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at such works, and of adopting such further legislation as may be necessary for turning over said convicts and all other negro convicts to the Confederate States, upon terms to be mutually agreed upon between the two Governments. By Mr. Christian, of Augusta — As to what legislation may be requisite for the relief of the railroads of the State, in respect to procuring labor. By Mr. Armstrong--Of making provision for the support of families of soldiers within the lines of the enemy. By Mr. Garnett--Of amending the act authorizing the Governor to organize and call out certain military forces for the defence of the State, so as to exempt the population residing within one mile of the corporate limits of the city of Richmond, on the North side of James river, from the operation of the act. By Mr. Wiley, of incorporating a provision in the bill re-organizing the militia of the Commonwealth, providing for the separate enrollment and organization of the students and officers of the vari
nded. Gen. Pender has since died. This lamented officer has borne a distinguished part in every engagement of this army, and was wounded on several occasions while leading his command with conspicuous gallantry and ability. The confidence and admiration inspired by his courage and capacity as an officer were only equalled by the esteem and respect entertained by all with whom he was associated, for the noble qualities of his modest and unassuming character. Brig. Gens. Barksdale and Garnett were killed, and Brig. Gen. Semmes mortally wounded while leading their troops with the courage that always distinguished them. These brave officers and patriotic gentlemen fell in the faithful discharge of duty, leaving the army to mourn their loss and emulate their noble examples. Brig. Gens. Kemper. Armistead, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hampton, J. M. Jones, and Jenkins, were also wounded. Brig. Gen. Archer was taken prisoner. Gen. Pettigrew, though wounded at Gettysburg, continued
Accidentally shot --We understand that a young man named Arthur P. Wilson was accidentally shot, yesterday morning, by a companion named Hodges, while partridge shooting near Dr. Garnett's farm, in Henrico county. Wilson was concealed from his companion by bushes, when the latter fired, and received ten or twelve shot in his face and breast. The injuries, though painful, are not considered dangerous by the surgeon who extracted the shot.
The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties among General officers on both Sides during the War. (search)
Dismissed.--Brig-Gen J W Revere. The following is a list of the Confederate Generals killed or died from wounds received in battle: General A S Johnston, Shiloh; Lieut-Gen T J Jackson, Chancellorsville. Brigadier-Generals Robert S Garnett, Carrick's Ford; Barnard E Bee, Bull Run; F S Bartow, Bull Run; F K Zollicoffer, Mill Spring; Ben McCulloch, Pea Ridge; James McIntosh. Pea Ridge; A H Bradden, Shiloh; T W Ashby, Cross Keys; Robert Hatton, Fair Oaks; Richard Griffith, Chickahomnry Little, Inka;--Moore,--Martin, Corinth; Maxey Gregg, T R R Cobb, Fred'g; J E Rains, Roger Hanson, Stone River; E F Paxton, Chancellorsville; E D Tracy, Port Gibson; L Tilghman, Champion Hill; Martin E Green, Vicksburg; Wm D Pender, Richard B Garnett. --Barksdale, Paul J Semmes, Gettysburg; J J Pettigrew, Falling Waters; A E Stein, Prairie Grove; B H Helm, P Smith, Chickamauga. Died.--Major-Gens. D E Twiggs, Earl Van Dorn, J S Bowen, D R Jones. Brig-Gens J B Grayson, P St G Cooke,
essary by the General Assembly. The bill to regulate prices was taken up as the order of the day, when Mr. Lynch, of Campbell, moved its postponement until to-morrow. A test vote was taken on the question-- "Shall the first section of the bill (which is in fact the bill itself) be stricken out?" upon which the ayes and noes were called, with the following result: Ayes.--Messrs. Armstrong, Bruce, Carson, Christian of Augusta, Christian of Middlesex, Collier, Day, Dillard, Douglas, Garnett, Garrison, Gray, Hart, Johnson, Jones, Keen, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Nash, Peters, Randolph, Wiley, and Witten--24. Noes.--Messrs. Alderson, Bates, Ball, Coghill, Frazier, Lawson, Lewis, Neeson, Newlon, Newman of Madison, Newman of Mason, Shriver, Stevenson, Spitler, Taylor of Norfolk, Taylor of Montgomery--17. The bill was then laid upon the table. In the House, a communication was received from the Senate announcing that they had agreed to a joint resolution of the House in
raigned before the Mayor last Saturday to answer the charge of attempting to shoot and cut John C. Taliaferro, one of the proprietors of the Ballard House. Vickers, it seems, had been in a social party, and thoughtlessly indulged too freely in the poisonous compounds now sold as strong drink. Becoming crazy from its effects, he repaired to the hotel at meal time, took a seat at the table, and, imagining the white table cloth to be a mammoth dish, placed a beefsteak upon it, and commenced cutting the meat and the cloth. Mr. Taliaferro being apprised of his conduct, and having regard for the two hundred guests seated at the table, remonstrated with Vickers, whereupon V. arose from his chair, drew his pistol, and was about to give Mr. T. a blue pill, when Major Garnett seized the weapon. Vickers then drew his bowie-knife, which Major G. also took from him, and the police coming in V. was imprisoned. The Mayor hold him to bail in $300 to answer an indictment by the next G and Jury.
ts consideration was postponed until the 3d Monday in January, 1864. Mr. Chambliss, of Va., offered a resolution that the Military Committee inquire into the expediency of allowing the families of soldiers, who are refugees, to purchase from the Commissary nearest to them one ration per day, at Government prices. Mr. Russell', of Va., introduced a bill, which was referred to the Special Committee on Currency, to facilitate the raising of ways and means to carry on the war. Mr. Garnett, of Va., introduced a bill to allow the tax in kind of cured bacon to be commuted in certain cases. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. A bill was introduced by Mr. Chambliss to facilitate the detection of fraud in the Commissary and Quartermaster's Departments. A message was received from the Senate, communicating a resolution adopted by that body in memory of the late William Lowndes Yancey, late a member of that body from the State of Alabama. A resolution expressi
For hire. --I have for hire a servant woman, of good character, capable of general house work; is an excellent nurse and a good seam stress. R T Garnett. Bank st, 3 doors from 9th. ja 8--2t*
Chaflin Susan A 1 Cottrell Chas 1 Cox Henry 2 Crawford Wash 1 Croney H R 1 Clay C H A 1 Cohen Jacob 1 Davis R H 1 Deltrick Wm A 2 Dunlop & McCauce 2 Darrancott Wm P 1 Delaplane D S 1 Dove Samuel E 1 Dill Adolph 1 Dupuy W S 1 Deane Dr F H 1 Dickinson B F trustee 1 Duval Miles 1 Ellis Reuben S 1 Edwards Rev Jno E 1 Ellett Andrew 1 Edwards Dr L 1 Ford A J 1 Ford Robert 1 Fussell Jno West 1 Frayser Lewis H 1 Frick Theodone 1 Greanor Wm 1 Garnett W F G 1 Gooch Maria R R 1 Green B W 2 Green B W Jr 2 Glazebrook L W 1 Green Julian F 1 Griffin Kendall 1 Garthright Jno 1 Garnett Jas R 1 Garnett Jas M 1 Gordon Wm H 1 Gunn Mary A 1 Harwood Jno P 1 Heckler Valentine Jr 1 Henley R A 1 Hilliard Abner est 1 Harrison W P 1 Haxall &Bros 1 Hughes Jno C 1 Harrison Wm L 1 Hby Wm D 1 Jordan Daniel B 1 Johns Dr A P 1 Johnson Thos 1 Keck Jacob 1 King Anderson 1 King Geo H 1 King Nathaniel 1 Kirse
Mr. Garnett, of Essex, whose untimely death has already been announced in this paper, was a man of well merited distinction in the list of public men. He was a politician in the more pure and elevated sense of the term. He had made statesmanship a devout study, and though not gifted with the order of genius that excites and captivates the multitude, he was endowed with that solid talent, that energy and perseverance which made him all the time a rising man and one whose place in public counsels was that of influence and usefulness. He was in his forty-second year; and though in the prime of physical constitution, he could hardly be said to have reached the maturity of intellect in his line of study and reflection. His loss will be felt in the State which he had served with ability and fidelity in two Conventions, in both branches of the Legislature and Congress, Federal and Confederate.
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