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t advantage is derived from making prompt returns of the collections effected by agents, I am resolved to adopt this practice, and hope by untiring exertions that I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage, and thus merit a continuance of the same. To those with whom I am personally unacquainted, it affords me pleasure to offer the following References.--T. O. Dabney, Esq., Achilles Campbell, Esq., R. Hawes, Esq., Dr. D. H. Gregg, Col. H. B Tomlin. Wm. R. Aylett, Esq., Dr. R. W. Fox, Messrs. Powell & Gary. J. O. Pollard, Esq., Wm. M. Turner, Esq., King William county; Wm. M. McGruder, Esq., D. E. Gardner, Esq., Z. S. McGruder, M. D., J. F. Sinton, M. D., Henrico county; John G. Harriss, Esq., Dr. Wm. H. Fox, Hanover county; Messrs, Wilson & Bosher, Messrs, Chiles & Chenery, Messrs. Crenshaw Quarles & Co., Wm. W. Timberlake, Esq., Dr. F. W. Hancock, Mark Downey, Esq., Andrew Jinkins, Esq., R. A. E. Dabney, Esq., (late of the firm of
and especially that no money would be voted away, unless for objects of absolute necessity. The proclamation of the Governor, calling the Legislature together, was then read by the Clerk, Wm. F. Gordon. Esq. Mr. Haymond, of Marion, moved that a committee of three be appointed to await on the Governor and inform him that the House was in session and ready to receive any Message or other communication from him. The motion prevailing, Messrs. Haymond of Marion, Read of Rockbridge, and Tomlin of King William, were appointed said committee. --Shortly afterwards, Mr. Haymond reported the Message, which the Clerk commenced reading from his desk. All of the same having reference to State and Federal affairs having been read, a motion prevailed that its further reading be dispensed with. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, of Washington, it was laid on the table. He moved that the usual number of copies be printed. Mr. Borman moved, as an amendment, that 1,500 copies of the Message
ttan, Haymond, Hunter, James, C. H. Jones, W. T. Jones, Kaufman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, J. G. McDowell, McGehee, Medley, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morrison, Nelson, Newton, Orgain, S. K. Robinson, Rutherford, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Wallace, Ward, E. Watson, Wilson, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk--61. Nays--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball, Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Cassin, Christian, Coleman, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edgington, Fergton, Pretlow, Pritchard Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Wyncham Robertson, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Saunders, Scott, Seddon, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Henry Smith, Staples, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Arthur, Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wilcox, Wingfield, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk, Yerby, and Mr. Speaker.--141. Gen. Kemper was requested to communicate the passage of the bill to the Senate.--[Note.--The docume
ing the organization of the Special Court of Appeals, and transferring to such Court for adjudication the criminal docket of the Supreme Court; by Mr. Lucas, of establishing an election precinct at the house of Wilson Bane, in Giles county; by Mr. Phelps, of releasing the securities of E. Tibbe, late Sheriff of Ritchie county, from the payment of damages imposed on them for the failure of said Sheriff to pay the revenue of said county into the treasury within the time prescribed by law; by Mr. Tomlin, of paying to James A. Bond a sum of money due for services rendered the 87th Regiment Virginia Militia; by Mr. Rutherford, of withdrawing Bill 67 of the last session, entitled, "a bill to give effect to the 19th clause of the 4th article of the Constitution;" by Mr. Phelps, of releasing the sureties of H. L. Pickens, late Sheriff of Pleasants county, from the payment of damages, &c.; by Mr. Walker, of refunding to Joseph Kline and others, or their representative, taxes improperly paid; by
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the enemy on the Eastern Shore. (search)
iness in order being the election of Sergeant-at-Arms, the following nominations were made: By Mr. Anderson--George W. Wilson, of Botetourt county. By Mr. Tomlin--Harris Burruss, of King William county. By Mr. Blue--John Kern, of Hampshire county. By Mr. Bardour--Daniel Ward, of Albemarle county. The wholer.McCammant, it was resolved that the rules of the last House of Delegates be adopted for the government of this body. Governor's Message. On motion of Mr. Tomlin, a committee of three was appointed to wait upon the Governor of the Commonwealth, and inform him of the organization of the House, and its readiness to receive any communication he may have to make. Committee--Messrs. Tomlin, McCammant, and Hunter. At a subsequent period the Governor sent in his message, which was read by the Clerk, and the usual number were ordered to be printed. Western Delegates. On motion of Mr. Barbour, it was Resolved. That a select committee be ap
ker, Jordon, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Bayse. Courts of Justice--Messrs. Rutherfoord, Bunter, Baldwin, Colner, Jones, Stegen, Anderson of Rockbridge, Forbes, Gilner, Burks, McKinney, Evans, Harrison, McCamant, Coleman of Fayette and Raleigh. Propositions and Grievances--Messrs. McCamant, Riddick, Kaufman, Pyler, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Fleming, Anderson of Albemarle, Hopkins, Troy, Shannon, West of Halifax, Priner, George, Garrison, Coleman of Nerson. Finance--Messrs. Barbour, Tomlin, Edmunds, Bouldin, Newton, Cother, Flood, Wyhne, Thomas, Davis of Campbell, Miner, Gordon, Reid, Noland, Gatewood. Military Affairs Messrs. Anderson, Jones, Huster, Robertson, Military, Pitman, Davis of Amherst, Richardson, Saunders of Campbell, Lundy, M.Gruder, McDonald of Hampshire, Friend, Bradford, Eggleston. Penitentiary--Messrs. Montague, Davis of Amherst George, Payne, Bass, Jordan, Johnson, Friend, Fleming, Staples, James, Dabney, Dunn, Fletener, Vermillion. Executive
. Fisher, for relief from obligations contracted by him for the public defence, was referred to the Committee on Finance. Resolutions of inquiry. The following resolutions of inquiry were referred to the appropriate committee: By Mr. Tomlin.--Of amending the act of January 25th, 1861. so as to provide that the pay and allowances of all the commissioned officers of the Ordnance Department shall be the same as now allowed to the same rank in the artillery in the Confederate service. By Mr. Tomlin.--Of amending the 2d and 3d sections of chapter 22d of the Code of Virginia, so as to diminish the number of persons thereby exempted from military duty. By Mr. Davis, of Campbell.--Of incorporating the Mutual Life Insurance Company of Lynchburg. By Mr. Woodson--Of more effectually prohibiting the issue of small notes by individuals; of urging the redemption of such notes in specie on presentation, and in default thereof giving the holder the right to recover the s
blish mills at different points, and giving authority to railroad companies to subscribe for a part of the capital stock. Deferred Proceedings. The following petition was presented in the House of Delegates on the 3d of December: Mr. Tomlin, of King William, presented petition of George R. Baylor, to have refunded a sum of money paid on account of license, which petition was ordered to be referred to the Committee on Finance. On the 7th, Mr. Tomlin also offered the following ount of license, which petition was ordered to be referred to the Committee on Finance. On the 7th, Mr. Tomlin also offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the militia laws as to require that all liable to the performance of the duties of militiamen shall be drafted and detailed for active service before any draft or detail shall be made on those now serving as Virginia volunteers.
read a communication from the Governor announcing the resignations of Jas. Boggs, of Pendleton, and John Gatewood, of Shenandoah, as members of the House of Delegates. On motion of Mr. Grattan, the communication was laid on the table. Mr. Tomlin. moved to reconsider the last vote. It appeared from the letter of Mr. Gatewood, just read his the Clerk, that he had been prevented from attending to his duties as a member of the House by the refusal of Gen. T. J. Jackson to permit him to le subject was one of great importance, and deserved more than hasty action. He thought it ought to be referred to a committee. Mr. Rutherfoord moved to refer the subject of his resignation to the Committee on Privileges and elections. Mr. Tomlin was anxious to have immediate action taken. He thought the Sergeant at-Arms ought to be directed to go and bring the gentleman here, so that he might be permitted to exercise his privilege as a member of the House of Delegates. Mr. Barnou
e House adjourned, which was to recommit the bill to the committee, was rejected, and the bill was then ordered to be engrossed. A message was received from the Senate announcing the passage of a resolution to appoint a joint committee to confer with the Confederate Government, for the purpose of urging some prompt action in the defence of Western Virginia. The House adopted the resolution. The following resolutions of inquiry were referred to the appropriate Committees: By Mr. Tomlin: Of imposing a tax on sutlers commensurate with their extortional prices. By Mr. Colline: Of changing the name of "the Petersburg Car, Locomotive, and Agrifultural Implement Works." By Mr. Sanders, of Campbell: Of allowing the military authorities the use of the penitentiary for the punishment of men convicted by courts-martial of a certain class of offences. By Mr. Green: Whether the commandants of military encampments have heretofore performed the duties imposed on them by