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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in Arkansas, December 7th, 1862--September 14th, 1863. (search)
ed; m for captured or missing ; c for captured. Prairie Grove, December 7th, 1862. Union: army of the Frontier.--Brig.-Gen. James G. Hunt. First division, Brig.-Gen. James G. Blunt. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Frederick Salomon: 6th Kan. Cav., Col. William R. Judson; 9th Kan. Cav., Col. Edward Lynde; 3d Wis. Cav. (6 co's), Maj. Elias A. Calkins; 9th Wis. Inf. (train guard), Col. Charles E. Salomnon. Brigade loss: m, 1. Second Brigade, Col. William Weer: 3d Indian Home Guard, Col. William A. Phillips; 10th Kan., Maj. Henry H. Williams; 13th Kan., Col. Thomas M. Bowen; 1st Kan. Battery, Lieut. Marcus D. Tenney. Brigade loss:k, 16; w, 117; in, 5= 138. Third Brigade, Col. William F. Cloud: 1st Indian Home Guard, Lieut-Col. Stephen H. Wattles; 2d Kan. Cav., Lieut.-Col. Owen A. Bassett; 11th Kan., Col. Thomas Ewing, Jr.; 2d Ind. Battery, Capt. John W. Rabb; 2d Kan. Battery, Capt. Henry Hopkins. Brigade loss: k, 8; w, 63 =71. Second division, Col. Daniel Huston, Jr. Escort: 1s
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
usand Confederates, under Colonel Coffey. The fort was commanded by Colonel William A. Phillips, and garrisoned by about eight hundred white men and a regiment of Creacherous, and failed to give notice of the approach of the foe. Coffey found Phillips too strongly posted to warrant an attack, so he crossed the river (Arkansas), . Coffey encamped in a strong position, about five miles from the fort, where Phillips attacked him with energy. The Confederates fled across the river with their booty, and escaped with a loss of about sixty men. Phillips's loss was about the same. Four weeks later, a train of three hundred wagons, on the way from Kansas witnext day July 17. he attacked Cooper in two columns, led respectively by Colonels Phillips and Judson, his cavalry, dismounted, acting as infantry on each flank, winited forces of Quantrell and Standwatie, the Creek chief, attacked one of Colonel Phillips's outposts, near Fort Gibson, Dec. 18, 1863. in the Indian Territory. A
hem to Clarkville Standwatie and Quantrell repulsed by Col. Phillips at Fort Gibson Sioux butcheries in Minnesota Gen. Sibk Nation. in the Cherokee Nation, which was held by Col. Wm. A. Phillips, with some 800 mounted men and a regiment of Creek Indians. Phillips's Indian scouts proved untrustworthy, letting the enemy approach him unannounced; still, lie had works whn a strong position five miles from his fort; and there Col. Phillips attacked them with spirit — he driving them (or they esover the Arkansas, with a loss of 50 or 60 on each side. Phillips seems to have conducted his part of the affair with judgm17. Blunt advanced in two columns, under Cols. Judson and Phillips; deploying rapidly to right and left when within 400 yard) had been worsted, in the Indian Territory, by Blunt and Phillips, undertook, under Shelby, a Fall raid into Missouri--probdwatie and Quantrell made another attack Dec. 18. on Col. Phillips's outposts near Fort Gibson, Indian Territory; but, aft
Doc. 19.-the fight on the Osage River. A negro regiment in action. Leavenworth, Saturday, November 8. The First regiment Kansas colored volunteers, or a portion of it, have been in a fight, shed their own and rebel blood, and come off victorious, when the odds were as five to one against them. For the last few weeks the recruits composing this regiment have been in camp Wm. A. Phillips, at Fort Lincoln, perfecting themselves in drill. On the twenty-sixth of October, Captain Seamen received an order from Major Henning, commanding at Fort Scott, to take such a force as he could raise and proceed to a point on the Osage, Bates County, Mo., and there break up a gang of bushwhackers. We marched from Fort Lincoln with seventy men of the battalion raised by himself, under Capt. Pierson, (formerly of the First Iowa,) and Lieut. Thrasher, (formerly of the Third Kansas,) and one hundred and seventy men from Col. Williams's battalion, under the command of Capt. R. G. Ward, com
heir demonstration in front was only a feint, and that their main force had gone by the Cove Creek road, for the purpose of intercepting communication between Gen. Herron and myself; and, notwithstanding that I had received no intelligence from Col. Richardson--upon whom I had relied to watch this movement — I determined to act accordingly. I immediately ordered the transportation to Rhea's Mills, by a road leading directly north over the mountain, guarded by the Third Indiana regiment, Col. Phillips, keeping the bottom road on the right, leading to the same point, and also the Fayetteville road, open for the movement of troops. I ordered Col. Wickersham, with his cavalry, to move rapidly in the direction of Fayetteville, and form a junction with Gen. Herron. He was followed by Gen. Salomon's brigade, and the Second and Third brigades were withdrawn from the front, and directed to move rapidly on the Fayetteville road. As soon as I determined on this disposition of the forces
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
f the town; Governor Geary orders Woodson and Strickler to disband the pro-slavery army on the Wakarusa......Sept. 14, 1856 The pro-slavery forces encamped near Lawrence since the 14th are prevailed upon by the governor to disband and return to Missouri......Sept. 17, 1856 Publication of Kansas: its Interior and exterior life, by Mrs. Sara T. L. Robinson......Oct. 24, 1856 Governor Geary announces that peace prevails throughout the Territory of Kansas ......Nov. 11, 1856 Col. William A. Phillips publishes his book, The conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her allies......1856 The United States House of Representatives reconsiders the act refusing to seat Whitfield, and he becomes delegate for Kansas......Dec. 9, 1856 Free-State legislature meets at Topeka, Governor Robinson absent; Judge Cato grants a writ, and seven members of the legislature are arrested by the United States marshal......Jan. 7, 1857 Territorial legislature and a convention of Kansas National Democ
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, VII. Kansas and John Brown (search)
there existed from the beginning among the Free State people two well-defined parties, the one wishing to carry its ends by war, the other by peace. As a matter of fact there was no such division. In regard to the most extreme act of John Brown's Kansas career, the so-called Pottawatomie massacre of May 24, 1856, I can testify that in September of that year there appeared to be but one way of thinking among the Kansas Free State men, this being precisely the fact pointed out by Colonel William A. Phillips, in his Conquest of Kansas, which is altogether the best and fairest book upon the confused history of that time and place. I heard of no one who did not approve of the act, and its beneficial effects were universally asserted,--Governor Robinson himself fully indorsing it to me, and maintaining, like the rest, that it had given an immediate check to the armed aggressions of the Missourians. It is certain that at a public meeting held at Lawrence, Kansas, three years later (D
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
3, 24, 400. Parsons, Theophilus, 122. Parton, James, 301. Paul, Apostle, 217. Peabody, A. P., 5, 53, 63. Peabody, Elizabeth, 86, 87, 173. Peirce, Benjamin, 17, 49, 50, 51, 52. Pericles, 112. period of the Newness, the, Perkins, C. C., 20, 66, 124. Perkins, H. C., 194. Perkins, S. G., 80, 81, 124. Perkins, S. H., 79, 80, 83, 84. Perkins, T. H., 80. Perry, Mrs., 315. Peter, Mrs., 17. Petrarca Francisco, 76. Philip of Macedon, 126, 131. Phillips & Sampson, 176. Phillips, W. A., 207. Phillips, Wendell, 53, 97, 121, 145, 148, 149, 150, 159, 240. 242, 243, 244, 297, 327, 328, 329, 333, 357. Pickering, Arthur, 85. Pierce, A. L., 125. Pierce, John, 45. Pike, Mr., 233. Pillsbury, Parker, 327. Pinckney, C. C., 13. Plato, 1010x, 158, 18&. Plunkett, Sergeant, 345. Plutarch, 5, 57, 171. Pollock, Sir, Frederick, 280, 281, 297. Pollock, Lady 280, 292. Pope, Alexander, I, 5. Pottawatomie Massacre, The, approved in Kansas, 207. Poverty, compensations