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ings, land I am perfectly willing to abide her final judgment. Mr. Baker--Mr. President, it has not been my fortune to participate in at any length, indeed, not to hear very much of the discussion which has been going on — more I think in the hands of the Senator from Kentucky than anybody else — upon all the propositions connected with this war; and, as I really feel as sincerely as he can an earnest desire to preserve the Constitution of the United States for everybody, South as well as North, I have listened for some little time past to what he has said, with an earnest desire to apprehend the point of his objection to this particular bill. And now — waiving what I think is the elegant but loose declamation in which he chooses to indulge — I would propose, with my habitual respect for him, (for nobody is more courteous and more gentlemanly,) to ask him if he will be kind enough to tell me what single particular provision there is in this bill which is in violation of the Const
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 19 (search)
ade on our lines seven times, and was seven times repulsed. Hood's and Hardee's corps and Wheeler's cavalry engaged us. We have sent to the rear one thousand prisoners, including thirty-three commissioned officers of high rank. We still occupy the field, and the troops are in fine spirits. A detailed and full report will be furnished as soon as completed. Recapitulation. Our total loss3,521 Enemy's dead, thus far reported, buried, and delivered to them3,220 Total prisoners sent North1,017 Total prisoners, wounded, in our hands1,000 Estimated loss of the enemy, at least10,000 Very respectfully, your obedient servant, John A. Logan, Major-General. On the 22d of July General Rousseau reached Marietta, having returned from his raid on the Alabama road at Opelika, and on the next day General Garrard also returned from Covington, both having been measurably successful. The former was about twenty-five hundred strong, the latter about four thousand, and both report
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 24: conclusion — military lessons of the War. (search)
ually begun, in January, 1861. The forts at the mouth of the Mississippi were seized, and occupied by garrisons that hauled down the United States flag and hoisted that of the State. The United States Arsenal at Baton Rouge was captured by New Orleans militia, its garrison ignominiously sent off, and the contents of the arsenal distributed. These were as much acts of war as was the subsequent firing on Fort Sumter, yet no public notice was taken thereof; and when, months afterward, I came North, I found not one single sign of preparation. It was for this reason, somewhat, that the people of the South became convinced that those of the North were pusillanimous and cowardly, and the Southern leaders were thereby enabled to commit their people to the war, nominally in defense of their slave property. Up to the hour of the firing on Fort Sumter, in April, 1861, it does seem to me that our public men, our politicians, were blamable for not sounding the note of alarm. Then, when war
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
to the South of the slaves of the North, is purely mythical — as groundless in fact as it is absurd in statement. I have often asked for the evidence of this last allegation, and I have never found an individual who attempted even to prove it. But however this may be, the South at that time regarded Slavery as an evil, though a necessary one, and habitually spoke of it in that light. Its continued existence was supposed to depend on keeping up the African slave trade; and South as well as North, Virginia as well as Massachusetts, passed laws to prohibit that traffic; they were, however, before the revolution, vetoed by the Royal Governors. One of the first acts of the Continental Congress, unanimously subscribed by its members, was an agreement neither to import, nor purchase any slave imported, after the first of December, 1774. In the Declaration of Independence, as originally drafted by Mr. Jefferson, both Slavery and the slave trade were denounced in the most uncompromising l
alf understood The load he left behind. And then they called the fathers out, The fathers of the town,-- Wisdom has always dwelt with them From pagan Romans down;-- And they resolved, “No hostile foot Shall ever cross our soil; That all should arm themselves, and keep Our fields and towns from spoil. “We'll tear our railroads up a space; We'll burn our bridges down; That no invading foe may harm Our old and stately town.” And when defence was all arranged, All warlike plans were laid, The softer counsels of the heart Stole upwards to the head. “We'll send them something up to eat, Or all these famished men Will not have strength enough to go Back to their homes again.” And so great loads of all good things Went creaking up the road; A sort of music in the wheels, A moral in the load. Hurrah for South! Hurrah for North! Hurrah for our great land! Three cheers for this old Brotherhood-- The Brotherhood of Man! Baltimore Co., Md., April 30, 1861. --Baltimore Co.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), The Whereabouts of Gen. Beauregard: by Telegraph to vanity Fair--after manner of Daily papers. (search)
d was in Richmond at 23 minutes past 6 o'clock yesterday, and will attack Washington at once. Philadelphia, April 26.--We learn on undoubted authority, that Gen. Beauregard was in Alexandria at 24 minutes past 6 yesterday, reconnoitring. Baltimore, April 26.--Gen. Beauregard was in Norfolk at 25 minutes past 6 yesterday, and took a gin cocktail with several of the first families. Havre de grace, April 26.--I learn from a gentleman just from Mobile, that Gen. Beauregard is on his way North, with 150,000 troops. Gen. Beauregard is six feet high, but will not join Blower's Household Guards. Declines advertising the Household Journal. Annapolis, April 26.--Gen. Beauregard was discovered in the White House rear-yard last night at 26 minutes past 6, armed with three large howitzers and a portable sledstake. He went away after reconnoitring pretty numerously. Philadelphia, April 26.--I learn on excellent authority that Gen. Beauregard was in Charleston at 22 minutes past 6
lead on the edges; walked in, and walked through; saw teamster on the other side, indulging in profane language --in fact, cussina considerable, because lightning had killed his team. Looked as finger directed — saw six dead oxen in line with hole through mountain; knew that was the bullet's work, but didn't say so to angry teamster. Thought best to be leaving; in consequence, didn't explore path of bullet any further; therefore, don't know where it stopped; don't know whether it stopped at all; in fact, rather think it didn't. Mounted horse; rode back through the hole made by the bullet, but never told Captain a word about it; to tell the truth, was rather afraid he'd think it a hoax. It's a right big story, boys, said Toby, in conclusion; but it's true, sure as shooting. Nothing to do with Maynard rifle but load her up, turn her North, and pull trigger. If twenty of them don't clean out all Yankeedom, then I'm a liar, that's all. --The Intelligencer, (Oxford, Mississippi.)
rn shackles will be worn, To them we'll bow no knee; From hill to hill, exultant, shrill, Our battle-cry rings forth: Freedom or death on every breath, And hatred to the North. Cease not to smile, brave Southern girls, On all our efforts to be free-- Whilst life remains, we'll struggle on, Till all the world shall see That those who fight for home and right Can never be enslaved; Their blood may stain the battle-plain; Our country must be saved. Mr. Frank Moore: The above poem (though rudely composed) is a verbatim copy of a poem written by one of the Confederate prisoners captured at Winchester — and who was imprisoned in the Baltimore City Jail — while on their way North. Our secesh ladies thronged the jail-yard for the entire two days of their stay, and while there, the above was thrown to them, with a note. What the note contained I am not able to say, but can assure you as to the origination of the above. Yours, with respect, Henry J. Howard. Baltimore, March, 18
He professed to be a Union man, and had been in Memphis only three days previously. The evacuation of Corinth was not then known publicly, and our flotilla was still at Vicksburgh. Memphis he described as being deserted; gave some account of the history of the Fort from its commencement, in which he described the actions of the rebel commanders as exceedingly tyrannical. An intelligent contraband also backed up the asseverations of his master by various statements. He was anxious to get North, and declared himself fully persuaded of the superiority of the Lincoln cause. As the clear result of this masterly operation we have secured ten uninjured guns of various calibres. The enemy has destroyed at least an equal number and has removed a larger number. He has sacrificed an immense amount of stores. He has abandoned a magnificent position, from which we could hardly ever have driven him with the fleet alone, and has shrunk from a contest with his flotillas. The State of Te
The whole number engaged was one hundred and fifty at the camp, and seventy-five provost-guards. The Minnesota Third had six hundred effective men, a battery of four guns to support them, and lost one killed and seven wounded. The sick and wounded officers were all paroled on the spot, the rest were marched to Meminville with the soldiers, where the soldiers were paroled and sent back to Murfreesboro. They arrived in Nashville a few days ago, where they intend to remain until they are sent North. I was fortunate enough to get to the hospital and evade the parole. I shall soon join my company, which is now located in Tallahassee, with four others, under the command of Major Fox. After the rebels had completed their damnable work of destruction, they left the town and compelled the citizens to bury the dead. This shameful disaster is attributable to the mismanagement and cowardice of Colonel Leicester; had he left the regiments and battery in a condition to support each other, the