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March 26. A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held this evening at Buffalo, N. Y. Resolutions firmly and decidedly for the support of the Government and the prosecution of the war until a peace was conquered, were unanimiously adopted.--The Legislature of Maine adjourned, having adopted concurrent resolutions fully indorsing President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, approving the use of negroes in the military service of the United States, and opposing all suggestions of compromise.--An expedition sent to Rome, Tenn., by Gen. George Crook commanding at Carthage, Tenn., returned to-night, having captured twenty-eight prisoners, among them a rebel captain named Rice, together with seven wagons and thirty horses.--General Burnside issued an order assuming command of the Department of the Ohio.
up in a store, their captors not having an opportunity even to parole or carry them off, so sudden was the charge into the town made. The rebels at Williamsport carried all their stores to the north side of the Potomac River, with the purpose of making that their base of operations for raids into Pennsylvania.--Boonesboro, Md., was evacuated by the rebels, who carried off a number of horses and some other property.--the Seventy-fourth and Sixty-fifth regiments of New York militia, left Buffalo, for Harrisburgh, Pa.--Two members of the staff of General Hooker, Major Sterling and Captain Fisher, were captured by guerrillas near Fairfax, Va.--Horatio Seymour, Governor of New York, issued an order organizing the National Guard of the State.--the Fifty-sixth and Fifth regiments of New York militia, left home for Harrisburgh, Pa.--the ship Conrad, was captured by the privateer Alabama. A detachment of Jenkins's rebel force on their retreat from Chambersburgh, entered McConnellsbur
June 23. The State of New York responded nobly to the call for troops to drive the rebels from the soil of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Twenty regiments at this time had been armed, equipped, and supplied with subsistence and transportation, and had gone to Harrisburgh and Baltimore. Sixteen of these regiments moved from New York, two from Brooklyn, and two from Buffalo. The following is a list of the regiments that had left: The Seventh, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-seventh, Forty-seventh, Fifty-second, Sixty-ninth, Sixth, Seventy-fourth, Seventy-first, Sixty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, Fifth, Thirty-second, Fifty-fifth, Fourth artillery, and a consolidated regiment from Staten Island. The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard of this date favored a convention of all the States, to procure peace, either by reconstruction of the Union or by peaceable separation.--Rev. R. I. Graves, of Hillsboro, N. C., who was committed on the fourth of Febr
hat I am in favor of reconstruction, was received this evening. I can conceive of no extremity to which my country could be reduced in which I would for a single moment entertain any proposition for any union with the North on any terms whatever. When all else is lost, I prefer to unite with the thousands of our own countrymen who have found honorable deaths, if not graves, on the battle-field. Use this letter as you please. The rebel steamer Nita, having sailed from Havana, on the thirteenth, was captured by the Union steamer De Soto, in lat. 29° 45′, long. 86° 40′, while attempting to violate the blockade.--the Fourth Massachusetts and Twenty-eighth Maine regiments passed through Buffalo, New York, en route for home.--an order, regulating the discharge of prisoners, was issued from the War Department. Captain Wm. S. Hotchkiss, commander of the Union gunboat General Putnam, was killed while engaged in an expedition up the Piankatank River, Va., by a party of guerr
rolina, issued an order bidding farewell to the officers and men serving in the department. Secretary Stanton sent the following despatch to the Mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., this night: The British Minister, Lord Lyons, has tonight officially notified the Government that, from telegraphic information received from the Governeral of Canada, there is reason to believe there is a plot on foot by persons who have found asylum in Canada to invade the United States and destroy the city of Buffalo; that they propose to take possession of some steamboats on Lake Erie, to surprise Johnson's Island, free the prisoners of war confined there, and proceed with them to Buffalo. This Government will employ all means in its power to suppress any hostile attack from Canada; but as other towns and cities on the shores of the lakes are exposed to the same danger, it is deemed proper to communicate this information to you in order that any precautions which the circumstances of the case will per
Doc. 133.-the draft riot in New-York. Address by Bishop Timon, of Buffalo. John, by the Grace of God and the authority of the holy see, Bishop of Buffalo. To the Dearly Beloved, Faithful Laity of the Diocese, Health and Benediction: Buffalo. To the Dearly Beloved, Faithful Laity of the Diocese, Health and Benediction: dearly beloved: In the name of the God of charity, and through that charity which he, who called us to be your bishop, has given us for you; through that charity of Christ in us, however unworthy, through which we would cheerfully give our life, if require that this letter be read in every church on the Sunday after its reception. Given at St. Joseph's Cathedral, Buffalo, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, A. D. 1863. † John, Bishop of Buffalo. Letter from James T. Brady. Buffalo. Letter from James T. Brady. New-York, July 19, 1863. While I was in Washington, detained there by the interruption of travel between that city and Baltimore, the recent riot broke out. Certain individuals, who spoke rather what they wished than what they knew, suggested
fantry volunteers, and another of the Second Wisconsin cavalry, and that he expected to be joined by a detachment of the Sixth and Eighth cavalry, Missouri State militia, I ordered Major Eno, in command, to fall back on Lebanon, and proceeded to Buffalo, where I found Colonel John Edwards, Eighteenth Iowa volunteers, in command, with a few cavalry and some enrolled militia. I at once addressed myself to the work of concentrating force enough for pursuit when the enemy should cross the Osage onfied satisfaction. Lieutenant Sell, Commissary of the same regiment, acted as Chief Commissary, acquitting himself with great credit. Captain Hopkins, First Arkansas cavalry, joined me at Clarksville with thirty-four men. I had sent him from Buffalo on the thirteenth toward Duroc, to observe the enemy and report his motions. While on this duty, he ran on to the enemy in force, killing six, and losing but two of his own men. The day after he joined me, he attacked a party belonging to Brook
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
d because he was born in Virginia, was standing firm as a rock in the midst of the surges of secession, and had filled the National Capital with so many troops that its security against the machinations of the conspirators, secret or open, was considered complete. On Wednesday, the 27th, the Mayor and Common Council waited upon Mr. Lincoln, and gave him a welcome. On the same day, he and Mrs. Lincoln were entertained at a dinner-party given by Mr. Spaulding, Member of Congress from Buffalo, New York; and on that evening, they were visited at Willard's by several Senators, and Governor Hicks of Maryland, and were serenaded by the members of the Republican Association at Washington, to whom he made a short speech — the last one previous to his inauguration. History of the Administration of President Lincoln: by Henry J. Raymond, page 110. Vice-President Hamlin and Thomas Corwin also made speeches. Having followed the President elect from his home to the Capital, and left him
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
e Richmond Enquirer on the 13th of April, than that President Davis will soon march an army through North Carolina and Virginia to Washington, and it called upon Virginians who wished to join the Southern army, to organize at once. The first-fruits of Virginia secession, said the New Orleans Picayune South Carolina Light Infantry. of the 18th, will be the removal of Lincoln and his Cabinet, and whatever he can carry away, to the safer neighborhood of Harrisburg or Cincinnati — perhaps to Buffalo or Cleveland. The Vicksburg (Mississippi) Whig of the 20th said:--Major Ben. McCulloch has organized a force of five thousand men to seize the Federal Capital the instant the first blood is spilled. On the evening of the same day, when news of bloodshed in Baltimore was received in Montgomery, bonfires were built in front of the Exchange Hotel, and from its balcony Roger A. Pryor said, in a speech to the multitude, that he was in favor of an immediate march upon Washington. At the depart
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 2: Strategy.—General divisions of the Art.—Rules for planning a Campaign.—Analysis of the military operations of Napoleon (search)
ront, and moved on a line oblique or nearly parallel to this base. They had pursued the same plan of operations in the Seven Years War. The Russians, in 1812, based perpendicularly on the Oka and the Kalouga, and extended their flank march on Wiozma and Krasnoi; in 1813, the allies, based perpendicularly on Bohemia, succeeded in paralyzing Napoleon's on the Elbe. An American army moving by Lake Champlain, would be based perpendicular on the great line of communication between Boston and Buffalo; if moving from the New England states on Quebec and Montreal, the line of operations would be oblique; and if moving from the Niagara frontier by Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, the line would be nearly parallel both to our base and to the enemy's line of defence — an operation, under the circumstances, exceedingly objectionable. Any point in the theatre of operations which gives to the possessor an advantage over his opponent, is regarded as strategic. Their geographical position an