t advantage is derived from making prompt returns of the collections effected by agents, I am resolved to adopt this practice, and hope by untiring exertions that I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage, and thus merit a continuance of the same.
To those with whom I am personally unacquainted, it affords me pleasure to offer the following
References.--T. O. Dabney, Esq., Achilles Campbell, Esq., R. Hawes, Esq., Dr. D. H. Gregg, Col. H. B Tomlin.
Wm. R. Aylett, Esq., Dr. R. W. Fox, Messrs. Powell & Gary.
J. O. Pollard, Esq., Wm. M. Turner, Esq., King William county; Wm. M. McGruder, Esq., D. E. Gardner, Esq., Z. S. McGruder, M. D., J. F. Sinton, M. D., Henrico county; John G. Harriss, Esq., Dr. Wm. H. Fox, Hanover county; Messrs, Wilson & Bosher, Messrs, Chiles & Chenery, Messrs. Crenshaw Quarles & Co., Wm. W. Timberlake, Esq., Dr. F. W. Hancock, Mark Downey, Esq., Andrew Jinkins, Esq., R. A. E. Dabney, Esq., (late of the firm of
ttan, Haymond, Hunter, James, C. H. Jones, W. T. Jones, Kaufman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, J. G. McDowell, McGehee, Medley, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morrison, Nelson, Newton, Orgain, S. K. Robinson, Rutherford, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Wallace, Ward, E. Watson, Wilson, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk--61.
Nays--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball, Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Cassin, Christian, Coleman, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edgington, Fergton, Pretlow, Pritchard Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Wyncham Robertson, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Saunders, Scott, Seddon, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Henry Smith, Staples, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Arthur, Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wilcox, Wingfield, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk, Yerby, and Mr. Speaker.--141.
Gen. Kemper was requested to communicate the passage of the bill to the Senate.--[Note.--The docume
ker, Jordon, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Bayse.
Courts of Justice--Messrs. Rutherfoord, Bunter, Baldwin, Colner, Jones, Stegen, Anderson of Rockbridge, Forbes, Gilner, Burks, McKinney, Evans, Harrison, McCamant, Coleman of Fayette and Raleigh.
Propositions and Grievances--Messrs. McCamant, Riddick, Kaufman, Pyler, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Fleming, Anderson of Albemarle, Hopkins, Troy, Shannon, West of Halifax, Priner, George, Garrison, Coleman of Nerson.
Finance--Messrs. Barbour, Tomlin, Edmunds, Bouldin, Newton, Cother, Flood, Wyhne, Thomas, Davis of Campbell, Miner, Gordon, Reid, Noland, Gatewood.
Military Affairs Messrs. Anderson, Jones, Huster, Robertson, Military, Pitman, Davis of Amherst, Richardson, Saunders of Campbell, Lundy, M.Gruder, McDonald of Hampshire, Friend, Bradford, Eggleston.
Penitentiary--Messrs. Montague, Davis of Amherst George, Payne, Bass, Jordan, Johnson, Friend, Fleming, Staples, James, Dabney, Dunn, Fletener, Vermillion.