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that they were driven off in confusion, losing six pieces of artillery and a number of prisoners. Matters at the front to-day are quieter than usual. No artillery that can be seen has yet been placed in position by the rebels. A dispatch from Louisville, dated the 6th instant, says: A special dispatch to the Journal, dated Nashville, December 6; says the rebels lost at Franklin ten general officers, among whom were Generals Goran and Quarles, not previously reported. General Cheatham escaped capture only by the fleetness of his horse. The Louisville Journal learns that General Cooper's brigade of white and a brigade of colored troops, the latter of which garrisoned Johnsonville prior to its evacuation, both of which were cut off from the main army when General Schofield retreated from Franklin, have arrived at Clarksville. The Nashville train arrived here on time this evening. Passengers who left Nashville this morning at six o'clock report that all was
which says: All stories about disaster on the Cumberland river are wholly untrue. The river is entirely clear and unobstructed to Clarksville, to which point our transports run without any convoy. From Clarksville to Nashville no transports are convoyed by gunboats. Around Nashville, skirmishing goes on daily. A brigade of Confederates was seen to move off in the direction of Murfreesboro'; but whether to attack the place or forage was not known. Hood's right is commanded by Cheatham; centre by Lee; and the left by Stewart. On the side of the Yankees. Wood commands the Fourth corps, and Crouch the Twenty-third corps. The water on the shoals of the Cumberland river on Friday was only forty-four inches deep, and still falling. A later telegram, from Nashville on the 9th, says: The weather is very cold. A heavy storm of snow and hail has prevailed all day. The rebel line in our front appears intact. There are no indications of an attack or of their running away
We have received the Washington Chronicle of Sunday. The Siege of Nashville — the heavyLosses of the Yankees at Franklin. There is very little change in the position of affairs at Nashville. The weather was bad and the ground too slippery to move about much on the 10th. The Confederates were plainly visible standing about their camp-fires. A telegram of the 10th says: The rebel General Cheatham, whose headquarters were at the residence of Mrs. A. V. Brown, was shelled out from there yesterday by our batteries. The house is reported destroyed. On Sunday last, a small party of Confederates, about fifty in number, succeeded in crossing the Cumberland river, on this side of the shoals, and three of the number were captured and brought in yesterday. They claim that the whole party deserted the rebel lines, and were making their way home. One prisoner was captured yesterday and four deserters came in. The latter report Hood as being about to make a movement of
The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1864., [Electronic resource], Confederate account of the battle of Franklin. (search)
he flanked them out of their position. They then fell back to their fortifications on the edge of the town, where they formed a strong line of battle. Immediate dispositions were made to assault their works, which was done in front, chiefly by Cheatham's corps, with spirit and vigor, the various commanders leading their columns, the bands playing and the men huzzahing. "Stewart's corps was on the right, and Cheatham, aided by some of Lee's corps, formed the centre and left. The remainderCheatham, aided by some of Lee's corps, formed the centre and left. The remainder of Lee's corps had been detached to create a diversion. Forrest's cavalry defended our right and left flanks. The enemy opened a very severe and destructive fire upon our assaulting line, and it was in this charge the heavy loss of general officers occurred. The irresistible bravery of our men carried everything before them. The lines were occupied by our troops, several of our generals — among them the heroic Cleburne —— being shot on the breastworks. This attack was made at 5 o'clock P. <
Hood had. A large force has been put to work to repair the Decatur railroad, and trains will soon follow the army. A gentleman who conversed with General Cheatham a few days before the battle around this city, gives the following information, gathered from that officer in conversation: The rebels lost six generals at A. Quarles had his arm shattered, General John C. Brown was wounded in the thigh, and five other generals were wounded, whose names are not recollected. General Cheatham's corps bore the brunt of the fight, as the provost marshal's roll of prisoners shows, and lost three thousand men; Stewart and Lee's corps lost two thousand, making the grand total of the rebel loss five thousand, by the acknowledgment of one of their leading generals. General Cheatham stated that Hood's force, when he reached Nashville, was thirty-five thousand strong. We have no doubt that this statement is correct. Rebel officers at the penitentiary say that Hood had no exp
se papers indicate that he will soon cross the Savannah river and march up the Charleston and Savannah railroad towards. Branch river and Charleston. We believe this will be the route taken by him, and shall not be surprised to learn at any moment that he is on the march. From General Hood. There are, as yet, no official dispatches from General Hood. Persons who left Huntsville on the 21st ultimo report that when Hood was on the eve of withdrawing from the neighborhood of Nashville, he was attacked by the enemy, who missed on his centre and broke through Cheatham's and Bate's divisions. That on Tuesday, the 20th of December, there was another battle, in which the enemy were whipped, and lost an entire brigade. That about the same time Forrest captured a brigade of cavalry and six hundred wagons. The same authority reports the population of North Alabama and Middle Tennessee as thoroughly aroused — every man and boy capable of bearing arms hurrying to join Hood's army.
The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1865., [Electronic resource], The battle of Franklin--an Authentic Description. (search)
ything throwing light on it is valuable: "Columbia, Tennessee, was first threatened by Lee's corps. Subsequently, Cheatham's corps arrived. On Sunday evening, November 27 the enemy commenced to evacuate, and on Monday morning our pickets enteble to cross the river at once; but meanwhile Lee made a feint as if he intended to do so, and, under cover of his fire, Cheatham's and Stewart's corps moved to a point seven miles below, and passed the river there. Without halting the commands lastition and moved on. The next morning (Wednesday) our troops were early on the march. Forrest leading, Stewart next, and Cheatham following — Lee was still in the rear, but coming up. The enemy were closely pushed, retreated rapidly, and left evidenctewart and Forrest made a detour to the right, and by 5 o'clock had struck the enemy a stunning blow on his left frank. Cheatham now moved up, and joining his right as near as practicable to Stewart's left, the battle was joined and waged with fierc
quite as much surprised at the issue of the contest as our own commander. Six days thereafter our army was only forty miles from the battle-field, and without molestation withdrew to the south of the Tennessee river, bringing with it, among other supplies, one thousand beef cattle and ten thousand hogs. "The retreat was marked by no precipitancy, the abandonment of no trains, nor the desertion of any troops. At Columbia the Tennessee soldiers flocked about their favorite leader, General Cheatham, and, though reluctant to leave their native State, expressed the noble and heroic determination to follow him wherever the good of the cause demanded. The spirit of the people, as evinced both upon the advance and withdrawal of our army, is mentioned as in the highest degree patriotic. They were liberal to the troops, as they have always been, and exultant at the prospect of redemption from the blighting tyranny of Lincoln and Andy Johnson. Tyrannized over as they have been, they ar
Forrest's indomitable energy. --Maney's division, formerly Cheatham's, was sent to Forrest, we are told, to replace Bate's division at Murfreesboro'. When Hood fell back from Nashville, the troops at Murfreesboro' were in great danger of being cut off; but Forrest, with that indomitable energy which is characteristic of the man, passed everything ridable within his reach, and brought off safely his own and Maney's commands, and joined Hood's army at Columbia. The majority of Maney's men were riding behind Forrest's bold troopers — some rode mules and many oxen. It was said to have been a most ludicrous cavalcade as it marched through Columbia. Nobody else save Forrest could have saved the men in that expeditious style.
on, reached New York city on Tuesday night, in charge of an officer of General Sheridan's army, and applied for a room at the Astor House; failing to obtain which, he sought an interview with United States Detective Colonel Bakes, but was unsuccessful in obtaining one, and was at once removed to Fort Warren. His refusal to take the oath of allegiance is understood to be the cause of his imprisonment. The Cincinnati Gazette's Nashville correspondent says that two corps of Hood's army — Cheatham's and Lee's — had been sent to South-Carolina. Eighty-seven Confederate cavalrymen, charged with being guerrillas, passed through Boston on Tuesday for Fort Warren. They were handcuffed in couples. Admiral Goldsborough is at Washington perfecting the organization of the Yankee fleet for European waters. It will be composed of some of the largest and finest frigates, which the recent naval successes have released from blockade duty, and possibly an iron-clad (one of the large cla
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