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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1864 (search)
& I" 1st Arty., "D" and "M" 2d Arty. Union loss, 150 killed, 738 wounded, 624 missing. Total, 1,512. June 8: Skirmish, Elliott's MillsPENNSYLVANIA--4th Cavalry. June 9: Skirmish, Jordan's CrossingMASSACHUSETTS--4th Cavalry. June 9: Engagement, PetersburgCONNECTICUT--6th and 7th Infantry. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--1st Cavalry. MASSAJune 9: Engagement, PetersburgCONNECTICUT--6th and 7th Infantry. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--1st Cavalry. MASSACHUSETTS--4th Cavalry (Detachment). NEW HAMPSHIRE--3d and 7th Infantry. NEW YORK--3d Cavalry; 8th Indpt. Battery Light Arty. (Section). OHIO--62d Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--5th and 11th Cavalry. UNITED STATES--Battery "D" 1st Arty., Battery "B" 2d Colored Light Arty., 4th and 6th Colored Infantry. Union loss, 20 killed, 67 wounded. Total, 87. June 9: Affair in Loudon CountyPENNSYLVANIA--12th Cavalry (Detachment). June 10: Skirmish, Louisa Court HousePENNSYLVANIA--2d Cavalry. June 10: Skirmish, WaynesboroughNEW YORK--15th Cavalry. Union loss, 1 killed, 1 wounded. Total, 2. June 10: Skirmish, StauntonPENNSYLVANIA--20th Cavalry. June 10: Skirmish, NewportWE
Louis Bell Col. 4th N. H. InfantryJan. 6, 1865, to Jan. 15, 1865.Killed.3d Brigade, 2d Division, 24th Corps, Terry's Provisional Corps, Department of North Carolina. Col. 4th N. H. InfantryJune 20, 1864, to Aug. 13, 1864. 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 4th N. H. InfantryMay 16, 1864, to May 18, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 4th N. H. InfantrySept. 23, 1864, to Dec. 3, 1864. 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 4th New Hampshire InfantryDec. 3, 1864, to Jan. 6, 1865. 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Twenty-Fourth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 4th New Hampshire InfantryJune 9, 1864, to June 19, 1864. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, Army of the Ja
J. M. Campbell Col. 54th Penn. Infantry  Campbell's separate Brigade, Department of West Virginia Col. 54th Penn. InfantryApr. 2, 1864, to Apr. 14, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 54th Penn. InfantryJuly, 1864, to Aug., 1864. 3d Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 54th Penn. InfantryJune 9, 1864, to July , 1864. 3d Brigade, 2d Infantry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 54th Penn. InfantryMarch 27, 1863, to June 26, 1863. 4th Brigade, 1st Division, Eighth Army Corps, Middle Depart
T. L. Crittenden Major GeneralMay 12, 1864, to June 9, 1864. 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
N. M. Curtis Bvt. Brigadier GeneralDec. 3, 1864, to Jan. 6, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Twenty-Fourth Army Corps, Army of the James Bvt. Brigadier GeneralJan. 6, 1865, to Jan. 15, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 24th Corps, Terry's Provisional Corps, Department of North Carolina. Col. 142d N. Y. InfantryJune 21, 1864, to Sept. 17, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 142d N. Y. InfantryNov. 14, 1864, to Dec. 3, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 142d N. Y. InfantryOct. 4, 1864, to Oct. 29, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 142d New York InfantryJune 9, 1864, to June 19, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, Army of the J
A. N. Duffle Brigadier GeneralApr. 26, 1864, to June 6, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Cavalry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Brigadier GeneralDec., 1863, to Apr., 1864. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Brigadier GeneralJune 9, 1864, to Oct. 20, 1864. 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 1st R. I. CavalryFeb. 16, 1863, to Feb. 26, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 1st R. I. CavalryMay 16, 1863, to June 11, 1863. 2d Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Poto
J. P. Gould Col. 59th Mass. InfantryJune 9, 1864, to July 23, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 59th Mass. InfantryMay 6, 1864, to May 8, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac
H. R. Guss Col. 76th Penn. InfantryApr., 1863, to June, 1863. Guss' Brigade, U. S. Forces Seabrook island., Department of the South Col. 97th Penn. InfantryAug. 1, 1863, to Oct. 11, 1863. 1st Brigade, U. S. Forces Morris Island, S. C., Department of the South Col. 97th Penn. InfantryJune 4, 1864, to June 9, 1864. 3d Brigade, 3d Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, Army of the James Col. 97th Penn. InfantryMay 18, 1864, to May 28, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Tenth Army Corps, Army of the Jam
ct of the Currituck., District of Virginia., Eighteenth Army Corps, Department of Virginia and North Carolina Brigadier GeneralJan., 1863, to May, 1863. Artillery Brigade, Eighteenth Army Corps., Department of North Carolina Brigadier GeneralJune 9, 1864, to Aug. 6, 1864. 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 12, 1864, to June 9, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 3d N. Y. ArtilleryDec. 4, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863. ArtiEighteenth Army Corps, Department of Virginia and North Carolina Brigadier GeneralJan., 1863, to May, 1863. Artillery Brigade, Eighteenth Army Corps., Department of North Carolina Brigadier GeneralJune 9, 1864, to Aug. 6, 1864. 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Brigadier GeneralMay 12, 1864, to June 9, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Potomac Col. 3d N. Y. ArtilleryDec. 4, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863. Artillery Brigade, Department of North Ca
J. H. Oley Bvt. Brigadier GeneralOct. 9, 1864, to Aug. 1, 1865. 1st Separate brigade, Kanawha District, Department of West Virginia Col. 7th W. Va. CavalryApr., 1864, to June 10, 1864. 3d Brigade, 2d Cavalry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 7th W. Va. CavalryJune 9, 1864, to July, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2d Cavalry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 7th W. Va. CavalryJune, 1864, to Aug., 1864. 2d Brigade, 2d Cavalry Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 7th West Va. CavalryDec., 1863, to Apr., 1864. 3d Brigade, 4th Division, 1st Division, Department of West Virginia Col. 7th West Va. CavalryJuly, 1864, to Aug. 6, 1864. 1st Separate brigade, Kanawha District, Department of West Virg