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evening of the 15th, arrived last night. Gaeta had capitulated, and the Royal family retired on board a French war steamer. The garrison remain prisoners of war until Messina and some other cities shall surrender. The North Briton arrived out on the 14th, and the Teutonia on the 15th. Commercial. Liverpool, Friday, Feb. 15, A. M. --The cotton market for the week closed dull — holders pressing on the market at a considerable decline on Middling and lower qualities. Hewitt's circular of Wednesday, Middling ½, and inferior grade ½@¼ lower. The latest report quotes an average decline on these qualities ½. Sales for the week only 32,000 bales, in consequence of the accumulation of stock in port and decline in consumption. Breadstuffs quiet and steady. Provisions dull. The Bank of England had advanced discount rates to 8 per cent. Consols 91½@92. [second Dispatch.] Flour dull — prices weak. Wheat quiet and steady, Corn quiet — white
this port en route to N. York, at 8 o'clock this morning. The Prince Albert's dates are four days later than those received per steamship North Briton at Portland. The Cunard steamship, Arabia, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on Saturday evening, February 23d. The steamship Niagara sailed from Queenstown on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 14th, at 4 o'clock, for Halifax and Boston. Political news unimportant. The Prince Albert brings no news of the Australasian. Commercial intelligence. Liverpool, February 26th,P. M. --Cotton.--The sales to-day have been 8,000 bales, including 2,000 to speculators and exporters. Messrs. Hewitt & Co. report an advance of ½@3-16 of a penny per cent. since Friday last, the market closing firm at the advance. Breadstuffs.--The market is generally dull. Provisions are dull. London, Thursday Afternoon.--Consols 91¼@91½ for money, and 91¼@91½ for account. American Stocks--New York Central Railroad 73@7
additional items of news: Turin, Saturday.--Admiral Persano has arrived off Messina, which he will summon to surrender. Rome, Friday.--The National Committee have issued a proclamation declaring that Victor Emanuel will soon be proclaimed King from the Capitol, and expresses thanks to France. The French authorities have taken possession of the keys of the Capitol. Vienna, Saturday.--It is reported that Austria, Russia and Prussia have concluded a convention to act in concert in case of a Polish or Hungarian outbreak. Liverpool, Saturday.--Cotton — Sales of 10,000 bales, including 3,000 bales for export. Messrs. Hewitt & Co., report the market as buoyant, with an advancing tendency. Prices are ½d. higher, owing to the favorable bank returns. Ship news. Arrived from Charleston, Uncle Sam, at Bordeaux; from Baltimore, Barreda Brothers, at Liverpool; from Savannah, Thames, at Liverpool. The ship Edward, from Liverpool for Savannah, had put back.
Bloody affray. --The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick. Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously. Myrick's son was wounded in the fray. Bloody affray. --The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick. Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously. Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
Bloody affray. --The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick. Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously. Myrick's son was wounded in the fray. Bloody affray. --The Carthage (Texas) Banner, states that an affray occurred last week, in Shelby county, at Myrick's ferry on Sabine river, in which a young man, named Hewitt, was killed by his father-in-law, Myrick. Myrick was also killed by a brother of Hewitt's. The deceased Hewitt, and his wife had separated some time previously. Myrick's son was wounded in the fray.
Sales of the week 58,000 bales, including 9,500 to speculators, and 11,000 to exporters. The market opened slightly lower, but subsequently recovered under Ameri- can advices, and closed firm at last week's quotations. The estimated sales of Friday were 15,000 bales, including 7,000 for speculation and export. Liverpool, March 17.--The estimated sales yesterday were 25,000 bales, including 8,000 for specula- tion and export; stock in port 907,000 bales, of which 750,000 are American. Hewitt's circular reports the market as closing buoyant, and fully 1/2 higher. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm. Corn a shade higher. Sugar buoyant. Breadstuffs firm, and prices generally unchanged. Provisions generally quiet. Consols 92@92 1/2. From Denver city. Fort Kearny, March 28.--The Western stage, with mails and passengers, and Hinckley's Express, for Omaha, passed here at 4 P. M. Denver, March 25.--The daily yield of gold in the mines is very rapidly increasing. The
50,000. The Duchess of Kent (the Queen's mother,) is dangerously ill. The London Times ridicules the idea of the Confederate States effecting a loan, after Mississippi's repudiation. Commercial. Liverpool, March 16th. --Cotton — Sales of the week 58,000 bales, including 9,500 to speculators, and 11,000 to exporters. The market opened slightly lower, but subsequently recovered under Ameri- can advices, and closed firm at last week's quotations. The estimated sales of Friday were 15,000 bales, including 7,000 for speculation and export. Liverpool, March 17.--The estimated sales yesterday were 25,000 bales, including 8,000 for specula- tion and export; stock in port 907,000 bales, of which 750,000 are American. Hewitt's circular reports the market as closing buoyant, and fully 1/2 higher. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm. Corn a shade higher. Sugar buoyant. Breadstuffs firm, and prices generally unchanged. Provisions generally quiet. Consols 92@92 1/2.
in a bill in favor of voting by ballot. It was rejected by a vote of yeas 154; nays 279. A prospectus had been issued of a company called the "Liverpool and New Orleans Navigation Company," with the object of establishing direct steam communication between Liverpool and New Orleans. The capital is fixed at £200,000, with power to increase, and many influential men are engaged in the enterprise. It is also announced by advertisement that a company had been formed in Liverpool for establishing direct communication between that port and Charleston. The first steamer of the line is expected to be dispatched from Liverpool about the middle of July. Spain. It is reported that the Spanish Government will not give its sanction to the annexation of St. Domingo. Commercial. Liverpool, 24th.--Cotton — Sales for four days 50,000 bales, closing firm, with an advancing tendency under the Africa's news.--Hewitt & Co. quote middling Orleans 7 5/8. Consols 91 7/8@92
It is asserted that the force of the French Army is 75,000 more than was mentioned in the budget. The harvest prospects in France are very bad, owing to the inclement weather. The fruit crop was considered lost, and the wheat seriously damaged by frost. Irreparable mischief has been done to the brandy crop at Cognac. Commercial Advices. Liverpool, Wednesday.--Cotton — Sales last three days, including to-day, 42,000 bales, including 19,000 bales to speculators and exporters. Hewitt's Circular reports the market firm, and prices advanced Ȃ since Friday. Many stocks have been withdrawn from market. Manchester advices represent the market as steady. In some cases the advance asked is not conceded. Breadstuffs are steady. Flour closed firm and partially at a slight advance. Wheat closed firm — red 11s. 3da12s. Sd.; white 12s. 6da14s. Corn is quiet and prices steadier; mixed and yellow 34s. 6d.; white 35s. a 35s. 6d. Money Market.--The money market wa
The latest.[from the Baltimore papers of Tuesday.] Obstruction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal by the Confederates--bridges burnt — Canal locks and boats destroyed. Hagerstown, June 10, P. M. --The Confederates crossed the river at Mercersville, and on Saturday night attempted to seize canal boats and some 800 barrels of flour, but failed in consequence of the Sharpsburg Horse Guards being stationed there. The Guards, under Lieut. Hewitt, drove them back. Mercersville is above Shepherdstown. The Virginians have burnt three canal boats and destroyed two locks between the Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry. The two bridges at Berlin and Point of Rocks were burnt yesterday morning. Report says the Confederates were unable to destroy dam No. 4, but that the Virginians have crossed the river and destroyed the guard locks at that point, and thrown in large rocks to obstruct the navigation. They have also destroyed all the skiffs and scows between Shepherdstown and