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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hoe, Richard March 1812-1833 (search)
ing-presses, his business increased, but, his health failing, in 1832 his eldest son, Richard, took charge of the business, with two partners. Meanwhile Richard had made material improvements in the manufacture of saws, and the production of these implements became an important part of their business. In 1837 Richard went to England to obtain a patent for an improved method of grinding saws. His observation of printing-presses in use there enabled him to make very great improvements in printing-machines. He patented his lightning press, so called Richard March Hoe. because of the rapidity of its motions, in 1847. For many years Richard carried on the manufacture of printing, hydraulic, and other presses, with his two brothers, Robert and Peter, the senior partner adding from time to time, by his inventive genius, great improvements, especially in the construction of power-presses, for rapid and excellent printing. Richard M. Hoe died suddenly in Florence, Italy, June 7, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Huntington, Daniel 1816- (search)
Huntington, Daniel 1816- Artist; born in New York, Oct. 14, 1816; was educated at Hamilton College. In 1835 he began studying art with Samuel F. B. Morse (q. v.), president of the National Academy of Design; in 1839 and 1844 visited Europe; and while in Rome and Florence produced several notable paintings. In 1862 and 1869 he was elected president of the National Academy, and served continuously in the same office in 1877-91. His paintings include The bar-room politician; A Toper asleep; portraits: Abraham Lincoln; Martin Van Buren; Daniel Huntington. Albert Gallatin, etc.; figure pieces: Mercy's dream; Sacred lesson; Mrs. Washington's reception; The good Samaritan; Righteousness and peace; The Atlantic cable projectors, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jarves, James Jackson 1820-1888 (search)
Jarves, James Jackson 1820-1888 Author; born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 20, 1820; established the first newspaper printed in the Hawaiian Islands, in 1840. In 1850 he was appointed by King Kamehameha III. commissioner to the United States, Great Britain, and France, for the purpose of negotiating treaties, and in 1879 United States vice-consul in Florence, Italy. Among his works are History of Hawaii; Parisian sights and French principles seen through American spectacles; Italian sights, etc. He died in Terasp, Switzerland, June 28, 1888.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mazzei, Philip 1730-1816 (search)
ic funds—a contrivance invented for the purpose of corruption, and for assimilating us in all things to the rotten as well as the sound parts of the British model. It would give you a fever, he continued, were I to name to you the apostates who have gone over to these heresies—men who were Samsons in the field and Solomons in the council, but who have had their heads shorn by the harlot of England. This letter was dated April 24, 1796. Mazzei published an Italian translation of it in Florence, Jan. 1, 1797. Thence it was retranslated into French, and published in the Moniteur, Jan. 25. Translated a third time, into English, it made its way to the American newspapers, through the London press, in the beginning of May, and produced a most profound sensation in the United States. Jefferson first saw it on May 9, at Bladensburg, while on his way to Philadelphia to take his seat as president of the Senate, having been chosen Vice-President of the United States. The administration
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Powers, Hiram 1805- (search)
r made his residence in Cincinnati, where he was employed in a reading-room, a produce-store, and with a clock-maker. He learned the art of modelling in plaster from a German, and soon made several busts of considerable merit, and was manager of the wax-work department of the museum at Cincinnati. In 1835 he went to Washington, where he successfully modelled busts of distinguished men, and with the assistance of Nicholas Longworth, of Cincinnati, he was enabled to establish himself at Florence, Italy, in 1837, where he resided until his death, June 27, 1873. There he soon rose to eminence in his profession, making an ideal statue of Eve Powhatan sitting in State (from an old print). which Thorwaldsen pronounced a masterpiece. The next year he produced the exquisite figure of the Greek slave, the most widely known of his works, and of which six duplicates in marble have been made, besides casts and reduced copies. He was accurate in his portraits, and the greater portion of his
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sargent, John singer 1856- (search)
Sargent, John singer 1856- Artist; born in Florence, Italy, in 1856; educated in Italy and Germany; came to the United States in 1876, and revisited it several times, chiefly to paint certain portraits; was commissioned to decorate the ends of the upper corridor of the new Boston public library, and chose for his subject the Progress of Religion; and was a member of the American National Academy of Design, and an associate of the Royal Academy of England. In the exhibition of the Royal Academy in 1900 he had a Venetian interior with four figures which was pronounced the cleverest canvas in the exhibition. He died in London, England, April 13, 1900.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seymour, Truman 1824-1891 (search)
e war against Mexico, and also in the Florida war (1856-58); and became captain of artillery in 1860. He was in Fort Sumter during its siege in 1861; joined the Army of the Potomac in March, 1862; and was made chief of artillery of McCall's division. Late in April of that year he was made brigadier-general, and commanded a brigade in the Peninsular campaign. He led a brigade in the battles at Groveton, South Mountain, and Antietam, and commanded a division in the assault on Fort Wagner, where he was severely wounded (July 18, 1863). In February, 1864, he commanded an expedition to Florida, and fought a battle at Olustee. He commanded divisions at the beginning of the Richmond campaign of 1864, and in the Shenandoah Valley the same year. He was in the Richmond campaign from December, 1864, to the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, and was brevetted majorgeneral, United States army, for services during the Rebellion. He was retired in 1876. He died in Florence, Italy, Oct. 30, 1891.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaties. (search)
or Brunshausen dues abolishedBerlinNov. 6, 1851 Hawaiian Islands: Treaty of Friendship, commerce, navigationWashingtonDec. 20, 1849 Convention of Commercial reciprocityWashingtonJan. 30, 1875 Hesse-Cassel: Convention of Droit d'aubaine and tax on emigration abolishedBerlinMar. 26, 1844 Hesse-Darmtstadt: Treaty of NaturalizationDarmstadtAug. 1, 1868 Italy: Convention of ConsularWashingtonFeb. 8, 1868 Convention of ExtraditionWashingtonMar. 23, 1868 Treaty of Commerce and navigationFlorenceFeb. 26, 1871 Convention of Consular privilegesWashingtonMay 8, 1878 Convention of Consular rightsWashingtonFeb. 24, 1881 Japan: Treaty of Peace, amity, commerce, etc.KanagawaMar. 31, 1854 Treaty of Commercial; ports openedSimodaJune 17, 1857 Principal treaties and conventions of the United States with other powers—Continued. Foreign Power and Object of Treaty.Where Concluded.Date. Japan—Continued: Treaty of Peace, amity, and commerceTokioJuly 29, 1858 Convention of Reducing imp
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Trollope, Frances Milton 1780-1863 (search)
Trollope, Frances Milton 1780-1863 Author; born in Heckfield, Hampshire, England, about 1780; came to the United States and settled in Cincinnati, O., in 1829. She returned to England in 1831, and published Domestic manners of the Americans. She died in Florence, Italy, Oct. 6, 1863.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
upposed coast of Labrador)......June 24, 1497 Cabot, Sebastian, son of John, born in Venice in 1475 (?), died in London about 1557; discoverer of Newfoundland and explorer of North American coast......1498-1517 Vespucci, Amerigo, born in Florence in 1451; died in Spain, Feb. 12, 1512. Explorer of the South American coast......1499-1504 Cabral, Pedro Alvarez de, Portuguese navigator, died about 1526; the discoverer of Brazil......April 22, 1500 Cortereal, Gasper, Portuguese navigat the Philippine Islands, by the natives, April 17, 1521. Only one of his ships, under Sebastian del Cano, reached Seville (the first ship to circumnavigate the globe)......Sept. 8, 1522 Verazzano, Giovanni de, Florentine navigator; born near Florence in 1470; died either at Newfoundland or Puerto del Rico in 1527. Explores for France the North American coast as far north as New York and Narraganset bays......1524 Gomez, Esteban, Spanish navigator, born in Spain in 1478 (?); died at sea i