t I devoted.
Fichte I could not understand at all; though the treatise which I read was one intended to be popular, and which he says must compel (bezwingen) to conviction.
Jacobi I could understand in details, but not in system.
It seemed to me that his mind must have been moulded by some other mind, with which I ought to be acquainted, in order to know him well,—perhaps Spinoza's. Since I came home, I have been consulting Buhle's and Tennemann's histories of philosophy, and dipping into Brown, Stewart, and that class of books.
After I had cast the burden of my cares upon you, I rested, and read Petrarch for a day or two.
But that could not last.
I had begun to take an account of stock, as Coleridge calls it, and was forced to proceed He says few persons ever did this faithfully, without being dissatisfied with the result, and lowering their estimate of their supposed riches.
With me it has ended in the most humiliating sense of poverty; and only just enough pride is left
ey, David B.:
Gettysburg, Pa.
27 i, 486, 487
Blackford, William W.:
Brandy Station, Va.
27 II, 686
Blake, Edward D.:
New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10
8, 137
Bowen, John S.:
Port Gibson, Miss.
24 i, 665
Branch, L. O'B.:
New Berne, N. C.
9, 248
Bratton, John:
Wauhatchie, Tenn.
31 i, 232
Briscoe, James C.:
Gettysburg, Pa.
27 i, 486, 487
Brooks, Thomas B.:
Morris Island, S. C.
28 i, 263, 305-307, 309, 311, 320, 321, 332-334
Brown, Harvey:
Pensacola Harbor, Fla.
1, 421
Buford, Abraham:
Harrisburg, Miss.
39 i, 334
Burgwyn, H. K.:
Weldon, N. C.
27 III, 1071
Butterfield, Daniel:
Bull Run, Va.
12 III, 960
Campbell, Albert H.:
Fredericksburg, Va.
21, 1129
Capron, Horace:
Waynesborough, Tenn., and vicinity
45 i, 966
Cheatham, B. F.:
Stone's River, Tenn.
20 i, 922
Clayton, Henry D.:
Atlanta, Ga.
38 III, 820
Cleburne, Patrick R.:
Chickamauga, Ga.
5-Sept. 4, 1864
88, 2
Brooks, Thomas B.:
Bermuda Hundred, Va., June, 1864
65, 1
Morris Island, S. C., July 10-Sept. 7, 1863
38, 2; 44, 1, 2, 4
Brown, G.:
Richmond, Va., and vicinity, 1864-65
77, 1
Brown, Harvey:
Pickens Fort, Fla., May 27, 1861
5, 6
Brown, S. Howell
Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3,Brown, Harvey:
Pickens Fort, Fla., May 27, 1861
5, 6
Brown, S. Howell
Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863
43, 1
Maryland Campaign, Sept. 3-20, 1862
29, 1
Browne, O. L.F.:
Goldsborough, N. C., to Washington, D. C
86, 8-16
Buckner, Simon B.:
Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19-20, 1863
111, 9
Buell, Don Carlos:
Army of the Cumberland, campaigns
24, 3
Corinth, Miss., April 29-June 10, 1862
14, 3
PBrown, S. Howell
Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863
43, 1
Maryland Campaign, Sept. 3-20, 1862
29, 1
Browne, O. L.F.:
Goldsborough, N. C., to Washington, D. C
86, 8-16
Buckner, Simon B.:
Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19-20, 1863
111, 9
Buell, Don Carlos:
Army of the Cumberland, campaigns
24, 3
Corinth, Miss., April 29-June 10, 1862
14, 3
Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 6-7, 1862
13, 1
Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, 1861
13, 1
Somerset, Ky., vicinity, 1861
9, 2
Bull, Asst. Surg. (C):
Spanish Fort, Ala., March 27-April 8, 1865
90, 11
Burchard, W.:
Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27-May 6, 1863
39, 3
Spotsylvania Court-House, Va., May 8-
oth, 419.
Borja Bay, 721.
Boston, 401, 430.
Boston, East, 442; laboratory, 443; observations upon the geology of, with reference to the glacial theory, 449, 450.
Boston Harbor, 648.
Botany, questions in, 40.
Bowditch, 438.
Braun, Alexander, 24, 25, 31, 67, 89, 94, 143, 179, 397, 643.
Brazil, visit to, 625; freshwater fauna of, 633, 638, 640, 646; glacier phenomena, 638.
Brewster, Sir, David, 473.
Brongniart, 176.
Bronn, 29, 48; his collection now in Cambridge, 30.
Brown-Sequard, Dr., 782.
Buch, Leopold von, 201, 256, 264, 265, 272, 274, 345.
Buckland, Dr., invites Agassiz to England, 232; acts as his guide to fossil fishes, 250; to glacier tracks, 306; a convert to glacial theory, 307, 309, 311; mentioned by Murchison, 468.
Burkhardt, 320, 442, 479, 494, 647.
Cabot, J. E., 466.
Cambridge, 457-459, 461.
Cambridge, first mention of, 252.
Campanularia, 494.
Carlsruhe, Agassiz at, 30, 33.
Cary, T. G., 581, 680.
Castanea, 660.