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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 17: Roanoke Island.-Mr. Davis's inauguration. (search)
GeneralThomas H. Watts. The dissolution of his cabinet disquieted the President greatly, and about this time the organized opposition party began to be felt. The enemy also manifested unusual activity. Their first move was the capture of Roanoke Island, on the low coast-line of North Carolina, for it was an important outpost of the Confederates. Its possession by the enemy would give them access to the country from which Norfolk drew its supplies. On January 22, 1862, General Henry A. Wise was placed in command. The defence of this island consisted of six land batteries, and after manning the guns there were not one thousand effective men for duty. Seven gunboats were in the Sound to aid in its defence. On February 8th, General Burnside attacked the defences of the island, and with overwhelming numbers outflanked them, and captured almost the entire force. In this action Captain O. Jennings Wise, of the Richmond Blues, was killed. When he fell on the fiel
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
r; A. P. Hill, who gladly laid down his noble life at the call of duty; the gallant Pickett, who appropriately bivouacks among his boys on Gettysburg hill; Willie Pegram, the boy artillerist, whose record lives in the hearts of the whole army, and whose last words were: I have done my duty, and now I turn to my Savior ; John H. Pegram, whose brave young life was sacrificed at the post of duty he always coveted; General Ed. Johnson, who so loved to go in with the boys, musket in hand; General Henry A. Wise, the fearless tribune of the people, who claimed no exemption from hardship and danger on account of his age or long service; Colonel D. B. Harris, Beauregard's great engineer officer, whose merit was only equalled by his modesty ; Commodore Maury, whose brave devotion to the right was not eclipsed by his world-wide fame as a scientist, and many other men of mark whom we may not now even mention. The following beautiful letter from ex-President Davis was read at the recent laying
ar have proved themselves utterly incapable of carrying the rebel States safely and honorably through it, and asks why should not the people awake at once to the opportunity that will soon present, to find other men more fit to carry them with honor , glory, and success, to a triumphal termination of all their troubles? It is quite likely that the indignation of the people of the rebellious States will recoil upon the rebel leaders who have madly led them into this unfortunate war. Henry A. Wise of the rebel army issued a proclamation, calling upon the citizens of Western Virginia to rally to his standard, and holding out to them the promise of pardon for past offences.--(Doc. 78.) A skirmish took place at Laurel Hill, Va, between the Federal troops under Gen. McClellan, and the rebels under Gen. Pegram. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon two large bodies were seen from a high hill in the neighborhood to leave the rebels' camp. Instant preparations were made to resist. Abo
e stopped at a farm-house to bait the horses. He immediately found that the women of the house sympathized with Secession. The farmer was absent. Thinking he might learn some facts of importance, he assured the women that he was an officer from Wise's brigade. At first they distrusted him, but at length gave him their confidence, and treated him very kindly. He learned that the farmer would be at home at night. About ten o'clock he came. Free soon gained his confidence, and was told that a meeting had been arranged at a neigh-boring house for the purpose of planning an attack upon Union men. Free pretending to need a guide to show him the way to Wise's camp, the farmer, named Fred. Kizer, sent for some of his neighbors. Three of them came, one of whom was recommended as a guide. Free became satisfied from their conversation that they intended harm to Coleman and Smith, Union men, who had been influential, and at a concerted signal called his men around him, and declared himsel
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Iii.--characteristics of General Wise. (search)
Iii.--characteristics of General Wise. by J. H. L. Governor Henry A. Wise was one of the most gGovernor Henry A. Wise was one of the most gifted men it has been my fortune to know. His eloquence produced a greater effect upon a popular aspleasant with any commanding officer. When General Wise was in command of the James River defenses t influential citizens of Richmond. He annoyed Wise greatly with complaints of depredations committ tent. As the gentleman was mounting his horse Wise came out, and, calling him by name, said: Sir, d myself to make you an apology. I'm glad, General Wise, that you show some sense of what is becoming to us both. My apology, replied General Wise, is that, having on my slippers, I could not possibtimes tempered his usual stately dignity, said: Wise, you know, as well as I do, what the army regul‘ for one small brigade. Lee laughed and said, Wise, you are incorrigible, and then rejoined the labut one thing, of which he frequently spoke: Any-how, Gineral Wise cussed the Yankees to the last. [3 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
ny, Capt. Edward A. Goodwyn. Brigade loss: w, 12. Artillery, Col. James Deshler: Va. Battery, Capt. James R. Branch; N. C. Battery, Capt. T. H. Brem; Va. Battery, Capt. David A. French; Va. Battery, Capt. Edward Graham. Artillery loss: w, 17. Wise's command (temporarily attached to Holmes's Division), Brig.-Gen. Henry A. Wise: 26th Va., Col. P. R. Page; 46th Va., Col. R. T. W. Duke; Va. Battery, Capt. W. G. Andrews; Va. Battery, Capt. J. H. Rives. reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N.Brig.-Gen. Henry A. Wise: 26th Va., Col. P. R. Page; 46th Va., Col. R. T. W. Duke; Va. Battery, Capt. W. G. Andrews; Va. Battery, Capt. J. H. Rives. reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. First Va. Artillery, Col. J. Thompson Brown: Williamsburg Artillery, Capt. John A. Coke; Richmond Fayette Arty., Lieut. William I. Clopton; Watson's Battery, Capt. David Watson. Loss: w, 1. Jones's Battalion (temporarily attached to D. H. Hill's Division), Maj. Hilary P. Jones: Va. Battery, Capt. P. H. Clark; Va. Battery (Orange Arty.), Lieut. C. W. Fry; S. C. Bat'y, Capt. A. Burnet Rhett. Loss: k, 5; w, 24 ==29. First Battalion (Fort Sumter), Artillery, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cut
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., McClellan's change of base and Malvern Hill. (search)
also with the same mischievous result but for the strenuous efforts of their officers, part of whom were veterans. Some of the raw levies crouched behind little saplings to get protection from the shrieking, blustering shells. At this juncture General Holmes, who from his deafness, was totally unaware of the rumpus, came out of the hut, put his hand behind his right ear, and said: I thought I heard firing. Some of the pale-faced infantry thought that they also had heard firing. Part of Wise's brigade joined Holmes on the 30th, with two batteries of artillery and two regiments of cavalry. His entire force then consisted of 5820 infantry, 6 batteries of artillery, and 2 regiments of cavalry. He remained inactive until 4 P. M., when he was told that the Federal army was passing over Malvern Hill in a demoralized condition. He then opened upon the supposed fugitives with six rifled guns, and was speedily undeceived in regard to the disorganization in the Army of the Potomac by a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of Malvern Hill. (search)
e and gave good support by bringing their heavy guns to bear upon the enemy. Though their fire caused a few casualties among our men, and inflicted but little, if any, injury upon the enemy, their large shells, bursting amid the enemy's troops far beyond the attacking force, carried great moral influence with them, and naturally tended, in addition to the effect of our artillery, to prevent any renewed attempt to cross the open valley on our left. This attacking force formed a small part of Wise's brigade of Holmes's division. They were all raw troops, which accounts for their apparently demoralized retreat. This affair is known as the action of Turkey Bridge or Malvern Cliff. Some idea may be formed from the following incident of how indifferent to noises or unconscious of sudden alarms one may become when asleep, under the sense of perfect security or from the effect of fatigue. For several days I had been able to secure but little sleep, other than such as I could catch on h
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro‘ (search)
h rebels. I will endeavor to explain the singular features of the battle and what caused them. In the retirement of Lee's army from Frederick to Hagerstown and Boonsboro‘, my division constituted the rear-guard. It consisted of five brigades (Wise's brigade being left behind), and after the arrival at Boonsboro' was intrusted with guarding the wagon trains and parks of artillery belonging to the whole army. Longstreet's corps went to Hagerstown, thirteen miles from. Boonsboro‘, and I was that a Fox's Gap — Wise's field as seen from the Pasture North of the road. The stump in the middle of the field beyond the wall is near where Reno fell. Part of the struggle was for the wooded crest on the left of the field. The house is Wise's, at the crossing of the ridge and Old Sharpsburg roads. [See map, p. 568.] The Confederates here were posted behind a stone-wall. The well at Wise's house was filled with the Confederate dead.--Editors. division on the south side should hesita<
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Forcing Fox's Gap and Turner's Gap. (search)
the enemy's center was completely broken and driven down the mountain, while on the right our men pushed the routed Carolinians beyond the Sharpsburg road, through Wise's fields, and up the slope of the crest toward the Mountain House at Turner's Gap. The regiment on the enemy's extreme right had been cut off from the others and d the Sharpsburg road, and making the 30th our right flank, the 36th and the 28th were put in second line. My right thus occupied the woods looking northward into Wise's fields. About noon the combat was reduced to one of artillery, and the enemy's guns had so completely the range of the sloping fields behind us that their canise raking artillery fire which came from the right; but Willcox soon reformed his lines, and after a very bloody contest, pushed across the Sharpsburg road, through Wise's fields, and into the wooded slope beyond. Along the front of the Kanawha Division the line was steadily maintained and the enemy was repulsed with severe loss.