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nderson's division, via Buckettsville, to Pleasant Valley, to take possession of Maryland Heights, I reached the valley on the eleventh. Pleasant Valley runs north and south, and is bounded on the town was no longer tenable to them. Pleasant Valley was approached from the east, first by the storming party, and dropped shells into Pleasant Valley, was spiked and abandoned at the same timp, over which the command had passed into Pleasant Valley, I had, about twelve o'clock, ordered Genith all possible despatch. I returned to Pleasant Valley, and, as the troops had been gradually wit of the operations of my command in Pleasant Valley, Maryland. There are particular reasons why Irson, marched through Harper's Ferry from Pleasant Valley, and halted near Halltown, a short distann to look after the sick and wounded from Pleasant Valley, when notice was sent me to hasten the trsing Bull Run at Sudley Ford and reaching Pleasant Valley that night, the next day, September first
r narrow approaching columns. The approach through Crampton's Pass, which debouches into Pleasant Valley in rear of Maryland Heights, was the only one which afforded any reasonable prospect of carohrersville to carry the Maryland Heights. The signal officers inform me that he is now in Pleasant Valley. The firing shows that Miles still holds out. Longstreet was to move to Boonsborough, and ould not be used with any effect. The close of the action found Gen. Franklin's advance in Pleasant Valley on the night of the 14th, within three and a half miles of the point on Maryland Heights whCol. Miles at Harper's Ferry, attacking and destroying such of the enemy as you may find in Pleasant Valley. Should you succeed in opening communication with Col. Miles, direct him to join you with e 15th the following were received from Gen. Franklin: At the foot of the mountain in Pleasant Valley, three miles from Rohrersville, Sept. 15, 8.50 A. M. general: My command started at dayl
[Williams's] corps), by the national turnpike and Boonsborough; the corps of Gens. Burnside and Porter (the latter command at that time consisting of but one weak division, Sykes's) by the old Sharpsburg road; and Gen. Franklin to move into Pleasant Valley, occupy Rohrersville by a detachment, and endeavor to relieve Harper's Ferry. Gens. Burnside and Porter, upon reaching the road from Boonsborough to Rohrersville, were to reinforce Franklin or to move on Sharpsburg, according to circumstauns; on The Burnside bridge over the Antietam. the crest of the hill in the rear and right of bridge No. 3, Capt. Weed's 3-inch and Lieut. Benjamin's 20-pounder batteries. Gen. Franklin's corps and Gen. Couch's division held a position in Pleasant Valley in front of Brownsville, with a strong force of the enemy in their front. Gen. Morell's division of Porter's corps was en route from Boonsborough, and Gen. Humphreys's division of new troops en route from Frederick, Md. About daylight on th
solution is necessary. In this he is no doubt correct, and I hope sincerely that another successful battle may conclude my part of the work. Oct.--, 1862, Pleasant Valley--I received to-day a very handsome series of resolutions from the councils of Philadelphia, thanking me for the last campaign. The councils pitch into the goy cavalry had done since the battle of Antietam to fatigue anything. It was one of those little flings that I can't get used to when they are not merited. Pleasant Valley, Oct.-- Since about three this morning it has been blowing a perfect gale; several tents blown over, etc. The bishop preached a very good extempore sermon breakfast will soon be ready — that the wittles is very slow cooking this here windy morning. I hope his estimate of time will not be out of the way much. Pleasant Valley, Oct. 27. I commenced the crossing yesterday. I returned a few moments ago from a trip to the — s to say good-by to the bishop and to present your album.
ndered his army at Bull Run by Captain E. P. Alexander, a former pupil of Myer. Mc-Dowell was then without signalmen, and so could neither communicate regularly with Washington nor receive word of the October, 1862—where the Confederate invasion of Maryland was discovered The signal officer is on outlook duty near the Point of Rocks station, in Maryland. This station was opened and operated by First-Lieutenant John H. Fralick for purposes of observation. It completely dominated Pleasant Valley. On the twelfth of the month Fralick had detected and reported General J. E. B. Stuart's raiding cavalry crossing the Potomac on their way back from Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Confederate cavalry leader had crossed the Potomac at Williamsport on the 10th of October, ridden completely around the rear of the Army of the Potomac, and eluded the vigorous pursuit of General Pleasonton and his Union cavalry. Within twenty hours he had marched sixty-five miles and kept up his artillery.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General J. E. B. Stuart of cavalry operations on First Maryland campaign, from August 30th to September 18th, 1862. (search)
under Colonel Parham, who held his position most gallantly until overpowered. Hearing of the attack at Crampton's gap, I rode at full speed to reach that point, and met General Cobb's command, just after dark, retreating in disorder down Pleasant valley. He represented the enemy as only two hundred yards behind, and in overwhelming force. I immediately halted his command, and disposed men upon each side of the road to meet the enemy, and a battery, which I had accidentally met with, was pof battle of the infantry to enable it to withdraw during the night, and early next morning his command was charged with bringing up the rear of that column to Sharpsburg, while Hampton accomplished the same for McLaws' command moving out of Pleasant Valley to Harper's Ferry. I reported in person to General Jackson at Harper's Ferry, and thence rode, at his request, to the Commanding General at Sharpsburg, to communicate to him General J.'s views and information. Our army being in line of b
At the same time that the march of these troops upon Harpers Ferry began, the remainder of General Longstreet's command and the division of D. H. Hill crossed the South Mountain and moved toward Boonsboro. General Stuart with the cavalry remained east of the mountains to observe the enemy and retard his advance. Longstreet continued his march to Hagerstown, and Hill halted near Boonsboro to support the cavalry and to prevent the force invested at Harpers Ferry from escaping through Pleasant Valley. The advance of the hostile army was then so slow as to justify the belief that the reduction of Harpers Ferry would be accomplished and our troops concentrated before they would be called upon to meet the foe. In that event it had not been intended to oppose his passage through South Mountain, as it was desired to engage him as far as possible from his base. But a copy of Lee's order directing the movement of the army from Frederick, happening to fall into the hands of McClellan, dis
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 11: second Manassas (search)
. H. Stuart's cavalry were to precede Jackson. Longstreet was to glean the battle-field and then to follow Jackson. All progress was slow on account of the rain and mud. This was the third battle within 14 months which had been closely followed by heavy rain, — Bull Run, Malvern Hill, and Second Manassas. The theory took root that cannonading has rain-making virtue. On the 31st Jackson, over wretched roads and through continued rain, advanced only about 10 miles, and bivouacked at Pleasant Valley on the Little River pike. Longstreet's advance reached Sudley Ford, and the care of the battle-field was left to the reenforcements from Richmond, which were now coming up. On Sept. 1, the march was resumed by Jackson at an early hour, and Longstreet followed over the same road. Pope, in a despatch to Halleck during the night, had reported his falling back to Centreville, but had still claimed a victory, saying: The enemy is badly whipped and we shall do well enough. Do not be uneasy
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 12: Boonsboro or South Mountain, and Harper's Ferry (search)
of the 13,000 men to be besieged there, while he captured the heights above them and cannonaded them into a surrender, it was essential that he should occupy Pleasant Valley. This lay between the Blue Ridge (here called South Mountain) on the east, and Elk Ridge (or Maryland Heights) on the west. The protection of his rear requi he had to protect against an advance from the direction of Washington, and at Sandy Hook, where the road from Harper's Ferry comes around South Mountain into Pleasant Valley, he had to guard against an attack by the whole garrison of Harper's Ferry. Besides this, he had to send a force along Elk Ridge strong enough to defeat the brigades of Kershaw, Wilcox, and Barksdale from the forces on South Mountain, with the remnants of Semmes, Cobb, and Mahone, he threw a line of battle across Pleasant Valley about a mile and a half below Crampton's Gap, with its left flank upon Elk Ridge, and its right upon South Mountain. Here he made a bold front on the morning
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 13: Sharpsburg or Antietam (search)
a rapid night march he arrived early on the 16th, having forded the Potomac at daylight, at Boteler's Ford near Shepherdstown. McLaws extricated himself from Pleasant Valley by coming into Harper's Ferry. Here he was much delayed in crossing the pontoon bridge with his trains and getting through the crowded streets. It was after nothing that afternoon or the next morning. During the 16th he was joined by the 9th corps, and at 7.30 P. M. he ordered two divisions of the 6th corps from Pleasant Valley, under Franklin, to join him next day, while the 3d division under Couch was ordered to occupy Maryland Heights; for what useful purpose it is hard to marched from Harper's Ferry at 3 P. M. on the 16th, and arrived near Sharpsburg soon after sunrise. These troops had had hard marching in withdrawing from Pleasant Valley and passing through Sharpsburg, and, on arrival, were allowed a rest of about an hour. By that time it was seen that Sumner's attack was imminent, and they w