeth of the enemy
ed their escape from the enemy, arrived in Richmond on Wednesday evening: R. T. Rogers, E. P. McCulloch, A. S. Mitchell and A. Moore, of Virginia; E. A. Acres, of Mississippi, and William Edens, of Louisiana. Rogers, McCulloch and Mitchell belonged to the navy, and were captured on board the steamer Bombshell, tender of the ram Albemarle, at the time that vessel engaged nine of the enemy's gunboats in Albemarle sound, on the 5th of May. The other three belonged to the army, and were captured about the same time. They made their escape on the Northern Central railroad, in Pennsylvania, August 16th, while on the way from Point Lookout to Elmira, New York. In company with two others, they cut through the car in which they were confined, leaped through the aperture and got away without injury After ten days of adventure and numerous hairbreadth escapes, their feet once more pressed the soil of Dixie. Their two companions have not yet arrived in Richmond, but are believed to be safe.
vements known to military men. But Sherman does not want Atlanta unless he can also receive Hood's whole army within his lines as prisoners of war. * * * * * * * A few more days must be passed just as the past few days have been spent, and the rebels in our front will be rebels only in name. * * * * * * * The Defences of Mobile. The Northern press have advices from their fleet in Mobile bay to the 21st ultimo. A communication, dated "Blockading Squadron, Mobile Bay, August 16, " says: Naval reconnaissances towards Mobile found formidable, but not insurmountable, obstructions. Besides batteries, rams and sunken vessels, there are very strong casemates, mounting ten guns. In all the spaces between batteries and vessels, and on both shores, piles are driven, the tops of which are sawed off just below the surface of the water, and have heavy iron bolts in them, sharpened at the upper end, so as to tear off the bottom of a boat passing over them. Men ar
ponsibilities, when they must be cowards in their own esteem if they fear to speak on great issues, and, doing so, must be assailed by suspicious and ignorant partisans — such a man as Henry J. Raymond is a treasure which the friends of Union and honorable peace cannot too highly prize. And in this allusion I refer to the narrow misconstruction placed in some cases upon the article under the title of "The Road to Lasting Peace," which appeared in the Washington Morning Chronicle of the 16th of August, and the Philadelphia Press of the 17th of the same month. What everybody thinks about, it would be folly to refuse to speak about. North and South, the humblest and the highest are discussing the problem of the easiest road to peace. All desire it, and, when I wrote the article which appeared in the Chronicle and the Press, above referred to, I did no more than to print something of what the loyal mind was thinking at that very moment. It is so easy to misunderstand a public man who