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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 19: operations in winter and Spring, 1862-63. (search)
, 1863, I was promoted to the rank of Major General and was assigned to the permanent command of Ewell's division, the name of which was now changed. Colonel R. F. Hoke of the 21st North Carolina Reme. I had had no regular personal staff since then. I found no assistant adjutant general with Ewell's division when I succeeded to the command at Sharpsburg, and Major Samuel Hale, who held the co division Major J. P. Wilson and Mr. Henry Heaton, who had been acting as volunteer aides to General Ewell and then to General Lawton, and they continued with me in that capacity until after my promoconsisted of the following officers, all of whom except those above designated had been with General Ewell as members of his staff: Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Jones, Inspector General. Major Samueson's old division. A company of mounted men organized as scouts, couriers and guides by General Ewell, had remained attached to the division under the command of Captain W. F. Randolph, but it w
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 21: invasion of Pennsylvania. (search)
Longstreet, who had returned from the south of James River, retained command of the 1st corps, now composed of McLaws', Hood's, and Pickett's divisions. General Richard S. Ewell was made a lieutenant general and assigned to the command of the 2nd corps, now composed of my division, and those of Rodes and Johnson-Brigadier Generale of the others, the two divisions which had been south of the James having moved from Richmond by the way of Gordonsville on the railroad. On the 4th of June, Ewell's corps took up its line of march towards Culpeper Court-House-my division moving by the way of Spottsylvania Court-House, followed by Johnson's and Rodes' by the ke deficiency existed in regard to the equipment of the men in other respects, the supply of clothing, blankets, etc., being very limited. On the 11th of June, Ewell's corps resumed the march, taking the road from the lower Shenandoah Valley across the Blue Ridge at Chester Gap. Johnson's division, followed by mine, moved on t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 22: capture of Winchester. (search)
e 13th, the remainder of my division crossed over the Shenandoah, and I received orders from General Ewell to move to the Valley pike at Newtown, and along that road against the enemy then occupying y pike. The troops then lay down on their arms and spent the night in a drenching rain. General Ewell had moved with Johnson's division on the Front Royal road to the vicinity of Winchester, andtaken position in and near the main fort, might shell the town, I ordered him to retire. General Ewell came up immediately after my skirmishers had advanced to Bower's Hill, and together we procewas of opinion that he would attempt an evacuation during the night, and I sent a courier to General Ewell with information of what I had accomplished, stating my opinion of the probability of the atlery, and some stores. My division bivouacked near Stephenson's depot, and I was ordered by General Ewell into Winchester to make arrangements for securing the stores and sending off the prisoners.
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 23: at York and Wrightsville. (search)
inchester until the afternoon of the 18th, General Ewell having moved in the meantime to Shepherdst day to accompany my division by orders of General Ewell. Bodes had moved through Hagerstown towarned stationary at Greenwood, and I visited General Ewell, by his request, at Chambersburg, where Roresponsibility, as neither General Lee nor General Ewell knew I would encounter these works. A quaghtsville. During my movement to York, General Ewell had moved towards Harrisburg and reached C the 29th, Captain Elliot Johnson, aide to General Ewell, came to me with a copy of a note from General Lee to General Ewell stating the enemy's army was moving north and directing a concentration oountain; and also verbal instructions from General Ewell to move back so as to rejoin the rest of t also reached me here with a dispatch from General Ewell, informing me that he was moving with Rodeivouacked my command, and then rode to see General Ewell at Heidlersburg, where I found him with Ro[2 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 24: battle of Gettysburg. (search)
sburg. Having ascertained, after I left General Ewell on the night of the 30th, that the road frettysburg road, I received a dispatch from General Ewell, informing me that Hill, who had crossed t, I rode to the right of it to find either General Ewell, General Rodes, or General Hill, for the ple distant, and before I could find either General Ewell or General Rodes, General Smith's aide camaged on our side were Hill's two divisions and Ewell's two divisions, the rest of the army not beino do anything further, General Lee came to General Ewell's headquarters, and after conferring with General Ewell, General Rodes and myself, we were given to understand that, if the rest of the trooping during the day. During the morning General Ewell and myself rode to a ridge in rear of John, and during its progress I was ordered by General Ewell, a little before sunset, to advance to thefront. During the night, by directions of General Ewell, Smith was ordered to report by daylight n[1 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 25: retreat to Virginia. (search)
to Virginia. During the night of July 3rd, Ewell's corps was withdrawn from its position in andch brought up the two corps of the enemy. General Ewell had moved to the support of Hill, but therwe had taken. My division with the rest of Ewell's corps was moved from its position on the Casl of the other corps was then progressing, and Ewell's corps, being ordered to bring up the rear, wthe army, including the other two divisions of Ewell's corps, and then in the afternoon moved off s attack-Longstreet's corps being on the right, Ewell's on the left and Hill in the centre, and our river. My division brought up the rear of Ewell's corps, and the river being found too high fol the 20th, in which neighborhood the whole of Ewell's corps was concentrated, the other corps taked that day by the 13th Virginia Regiment. General Ewell, who had preceded me with Rodes' and Johnsmoving his army up into Manassas Gap to attack Ewell, they moved into Culpeper and waited until Mea[3 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 27: on the Rapidan. (search)
August, or first part of September, Longstreet's corps was detached from our army, leaving only Ewell's and Hill's. The enemy's cavalry had been constantly increasing in amount, and he had now athe way of Madison CourtHouse so as to avoid the observation of the enemy, Hill taking the lead, Ewell following. I moved early on the morning of the 9th, taking the road by Orange Court-House anthe morning of the 14th, as well for the purpose of relieving Stuart as for attacking the enemy, Ewell's corps taking the road by Auburn towards Greenwich and Bristow Station, and Hill's, a route furwards the railroad, passing between us. We then moved towards Greenwich, and near that place Ewell's corps turned off through some farms in the direction of the bridge over Kettle Run, while Hillthe same time, falling into the hands of the enemy. About this time my division, in the lead of Ewell's corps, came up on the right near Kettle Run Bridge, and was ordered to move forward against so
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 28: devastation of the country. (search)
fore 2 P. M. I immediately signalled the information to General Lee and General Ewell, and ordered my other brigades, then engaged in constructing huts for quartvery heavy force. For fear that the information by signal had not reached General Ewell, as I understood he was coming up towards Brandy Station, I sent my Adjutanserious that night, concluded to retire, leaving with me two dispatches for General Ewell. A short time before we saw the last firing, I had sent my Inspector Geand just as I was preparing to send off the two dispatches left with me for General Ewell, Major Hale returned and informed me that when he saw General Hays the ene, the 8th, we formed a line of battle, a mile or two in rear of Brandy Station, Ewell's corps occupying the right, with its left, my division, resting on the road tont until the last of the month. A little after the middle of the month, General Ewell's health had been impaired, and I succeeded temporarily to the command of t
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 29: skirmishing at Mine Run. (search)
ce at Locust Grove. During the engagement one of Rodes' brigades was taken from his left and sent to Johnson's assistance, but before it arrived the action had closed. Johnson's division did not then exceed 4,000 men, if it reached that number. The two corps moving against it numbered not less than 30,000 men, though French's corps, the 3rd, was the only one which became actually engaged. This affair satisfied me that the enemy's whole army was in the immediate neighborhood, and as Ewell's corps, under my command, was then in a most unfavorable position, I determined to fall back across Mine Run about two miles in our rear, where I had observed a good position as I passed on. Accordingly after Johnson's fight was over, and all his wounded and dead had been collected as far as practicable, in the darkness, the divisions were withdrawn across Mine Run, my own and Rodes' on the stone pike, and Johnson's on the road to Zoar Church. Division commanders were directed to place th
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. (search)
Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. A few days after our return from Mine Run, General Ewell came back to the command of the corps, and I returned to my division, all remaining quiet on the Rapidan. About the middle of December a force of cavalry and infantry moved from New Creek on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad up the south branch of the Potomac, under General Averill of the Federal Army, apparently threatening Staunton in the Valley, while at the same time another foleft to picket down the valley. Major Gilmor subsequently made a raid down the valley, and captured a train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. After the troops had been located, in company with Captain Hotchkiss, topographical engineer for Ewell's corps, I made a reconnoissance of the country and mountain passes west of Staunton and extending across Jackson's River to the mountains beyond, and selected a line to be fortified so as to prevent raids. Captain Hotchkiss made a sketch of thi