iad, the, 172, 174
Anderson, J. S. M., 20
Andre, Major, 225
Andre, 219, 225 n.
Androborus, 215, 215 n.
Andros, Sir, Edmund, 52
Annals of Quodlibet, the, 312
Anti-Jacobin, the, 171, 176
Apology for the true Christian divinity (Barclay), I 16
Appeal from the judgments of great Britain respecting the United States, an, 208
Aquinas, Thomas, 266
Arbuthnot, John, I16
Argus, 236
Aristocracy, 175
Armand, or the child of the people, 230
Arnold, Benedict, 225
Arnold, Matthew, 261, 273, 276, 358
Art of thinking, 93
Arthur Mervyn, 288, 290
Articles of Confederation, 145
Ashe, Thomas, 190, 191, 206, 213
Association, The (1775), 135, 136
Astor, John Jacob, 194, 209, 210
Astoria, 194, 209, 210
Asylum, the, 292
Atala, 212
Audubon, 189
Aurelian, 324
Autobiography (David Crockett), 319
Autobiography (Franklin), 91, 94 n., 161
Autumnal reflections, 238
Backwoodsman, the, 238-239, 279
Bacon, Lord, 82, I 10, I 16
Adams, C. F., 21, 52, 53, 137.
Adams, Hannah, 6.
Agassiz, Alexander, 283.
Albion, the, 189.
Alcott, A. B., 117, 147, 158, 169, 173, 175, 181, 191.
Alexander the Great, 126.
Alford, Henry, 110.
Alger, W. R., 105.
Allston, Washington, 45.
American Reforms, largely of secular origin, 116.
Anderson, Mary, 287.
Andrew, J. A., 106, 243, 246, 247, 248.
Andrews and Stoddard, 21.
Andrews, Jane, 129.
Andromeda, 89.
Aper, a Roman orator, 361.
Aristophanes, 301.
Arnold, Matthew, 272, 282, 283.
Aspinwall, Augustus, 125.
Atchison, D. R., 213.
Athletic exercises, influence of, 59.
Atlantic Circle of Authors, the, 168, 187.
Atlantic Club, the, 172, 176.
Austin, Mrs., Sarah, 359.
Autobiography, Obstacles to, x.
Autolycus, in Winter's tale, quoted, 64.
Avis, John, 234.
Bachi, Pietro, 17, 55.
Bacon, Sir, Francis, 58.
Baker, Lovell, 164.
Baldwin, J. S., 248.
Bancroft, Aaron, 15.
Bancroft, George, 189.
Bancroft, Mrs., George, 282,
Banks, N. P
e, 60.
Adam, 7.
Adams, Abigail, 114.
Adams, John, 114.
Aeschylus, 44.
Agassiz, Louis, 96.
Alcinous, 9, 11.
Alice in Wonderland quoted, 132; In the looking-glass, 192.
Allen, Ethan, quoted, 303.
Allen, Grant, quoted, 212.
Alumni, Society of Collegiate, 232, 235.
American love of home, 281.
Ampere, J. J., 248.
Andersen, H. C., 265.
Andrew, J. A., 38.
Anglomania, 22.
Aphrodite, 2.
Apollo, Phoebus, 44, 47.
Appleton, T. G., 22.
Arab festivals, 226.
Arnold, Matthew, quoted, 130.
Also 133, 140, 248.
Artemis, 2.
Aryan race, traditions of the, 46.
Astell, Mary, quoted, 89.
Athena, 45.
Audrey, 102.
Auerbach, Berthold, quoted, 14.
aunts, maiden, 38.
Austen, Jane, quoted, 113.
Also 156, 157, 160, 194.
Authorship, difficulties of, 151, 202.
Babies, exacting demands of, 41.
Badeau, General, Adam, quoted, 103, 128.
Bancroft, H. H., 225.
Barnum, P. T., 108.
Barton, Clara, 20.
Baeudelaire, Charles, 302.
ew, John A., War Governor of Massachusetts, 161, 162, 256.
Andrews, Jane and Caroline, 17,18, and note, 241, 242.
Anti-slavery, policy, 157-59.
Appleton, Thomas G., 147; sketch of, 272-74. Army Life in a Black Regiment, 185, 219.
Arnold, Matthew, in America, 323, 324; fame of, 333.
Astors, the J. J., 266, 267. Atlantic Monthly, the, authors' dinner, 106-10, 112; editorship of, 111, 112; criticized, 112-14.
Austin, William, 334.
Baltimore, Md., men killed at, 155.
Baand, 304; in Europe in 1901, 304-20; in Tangier, 304-08; in Granada, 308, 309; in Italy, 309-16; in Venice, 314-16; in the Tyrol, 316-18; in English Lake region, 319, 320; returns to Cambridge to live, 321; effects of Civil War, 322, 323; and Matthew Arnold, 323, 324; and Cleveland campaign, 324, 325; at home of ancestors, 326, 327; and Henry Higginson, 327, 328; at Dublin, N. H., 328-30; and Stedman, 333-36; his Monarch of Dreams, 335, 336; account of a New Hampshire summer, 336-45; on Southern