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e ferry captured. The main body by this time came up, and saw the enemy formed in line of battle on a hill on the south side of the river — a position that commanded all the surrounding country. They were engaged by our sharpshooters, armed with Colt's revolving rifles, and at the same time one of our six-pounders, under Captain Somerby, was brought to bear upon them, sending destruction into their ranks, while Captain Belt, with eighty-five infantry, Lieutenant Crosby, with twenty, supported took five or six prisoners--how many were killed and wounded we did not learn. Col. McHenry lost one man, but drove the enemy off. About the same time, Capt. Neerer, who is stationed with a party of twenty men at Rochester, his men all armed with Colt's revolving rifles, had a skirmish with a largely superior force of the enemy in the vicinity of Rochester, but with what result we have not yet learned. Col. Burbridge, in his attack, had one man wounded, but lost none. We believe these particu
n Horn and Wm. De Wolf. Horses lost--three shot on the field. Horses wounded--two in the legs, several others slightly wounded. Left on the field--two caissons, one baggage wagon, two sets artillery lead harness, one thousand ball cartidges for Colt's revolvers, one hundred rounds of ammunition for six pounder guns, twenty-five double blankets, twenty canteens, five coats, three caps, five Colt's revolvers, five horse blankets, six sabres, five lanterns, three shovels, one overcoat, two curryColt's revolvers, five horse blankets, six sabres, five lanterns, three shovels, one overcoat, two curry-combs and brushes, two fuze gouges, sixty friction primers, two camp kettles, twenty cups, one leg guard, one sponge and rammer, six whips, twenty haversacks, two pickaxes, four felling axes, one trail handspike. captured from the enemy.--Twenty horses, one mule, one six-pounder brass gun, one twelve-pounder brass howitzer and some fragments of artillery harness, and sundry small articles captured by individuals not of any particular value to the service. My force consisted of four six-po
y toward Piketon, the expected field of definite action; but when we had proceeded between two and three miles, and the head of Colonel Marshall's battalion was approaching the upper part of the mountains, the guide and Captains Gault and Reed, being considerably in advance, discovered that the foe, who were a thousand strong, were concealed behind rocks, trees and bushes, reserving their fire for a further advance of the column. Captain Gault, who fortunately was armed with a five-shooter Colt's revolving rifle, opened fire upon them, discharging the contents of his gun, and about the same time both the guide and Mr. Reed discharged their muskets upon the foe, which brought them into a more precipitate action than was laid down in their programme. The horse of Captain Gault was shot from under him, and the guide received two of the enemy's balls, which brought him to the ground. Reed's horse was also killed; and such was their perilous and exposed condition, that both were under
s placed in them--ten rounds of shrapnell, ten of canister — every thing that could be was attended to. Those who had friends, &c., wrote and left letters with their messmates. The first launch and the expedition under Jas. E. Jouett, of Kentucky, assisted by Mr. William Carter, our young and efficient little gunner; second launch, Lieut. John G. Mitchell, and assisted by Mr. Adams, Master's Mate, composed the force engaged. By half-past 11 P. M., each man being armed with a cutlass and a Colt's revolver, they started, all of us bidding them good-by. They went merrily over the side. It was seven miles, through an intricate channel and reef. The crews pulled in for the channel, and after two and a quarter hours hard work, against head sea, wind, and tide, saw the schooner, which they avoided by steering close to the Point Fort. They then steered over to the northward, to avoid Galveston, Pelican Island, and Spit Forts, and the steamer, as they wanted to get ahead and drop down
ovements of the advance force. Not succeeding in drawing the fire of the battery, Commander Smith decided to anchor the fleet, and proceeded with a flag of truce to the shore. Commander Smith, accompanied by Acting-Master Ryder, of the Massachusetts, landed at the wharf, near the light, and were met by two or three men, of whom they requested to see the Mayor of the city. A crowd soon collected, one of whom was armed with a double-barrelled gun, an old cavalry sword, and a silver-mounted Colt's revolver, both of which he persisted in wearing on the same side of his belt, and appeared to be the commander of the battery. While some of the citizens went off in quest of the chief magistrate, some twenty-five or thirty men, armed with shot guns, were seen lurking around the battery and parade-ground in the rear. The sailors entered into conversation with the citizens, some of whom pretended to be loyal, and said they were afraid to express their Union sentiments for fear of being lyn
There were found upon the person of Colonel John A. Washington and forwarded to the War Department, two revolvers, (Colt's Navy,) one pair of spurs, one opera-glass, one large bowie-knife, and one pocket compass. General Reynolds retained one of the revolvers, and requested of Secretary Cameron permission to present it to Sergeant Lieber of the Seventeenth Indiana Regiment, who undoubtedly shot the speculator in the ancestral estate of Mount Vernon.
g for the last-named person the name of our sorely-tried parent, Uncle Sam. For information, I take up to-day's Courier, the oldest and most respectable of Charleston dailies, at random. I find in it a communication, over the expressive signature of Rifle, suggesting that one of the crack regiments of the North should charter a couple of steamboats and come on to Charleston, to the rescue of the forts; that the first shedding of fraternal blood may be precipitated in a manner congenial to the aspirations of youthful South Carolina! The same paper chronicles an application for five hundred of Colt's pistols, received from Alabama, under the title of Short armaments! Here, as a nineteenth century anniversary of the divine annunciation of Peace on earth and good will towards man, (the Courier, by-the-by, has a very pretty and decidedly pious editorial on the subject), we have the border ruffian spirit endorsed and approved of as the ultimatum of human reason! --Evening Post, Dec. 31.
us new-comer, who called out: How are you, secesh? The query was instantly made: Who are you, Yanks? The truth of the matter was, we learn from prisoners, that they had heard of the advance to Ashby's Gap, and had arranged for serious opposition in that quarter; but, as their scouts in Snicker's Gap were fortunately captured, they had no intimation whatever of the force advancing from that direction. One of the scouts taken was much chopfallen, particularly because he had a good horse, two Colt's revolvers, a carbine, and sword. He came up to a squad of men, and asked if they were confeds. They beckoned for him to come in, and he did so, under the supposition that they belonged to White's battalion. When told that he was a prisoner, he said they had deceived him, and declared that he had been swindled. The advance upon arriving near the ferry, was commanded by Col. Wyndham, of the First New-Jersey cavalry. Gen. Stahel directed a detail of dismounted carbineers to advance to th
uding the garrison flag, which was captured by Captain Ennis, one of General Smith's aids-de-camp. General Burbridge planted the American flag upon the Fort which had been placed in his hands as a tribute to his gallantry, by General Smith, for that purpose. Besides these, five thousand prisoners; seventeen pieces of cannon, large and small; ten gun-carriages, and eleven limbers; three thousand stands of small arms, exclusive of many lost or destroyed; one hundred and thirty swords, fifty Colt's pistols; forty cans of powder; one thousand six hundred and fifty rounds of shot, shell, and canister for ten and twenty-pounder Parrott guns; three hundred and seventy-five shells, grape-stands and canister; forty-six thousand rounds of ammunition for small arms; five hundred and sixty-three animals, together with a considerable quantity of quartermaster and commissary stores, fell into our hands. Of these captures, seven pieces of cannon had been destroyed by the fire of our artillery an
e enemy. Respectfully, Roger A. Pryor, Brigadier-General Commanding. From a member of Captain Wright's battery, which is composed chiefly of volunteers from Halifax County, Va., and who were in the fight, we have obtained a few additional particulars: Some two hours or more before the dawn of day Friday, our pickets were driven in by two regiments of mounted men, and a few minutes thereafter the enemy's artillery opened on our bivouac fires. We immediately replied with guns of Captain Colt's S. C. battery, and one section of Capt. Wright's. The enemy's shell fell thick and fast in our immediate vicinity, but our boys stood manfully to their guns, and gave the vandals as much and as good as they sent. At daylight the artillery duel ceased, and the fight was then maintained with musketry for about one hour, when the enemy ceased firing and fell back. We held our position, but the enemy not advancing and showing no disposition to renew the fight, General Pryor retired to C