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Torches, Calcium Lights, Rockets and Roman Candles to Brighten the Path of the Union for the Democratic Masses — Speeches of Horace F. Clark, Horatio Seymour, John Van Buren, and Richard O'Gorman." The meeting opened with the following incident: Capt. Rynders read a note from Mr. Peter Cooper, requesting that the audienin which he announced that, if the Supreme Court approved Lincoln's proclamations, the people would submit to them; if it did not, they would not submit. John Van Buren (the Prince) addressed the meeting, and read the following letter, addressed to Governor Morgan, of New York, as defining his position: Caldwell, (Lakwn troops if I retire without orders; but no power can ever induce me to serve voluntarily in such a contingency. With great regard and respect, yours truly. J. Van Buren. On the 3d of March President Lincoln, about to be sworn into office, found himself in the city of Washington, having reached it in disguise--(Laught
District, and takes remarkably well thus far with all parties. The Republicans seem inclined to appropriate him to themselves. Should he run, the Republican conservatives would undoubtedly give him their warmest support. The speech of John Van Buren at the Democratic meeting in New York — a speech to the point. We published in our Northern news yesterday, some extracts of the speech of John Van Buren at the Democratic mass meeting in New York, on Monday. If there is any real signifiJohn Van Buren at the Democratic mass meeting in New York, on Monday. If there is any real significance in any of these addresses lately launched against the Lincoln Administration, by the Democratic orators in the North, that of Mr. Van Buren is far more important than any yet published. He is the only speaker yet who has dared to meet the question of peace squarely, without making subjugation a sins qua non. We make some highly interesting ex-tracts from the speech as reported in the New York Herald. Views of a Republican politician and General — the South to be whipped and then let
iate with people who made a martyr of the cold-blooded assassin, John Brown, and thought he was doing a glorious deed when he was dying his hands in the blood of our people.--We of the Confederate States made up our minds to endure the worst extremity to which war can reduce a people. We are prepared for it. The Government that should propose to reunite us with the Yankees could not exist a day. It would sink so deep beneath the deluge of popular indignation that even history would not be able to fish up the wreck. It can make no difference to us, then, what party prevails in the coming elections in the North.--Neither is likely to propose anything that the South will accept. Both will conduct the war on the same principle, as we may learn from the example of McClellan. We must look to ourselves and not to the enemy. Even Mr. John Van Buren cannot think of letting us go without inflicting a deep humiliation on us. The South are not prepared to submit to any such humiliation.
The Daily Dispatch: October 23, 1862., [Electronic resource], Losses in the third Company Richmond Howitzers. (search)
"Depart in Peace." The New York Herald has one of its characteristic sneers at the willingness expressed by John Van Buren, if the Federal should capture Richmond, and the South should still refuse to come under the Union, to endorse the language once expressed by General Scott, "Wayward sisters, depart in peace." Nothing will satisfy the Herald but the complete and thorough subjugation of the Southern States. Nevertheless, the best policy, simply as policy, to say nothing of right and justice, which the Lincoln Government could have pursued at the time of his inauguration, and at any time since, would have been to permit the South to depart in peace.--The Government would have lost nothing by that policy, which it could have preserved by any other, and it would have saved the hundreds of thousands of lives and the hundreds of millions of treasure which the adoption of coercive measures has cost. So it will be to the end. Peace now, late as it is, is a better policy for the
eaker — after a few remarks by the President — was the Hon. Horatio Seymour. He declared that the events of the last few weeks had essentially changed the relationship of the Democratic party to the Government, and that that party was now the "master of the situation." An allusion in his speech to the Governor of Massachusetts brought down hisses for Governor Andrew, while another allusion to General McClellan brought down rounds of applause. Mr. Seymour was followed in his speech by Mr. John Van Buren, who declared that he had never supported a candidate with more satisfaction than he should support Mr. Seymour. Still he had, following the suggestion of an intelligent and sagacious editor, recently proposed, with Mr. Seymour's concurrence, that both candidates for the Governorship should withdraw in favor of General Dix. He denounced General Wadsworth as an open, bitter, malignant enemy of General McClellan, and gave as his authority for that statement Commissary General Welsh, of
a gale on the 21 inst. two barges, composing the tow of the steamboat Ethan Allen, on Lake complain, parted their hawsers, and sunk off Point of Rocks, carrying down five men. A number of other vessels had their dock loads swept off. In consequence of the frequent firing by "partisan ranger." upon unarmed steamers between Cairo and Helena, Gen. Sherman proposes that prominent Secessionists shall accompany the pilots on each steamer, who will take their chances of being shot. John Van Buren in accepting the invitation to speak at home on Friday, telegraphed as follows; I will attend meeting at Rome, on Friday, at two o'clock--it not in Fort Lafayette. "Jno. Van Buren." General Jeff C. Davis was assigned to the military command of the for locations opposite Cincinnati on the 23d inst. Judge ar michael, of Maryland, has been released from Fort Delaware, and will hold court in his district during the approaching sessions. Senator Prarce, of Maryland,
he day. The in gold were limited. The prices at the was about 13½ buyers. Money was over in five percent on London 145. The bank statement shoes an increase of $2,307,261 in loans, $160,514 in deposits, and a decrease of $1,335,725 in specie. Miscellaneous. Si Draper, the Provost Marchal General, is in Washington city, perfecting his arrangements for arresting persons an er-martial law. In conversation with more than one of the thief officers of the Government, he said: "John Van Buren ought to be arrested, and would do it at once, but that I think it would be can policy to arrest him after the in the State of New York." He a if I should do it before the election it would have a damaging effect upon Wadsworth." The latest advices any all was quiet at Pensacola, and the health of the troops was generally good. Commodore was at Pensacola, with his squadron awa orders which were hourly expected for an attack on Mebile. Sergeant Major E. B. Cross, a son of
on revenue, that they invented the wonderful grievance of "taxation without representation," and under the inspiration of New England, commenced the work of dismemberment for the purpose of avoiding their share of the comment but then and setting up in business on their "own back" That separation from Great Britain was distant, and must have occurred as soon as her children obtained the vigor of manhood, we are not deny; but if we judge their conduct by "the strict letter of the law,"as John Van Buren propose to test the merits of the Southern revolution, they were clearly rebel, a term which no State Rights Democrat, at any rate, can apply to the Southern States, State sovereignty being an acknowledged principle of the creed of that party, and the General Government merely an agent of the co-partner ship of sovereign communities. The condolence of Mr. Gladstone with the United States are, in our opinion highly appropriate and well-timed and should be taken in good part by those
the background. Their overthrow will revive the hopes of the Union men of the South, and, with the dispersion of the rebel army of Virginia, we may now expect a general Southern reaction in favor of the Union, which will speedily end this rebellion. Scenes in the New York city election. The Democracy of New York had a very gay time at Tammany Hall, Tuesday night, reading the election returns, which was performed by Capt. Rynders. The crowd — a very dense one--was addressed by John Van Buren, who congratulated them on "the appearance of a great and decided victory through the State--certainly throughout the city. He also reminded them that they had a Republican majority of 105,000 to get over, and impressed on them the necessity of remembering that "this was not a party victory, but a triumph of the principles of liberty for the good of the people of all the States." At Mozart Hall another Democratic meeting was held. This one was addressed by Hon. Jas. Brooks, who to
The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1862., [Electronic resource], From Northern Virginia--a raid of the enemy at Fredericksburg. (search)
nd pretend to care, nothing for the nigger. They will be willing, after having conquered us, to agree upon any terms, provided the Union be restored. They will consent to introduce slavery into every State in the Union, provided this grand object be attained. If the Southern people will not agree to all this, as most assuredly they never will, then they are for carrying on the war to any extremity that would satisfy the most, altar of the Abolition party. They will never consent — let John Van Buren say what he may — to let the "wayward sisters" depart in peace. It may be that a Democratic Congress might propose to the Southern States, as a condition of reentering the Union, to legalize slavery every where, and this before proceeding farther with the war — But even were the South disposed under any circumstances to reenter such a state of bondage, it must be borns in mind that the present Abolition Congress has still one year to run. In that time some of the most desperate batt<