Your search returned 89 results in 34 document sections:

following person: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss. Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Huding. Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlook, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stabbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater. James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle. Dr. L. C. crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy, New Kent county; Dabney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P.B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown, Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J S Middleton, John Gormly,Norfolk. de 12--d&w1m
llowing persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin, Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy, New Kent county; Dabney Parrish, Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown, Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&w1m
e following persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond, Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin Thomas Fanstiercy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss. Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Redgin Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N, J. B. Whitlook, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micon, Wrisey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes. Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. F. Clopton. Ro. Howle. Dr. I. C. Crump Jno S. Lacy, R. T. Lace. New Kent county, Labier Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton. P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown. Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton. John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&w1m
Georgia. Augusta, Jan. 3. --The Secessionists have carried Richmond county by six hundred majority. In this county, in the November election, Breckinridge received a little over four hundred votes, while Bell and Douglas received nearly two thousand. The Secessionists have carried Muskogee county three to one. In November the Bell ticket had a small majority in this county. The Secessionists have carried Bibb county by 314 majority. In November the Bell ticket had a small plurality in this county. From these indications it would seem that those who favor immediate secession have swept the State.
llowing persons; Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin Thomas Fauntleroy. King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss. Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin. Dr. John D. Butler. Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Fd. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C Clopton. Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater. James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton. Ro. Howle. Dr. I. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy. New Kent county; Dabney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown. Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S Middleton. John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&w1m
ng persons. Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss. Thomas Lee. King George county; Ro. Hudgin. Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Fd. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou. Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton. Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy. New Kent county; Dabney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton. P. B. Foster. Cumberland county; W. W. Brown. Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning. Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&wlm
to the following persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane. Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright. Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr John Lewis, King William county; Geo Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin. Dr. John D Butler. Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock. Dr. James H. Lafane, Fd F. Noel. Bev.D. Roy. J. Roy Micou, Wilney Fogg, Geo. T. Wright. Essex county; Dr. Thomas C Clopton Jefferson Stubbs. Jasper C Hughes, Gloucester county: Parkes Slater James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle. Dr. L. C. Crump. Jno. S. Lacy. R. T. Lac,. New Kent county; Labney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton. P. B. Foster. Cumberland county; W. W. Brown. Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J Wiere, Prince William county; Capt.J S. Middleton. John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&wlm.
the following persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Rudgin. Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock Dr. James H. Latane, Bd. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton Jefferson Stubus, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lac., New Kent county, Dabney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton. P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown. Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&w1m
ollowing persons; Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin, Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin, Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micon, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Payne, Richmond county; Wm. E. Clopton, Ro. Howle, Dr. L. C. Crump, Jno. S. Lacy, R. T. Lacy, New Kent county; Labney Parrish Louisa county; Wm. D. Clopton, P. B. Foster, Cumberland county; W. W. Brown, Lunenburg county; J. B. Chewning, Culpeper county; Wm. J. Wiere, Prince William county; Capt. J. S. Middleton, John Gormly, Norfolk. de 13--d&w1m
Vice President Stephens at Augusta. Augusta,Ga., July 11. --Vice President Stephens delivered a powerful speech this forenoon, in this city, on the produce loan. The meeting was largely attended and unusual interest manifested. A committee was appointed to procure subscriptions. Mr. Stephens left for his residence in Crawfordsville, in the afternoon train. [Augusta is in Richmond county and very little cotton is cultivated in that county, and yet the wealth and patriotism of its inhabitants will be fully demonstrated when the committee make their report.]