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The Daily Dispatch: February 12, 1864., [Electronic resource], Expulsion of citizens from "Subjugated" towns. (search)
ew trial, and sentenced him to two months confinement in the city jail, and to pay said fine and the costs. Woodson, Henry, and Albert, slaves, charged with breaking into the store of John O'Niel and stealing five kegs of lard, were tried; whereupon the Court discharged Woodson and sentenced Henry and Albert each to receive nine and thirty lashes to be well laid on at the public whipping post. In the case of William T. Vickers, charged with assaulting John C. Taliaferro on the 20th December last and attempting to shoot him with a pistol, the accused was tried by a jury, found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of five hundred dollars, and a capias ordered to be issued for said fine and costs. The Attorney for the Commonwealth, with the advice and direction of the Court, entered a nolle prosequi in the case of Thos. Collier and Mike Walsh alias George W. Nelson, indicted for grand larceny. The charge against Robert Clarke, of stealing $300 in Confederate notes and
ted with the public defence. [The bill declares all free negroes between eighteen and fifty liable to labor, etc., with the army, and provides for the impressment of 40,000 slaves east of the Mississippi river, and 10,000 west of it, to labor on fortifications, etc.: Providing, that the quota of a State shall not exceed one in five, and that when a man has but one slave between eighteen and forty-five that one shall not be impressed.] Mr. Orr's joint resolution to adjourn from the 20th of December to the 10th of January next was rejected. House bill to punish certain frauds on the Government, including larceny, was passed. On motion, Mr. Sparrow, the Senate resolved into secret session. [General Joseph E. Johnston, late of the Army of Tennessee, occupied a seat in the Senate to- day.] House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer at the usual hour by Rev. Dr. Jeter. The House resumed the consideration of the bill to provide for the seque
e papers indicate that he will soon cross the Savannah river and march up the Charleston and Savannah railroad towards. Branch river and Charleston. We believe this will be the route taken by him, and shall not be surprised to learn at any moment that he is on the march. From General Hood. There are, as yet, no official dispatches from General Hood. Persons who left Huntsville on the 21st ultimo report that when Hood was on the eve of withdrawing from the neighborhood of Nashville, he was attacked by the enemy, who missed on his centre and broke through Cheatham's and Bate's divisions. That on Tuesday, the 20th of December, there was another battle, in which the enemy were whipped, and lost an entire brigade. That about the same time Forrest captured a brigade of cavalry and six hundred wagons. The same authority reports the population of North Alabama and Middle Tennessee as thoroughly aroused — every man and boy capable of bearing arms hurrying to join Hood's army.
r we are justified in giving credit to the intelligence published by us yesterday, and derived from a neighboring journal, to the effect that General Hood had been attacked when in the act of raising the siege of Nashville, and that, on the 20th of December, he had made up for his ill-fortune by defeating the enemy severely at Columbia. We say we know not whether this report is entitled to entire credit; but the substance of it corresponds so well with what we had previously conceived to be ths was greatly disproportion to the actual facts of the case. Corresponding so well as the intelligence in question does with our own preconceived views of the matter, we cannot but place a certain degree of reliance upon it. If, on the 20th of December, there was another battle, in which Hood obtained a signal victory and captured one whole Yankee brigade; and if, about the same time, Forrest captured another entire brigade, with a train of six hundred wagons, we can easily account for wha
following report of the operations of the Army of Tennessee while it was under my command. Want of the reports of the lieutenant-generals, for which I have waited until now, prevents me from being circumstantial. In obedience to the orders of the President, received by telegraph at Clinton, Mississippi, December 18, 1863, I assumed command of the Army of Tennessee at Dalton on the 27th of that month. Letters from the President and Secretary of War, dated respectively 23d and 20th of December, impressed upon me the importance of soon commencing active operations against the enemy. The relative forces, including the moral effect of the affair of Missionary ridge, condition of the artillery horses, and most of those of the cavalry, and want of field transportation, made it impracticable to effect the wishes of the Executive. On the 31st of December, the effective total of the infantry and artillery of the army, including two brigades belonging to the Department of Missis
question of fees was referred to the Committee on Markets, with instructions to report back to the Council their action on the subject. Mr. Burr, from the Committee on Finance, reported an ordinance amending the sixteenth section of the ordinance imposing taxes for the support of the city government for the fiscal years 1865 and 1866, so as to extend the time further for the collection of the first half of the city taxes for the current years to the 15th of January, instead of the 20th of December. The ordinance was passed. Mr. Glazebrook made a statement relative to the abuses of bucksters in the markets, they having erected booths, stalls and sheds everywhere. Mr. Burr, from the Committee on Grounds and Public Buildings, reported adversely upon the petition of E. & S. Wortham proposing to purchase the site of the old powder magazine for the purpose of erecting a substantial building thereon. The report was adopted. Mr. Crutchfield, from the Commissioners of Stre
pect to the memory of of the deceased. In the House, the following committee was announced to inquire into the condition of the late so-called Confederate States: Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania; Mr. Washburne, of Illinois; Mr. Morrill, of Vermont; Mr. Grider, of Kentucky; Mr. Bingham, of Ohio; Mr. Conkling, of New York; Mr. Boutwell, of Massachusetts; Mr. Blow, of Missouri; Mr. Rogers, of New Jersey. The House resolved that, the Senate concurring, the two bodies adjourn from December 20th to January 9th. The House passed a bill appropriating thirty thousand dollars for repairing and refurnishing the White House. Also a bill appropriating over fifteen millions of dollars for the payment of invalid and other pensions. The House resolved that all papers which are offered in relation to representation of the late so-called Confederate States of America, or either of them, shall be referred to the joint committee of fifteen members without debate; and no members sha
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of subsidizing certain members of Congress, in order to secure the passage of an amendment to the currency act, giving these banks the benefit of their lost circulation. This scheme Mr. Clark discountenances altogether, and recommends that the banks which have already contributed their quota, immediately demand the refunding of the money advanced for so dishonorable a purpose. The following is the committee on the part of the House to inquire into the condition of the late Confederate States: Messrs. Stevens, of Pennsylvania; Washburne, of Illinois; Morrill, of Vermont; Grider, of Kentucky; Bingham, of Ohio; Conkling, of New York; Boutwell, of Massachusetts; Blow, of Missouri; and Rogers, of New Jersey. Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, introduced a resolution for an adjournment of Congress over the holidays. This was, after debate, amended so as to fix the time from the 20th of December to the 9th of January, and passed.
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1865., [Electronic resource], President's message.--General Grant's report. (search)
Congressional. Washington, December 20. --Senate.--Mr. Morrill reported the bill to regulate the elective franchise in the District of Columbia. Mr. Sumner hoped it would be acted on very soon. The country demanded it. Mr. Davis called Mr. Sumner to order, saying that the bill was not before the Senate for discussion. Mr. Wilson called up the Senate bill to maintain the freedom of the inhabitants of States lately in rebellion. Mr. Sumner addressed the Senate in favor of the bill. He said that when he thought of what occurred in the chamber yesterday, in an attempt to white-wash the unhappy condition of the rebel States, he felt that he ought to speak of nothing else here to-day. He read a number of letters from the South, private and public, to show that the spirit of rebellion still existed. Mr. Saulsbury said that from indications there was to be a split in the Republican party, and if President Johnson stood by the principles of his special mes
From Washington. Washington, December 20. --The decree of Maximilian of September last having been submitted to Attorney-General Speed, that officer pronounced the opinion that it makes the working men in Mexico slaves. Secretary Seward enclosed this opinion to our Minister at Paris, who, at Mr. Seward's request, called the attention of the French Government to the subject, but to which no response has been received. The War Department has ordered a reduction of the white troops in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi to seven thousand men. The Secretary of the Treasury officially acknowledges that he has appointed officers who have not subscribed to the test oath, having failed to obtain those who could be relied on for the performance of the revenue duties required, as nearly every man in the South fit for a revenue officer was at the same time either engaged in hostilities against the Government or holding State or Confederate offices, either willingly or unwilling
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