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Your search returned 107 results in 58 document sections:
Bloody affray.
--The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick.
Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously.
Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
Bloody affray.
--The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick.
Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously.
Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Bloody affray. (search)
Bloody affray.
--The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick.
Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously.
Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
Bloody affray.
--The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick.
Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously.
Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
The latest.[from the Baltimore papers of Tuesday.]
Obstruction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal by the Confederates--bridges burnt — Canal locks and boats destroyed. Hagerstown, June 10, P. M.
--The Confederates crossed the river at Mercersville, and on Saturday night attempted to seize canal boats and some 800 barrels of flour, but failed in consequence of the Sharpsburg Horse Guards being stationed there.
The Guards, under Lieut. Hewitt, drove them back.
Mercersville is above Shepherdstown.
The Virginians have burnt three canal boats and destroyed two locks between the Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry.
The two bridges at Berlin and Point of Rocks were burnt yesterday morning.
Report says the Confederates were unable to destroy dam No. 4, but that the Virginians have crossed the river and destroyed the guard locks at that point, and thrown in large rocks to obstruct the navigation.
They have also destroyed all the skiffs and scows between Shepherdstown and