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instead of indignation. The establishment of New England ideas and institutions in the South is by no means as dismal and unhappy a condition as it at first appears. The chief of New England ideas,--a high idea of itself,--would greatly promote our happiness. We have too long suffered as a people for the want of assurance and self-assertion. Whilst New England was annually celebrating the landing of the Pilgrims, we never had a Jamestown festival, and never raised a monument to Captain John Smith, the founder of Southern civilization, and the man to whom New England is indebted for its very name. We shall be a great deal more comfortable when we become thoroughly imbued with that exquisite self-appreciation which induces a Massachusetts man to regard Boston as the hub of the universe, the centre of the civilization of the planet, and the hope and consolation of all other planets and all future ages, which makes Pilgrim Rock the Holy City of America, and considers Theodore Park
Deaths of Confederate prisoners. We have received from a returned prisoner a list of the deaths in company A, First battalion Alabama artillery, at Elmira, New York. The company was forty strong when it reached Elmira. It will be seen that more than half died beneath the cruelty of prison life: Sergeants E. B. Whittaker and T. J. Butts; Corporals Willis Head, J. H. Odom and L. D. Walker; musician Bain; privates B. Burkett, John Dean, Z. P. Green, J. J. Harrison, J. T. Higdon, Louis Hodgerson, J. B. Johnston, Joseph Massey, T. J. King, Jackson Parrish, David Phelps, Henry Parks, J. A. Pressley, W. B. Smith, John Smith, L. Stinson.
ennessee are $12,055. Heavy rains have fallen recently throughout Southwestern Georgia. A tragic affair recently took place near Columbus, Georgia. A Mr. John Smith, a man about thirty-five years old, was shot through the heart by his step-son, Mr. William Wright, a machinist, about twenty years of age. The weapon used wng occurred at Smith's house, in Alabama, just beyond the New Bridge. The cause assigned was the unmerciful beating of Mr. Wright's sister, a grown young lady, by Smith, with a stick, on the evening previous to the day Mr. Smith was shot. There was a severe sleet storm in Atlanta on the 14th of February. Everything was covereMr. Smith was shot. There was a severe sleet storm in Atlanta on the 14th of February. Everything was covered with ice and icicles. The Governor of Alabama, under an act of the Legislature approved November 17, 1863, having suspended the retailing of spirituous liquors in the city of Mobile, the Mayor of the city has ordered that all bar-rooms and drinking saloons be closed, and that all parties in any manner violating the said law
Provost Court--Brevet-Colonel McEntee presiding. --The following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterday: George Smith, alias John M. Decker, Twelfth United States Infantry, charged with being drunk and disorderly, plead guilty and was sent to Castle Thunder for fifteen days. John Smith, Eleventh United States Infantry, and William Winnick, plead guilty to the same charge, and were each sent to Castle Thunder for fifteen days. Henderson Taylor, negro, charged with stealing a hat, plead guilty and was sent to the Castle for thirty days. George Williams, negro, charged with carrying concealed weapons, plead guilty and was sent to the same institution for thirty days. Coley Williams, a negro woman, charged with lying in the street drunk, plead guilty and was sent down for thirty days. Many other cases are on the docket, and continued, the Court having been engaged nearly all day in hearing the case of seven negroes, charged with stealing Mr. Lyon
ny entitled themselves to as distinguished honors at the hands of their posterity as any founders of empire in ancient or modern times. Their great leader, Captain John Smith, who, by the way, gave New England its name, and made a map of that colony that is still considered valuable, was one of the master spirits of the age, equahuman society, Providence has ever in reserve some man chosen to carry out its designs, was never more strikingly illustrated than in the life and labors of Captain John Smith, but for whose individual strength of character and complete adaptation to the work he had to do, the settlement at Jamestown would have been a disastrous f yet visible in Virginia households. The country life and its home virtues, of the England of their day, was transferred to a new continent. Of this race, Captain John Smith was a noble type, and from it sprang the greatest of mankind, George Washington, a long line of the most illustrious men of this hemisphere — men who not on
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