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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
r Major Robert W.. 132 Hutter, Col., J. Risque, 857 Jackson, Capt. John H., 280 Jackson, Gen. T. J. Career of, 79 How he was called Stonewall, 80 Valley Campaign of, 82 Demonstration on Harpers' Ferry, 341 At Chancellorsville 87 Severe discipline of 89 Fatal wounding of 96 Valentine's statue of, 97 Johnson, Col. Adam R., 111 Johnston, Gen., Albert Sydney, killed, 214 Johnston, Miss, Mary, 29 Jones, Col. John M., 84 Jones, Dr., J. William, 79 Jordan, Gen. Thomas 204 Kautz, Gen. Adam V. 1 Keiley, Anthony M., 17 Kentucky Cavalry. The 11th, 259 Captured, 274 Roll of officers and men, with statistics, 276, et seq. Lee, General, Fitzhugh. Address on, 132 His services to the Jamestown Exposition, 134 In Cuba, 137 Lee Gen. H. E His war horse Traveller, 99 Did not offer sword to Grant, 59 To the rear, 368 Lee Gen. Stephen D., 25 His tribute to Parker's Boys, 106 Logan, Gen. Thomas M., 57 McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon 125 McClay. Corporal John kill