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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Half-breeds, (search)
Half-breeds, The name applied by the Stalwarts under Conkling to those Republicans who opposed the third nomination of Grant, the course of President Hayes in reconciling the South, and who favored the policy of Blaine.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McKinley, William 1843- (search)
Pacific cable cannot be longer postponed. In the furtherance of these objects of national interest and concern you are performing an important part. This exposition would have touched the heart of that American statesman whose mind was ever alert and thought ever constant for a larger commerce and a truer fraternity of the republics of the New World. His broad American spirit is felt and manifested here. He needs no identification to an assemblage of Americans anywhere, for the name of Blaine is inseparately associated with the Pan-American movement which finds this practical and substantial expression, and which we all hope will be firmly advanced by the Pan-American Congress that assembles this autumn in the capital of Mexico. The good work will go on. It cannot be stopped. These buildings will disappear; this creation of art and beauty and industry will perish from sight, but their influence will remain to Make it live beyond its too short living With praises and thanks
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morrill, Justin Smith 1810- (search)
, instead of being a tonic to spur idle capital once more into activity, it would be its bane, destructive of all vitality; and that as a permanent silver standard it would not only be void of all stability, and the dearest in its introduction and maintenance, but that it would reduce wages to the full extent of the difference there might be between its purchasing power and that of gold. Free-trade or protection. In 1890 Senator Morrill made the following contribution to the Gladstone-Blaine controversy concerning free-trade and protection: Any extended argument of the Right Honorable W. E. Gladstone must always afford ample evidence of great ability, as well as wealth of learning, and it would have been presumption on my part to reply to his argument in support of free-trade, if it were not that protection was the easy side of the question. It was a further encouragement when I found, upon examining in detail Mr. Gladstone's free-trade argumentation, that I could sincerel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mugwumps, (search)
Mugwumps, A term of reproach applied to those Republicans who in the summer of 1884 bolted the nomination of Blaine for President, and supported Cleveland. Their objections to the Republican candidate were founded partly on his conduct of foreign affairs when Secretary of State, and partly on the charges made against his character. The Mugwumps were especially numerous in New England and New York, and in the latter State they contributed signally to the Democratic victory. Afterwards many of them continued to act with the Democracy, or with the Cleveland Democracy ; others returned to the Republicans. The term soon became applied to all independent voters.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pan-American conference. (search)
ween representatives of the United States and other countries in America. The conference assembled accordingly, Oct. 2, 1889, and was attended by envoys from Brazil and from Spanish America generally, as well as from the United States. Secretary of State Blaine presided. The delegates made a tour through the country, and settled down to work at Washington in November. Such subjects as banking, monetary union, commercial extension, and arbitration were discussed. In April, 1890, ten of the nations signed an international arbitration treaty. Secretary Blaine, who was deeply interested in the matter and in the extension southward of the United States' interests, recommended an intercontinental railway. President McKinley, in his message to Congress in 1899, suggested that the various American republics, constituting the International Union, be invited, at an early date, to hold another conference, and that it be held in the capital of one of the countries that had not already enj
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Political parties in the United States. (search)
Doughfaces. Half-breeds. A term of contempt bestowed by the Stalwarts upon those who supported the administration of President Hayes and opposed the nomination of Grant for a third term, etc. Mugwumps. Hunkers. Barnburners. Independent Republicans.—Started in 1879 in opposition to Senator Conkling's leadership of the party. Mugwumps. Ku-klux Klan. Ku-klux Klan. Loco-foco. Loco-foco. Readjusters, 1878. A division of the Democratic party in Virginia advocating the funding of the State debt at 3 per cent.; under the leadership of General Mahone. Silver Grays. Silver Grays. Stalwarts. A branch of the Republican party, followers of Conkling, Cameron, and Logan, opposed to the reconciling course of President Hayes towards the South. Favored the nomination of Grant for a third term. Opposers of Blaine, etc. Tammany. Tammany. Woman's rights Belva Lockwood constituted herself a candidate for President in 1876. Polk, James Kno
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential administrations. (search)
, speaker. 1869-73: Grant; Colfax, Vice-President, Republican; Fish, State; Boutwell, Treasury. Congress, Republican; Blaine, speaker. 1873-77: Grant; Wilson, Vice-President, Republican; Fish, State; Bristow and others, Treasury. Congress, 1873-75, Republican; Blaine, speaker; 1875-77, Senate Republican, House Democratic; Kerr, later Randall, speaker. 1877-81: Hayes; Wheeler, Vice-President, Republican; Evarts, State; Sherman, Treasury. Congress, House Democratic; Randall, speaker; S 1879-81, Democratic. 1881-85; Garfield; Arthur, Vice-Presi- dent (succeeded as President Sept. 19, 1881), Republican; Blaine, later Frelinghuysen, State; Windom and others, Treasury; Lincoln, War. Congress, 1881-83, Senate tie, House Republican; ngress, Senate Republican, House Democratic; Carlisle, speaker. 1889-93: Harrison; Morton, Vice-President, Republican; Blaine, State; Windom, at first, Treasury; Tracy, Navy. Congress, Senate Republican, House, 1889-91, Republican; Reed, speaker;
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Protection. (search)
Protection. The following argument for protection is Mr. Blaine's reply to Mr. Gladstone's argument for free-trade, the text of which will be found in vol. III. of this work, under free trade. There can be no doubt that Mr. Gladstone is the most distinguished representative of the free-trade school of political economists. His addresses in Parliament on his celebrated budget, when chancellor of the exchequer, in 1853, were declared by Lord John Russell to contain the ablest exposition of the true principles of finance ever delivered by an English statesman. His illustrious character, his great ability, and his financial experience point to him as the leading defender of free-trade applied to the industrial system of Great Britain. Mr. Gladstone apologizes for his apparent interference with our affairs. He may be assured that apology is superfluous. Americans of all classes hold him in honor; free-traders will rejoice in so eminent an advocate, and protectionists, alw
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Railway, the Intercontinental (search)
Railway, the Intercontinental Or three Americas.—One of the important results of the international American conference, held in Washington in 1889-90, was its recommendation that an international commission be created to ascertain the feasibility, the cost, and the available location for a railroad connecting the countries of South and Central America with Mexico and the United States. This recommendation was cordially endorsed by Secretary Blaine in submitting the report to President Harrison, who transmitted it to Congress, asking that an appropriation be made to commence the surveys. In the same act which authorized the establishment of the bureau of the American republics—the diplomatic and consular appropriation act of July 14, 1890—the Intercontinental Railway Commission was created. In this act it was provided that three commissioners on the part of the A Railroad train of the twentieth century. United States should be appointed by the President, with the advice and <
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), States, the, and the popular vote in Presidential elections (search)
Buchanan1,838,16917410,564496,905608,281 Fremont1,341,26411411,765 Lincoln1,866,35218010,368491,1951682,924 Douglas1,375,15712114,596 Breckinridge845,7367211,746 Bell589,5813915,117 Lincoln2,216,06721210,453407,3421912,138 McClellan1,808,7252186,129 Grant3,015,07121423,435305,4561342,279 Seymour2,709,6158033,870 Grant3,597,07028612,577762,9912233,421 Greeley2,834,0796344,985 Garfield4,449,05321420,7907,01859119 Hancock4,442,03515528,658 Cleveland4,911,01721922,42562,683371,694 Blaine4,848,33418226,639 Harrison5,440,21623323,348 Harrison did not have a popular plurality.65 Harrison did not have a popular plurality. Cleveland5,538,23316832,965 Cleveland5,556,91827720,061380,8101322,885, Harrison5,176,10814535,697 McKinley7,101,40127126,204630,745956,639 Bryan6,470,65617636,765 McKinley7,208,24429224,686849,4551376,200 Bryan6,358,78915536,764 the table. In 1860, Lincoln's closest competitor for the popular vote was Douglas; and Lincoln's popular and electora