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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Cumberland Gap. (search)
tons were dragged outside the lines. Our supplies of food were rapidly becoming exhausted. De Courcy had been sent to Manchester, sixty miles distant, in the hope of obtaining supplies, but there was scarcely sufficient for his own brigade. Enveloline, and at all hazards to take my artillery and wagons with me. The retreat was made across Kentucky by the way of Manchester, Booneville, and West Liberty to Greenup on the Ohio River. [See map, p. 6.]--editors. Stevenson, who knew as well His policy was to starve us out. During the night of the 16th of September, a long train of wagons was sent toward Manchester under the convoy of Colonel Coburn's 33d Indiana, two companies of Garrard's 3d Kentucky regiment, and the 9th Ohio Batwere a volcano on fire, and from time to time till after dawn we heard the explosion of mines, shells, or grenades. At Manchester we halted for a day and a half, to concentrate the command, and to organize for the march before us. A day or two befor
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.67 (search)
crans was, of course, soon informed of the great reduction of his antagonist's strength, and marched from Nashville to attack him. The battle, that of Murfreesboro' or Stone's River, occurred on the 31st of December, 1862, and the 2d of January, 1863, and was one of the most obstinately contested and bloody of the war, in proportion to the numbers engaged. [See articles to follow.] The result of this action compelled the Confederate army to fall back and place itself behind Duck River, at Manchester, Tullahoma, and Shelbyville. Early in December Grant projected an enterprise against Vicksburg under Sherman's command. He directed that officer to embark at Memphis with about 30,000 men, descend the river with them to the neighborhood of the place, and with the cooperation of Admiral Porter's squadron proceed to reduce it. Sherman entered the Yazoo with his forces on the 26th of December, employed several days in reconnoitering, and on the 29th made a vigorous assault upon the defens
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Manoeuvring Bragg out of Tennessee. (search)
with the Reserve Corps holding the ground in front of Murfreesboro‘. Meantime, Crittenden with the Twenty-first Corps, who had seventeen miles to march, over a road that seemingly had no bottom, was toiling through the mud between Woodbury and Manchester on his way to his position before Bragg's right flank and rear. Colonel John F. Miller with his brigade of Negley's division attacked Liberty Gap, and fell in a fierce fight there, badly wounded; but the Gap was held by the brigade until relieved by the Twentieth Corps, which then passed Thomas and took the lead on the Manchester road, both corps camping within two miles of Tullahoma. In front of Stanley, Guy's Gap, held by a battery supported by cavalry, was charged, driving the Confederates toward Shelbyville, near which town they made a stand; but Colonel Minty attacked them on the left with the 4th Regular Cavalry of his brigade, sabering the gunners and pursuing the remainder through the town. Bragg had ordered Hardee to the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Union cavalry in the Hood campaign. (search)
was trying to repair the railroad bridge. The pontoon-train was also behind, and did not arrive till the next day. Meanwhile the pioneers of the cavalry were not idle. Those of Hatch's division, by dint of hard work, soon made the railroad bridge passable for skirmishers, and by the morning of the 20th had built a floating bridge out of the debris of another railroad bridge. This enabled him to cross the creek with his whole command, but a few miles beyond he was again stopped by the Duck River, which was also at flood. The delay of the pursuit at Rutherford Creek was short, but it gave the enemy a breathing-spell, which was of great value to him. It enabled him to get safely across the last considerable river between him and the Tennessee, to destroy the bridges which he had maintained at Columbia for the purpose of keeping communication open with the South, and, what was of still greater importance, to form all of his infantry that had not thrown their arms away into an effect
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
ose on his front. Bragg's retreat was not known to Rosecrans until daylight, when he had too much the start to warrant a pursuit by the inferior cavalry force of the Nationals. He had fled so precipitately that he left about two thousand of his sick and wounded, with attendant surgeons, in his hospitals. The next day was Sunday, and all remained quiet. Early on Monday morning Thomas advanced into Murfreesboroa, and drove the Confederate rear-guard of cavalry six or seven miles toward Manchester. Two divisions of the army followed and occupied the town that day, and Rosecrans made his Headquarters in the village, at the house of E. A. Keeble, a member of the Confederate Congress. While the movements of Rosecrans and Bragg were tending to the great . Rosecrans's Headquarters. battle just recorded, the superior cavalry forces of the latter were busy in the rear of the former, as we have observed, in endeavors to destroy his communications and his trains. Forrest had been det
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
near Emmettsburg, where he had been halted in the morning by a circular letter from General Meade, ordering the advance to fall back, and the whole Army to form a line of battle along the General direction of Pipe Creek, between Middleburg and Manchester. Meade was satisfied that the main object of his forward movement, namely, the arrest of the invasion, was accomplished, and proposed to take a defensive position and await further developments of Lee's plans. Howard informed Sickles of the ck were then absent. the former, by a forced night march, arrived early in the morning, and the latter at two o'clock in the afternoon. Sykes was not far from Hanover, twenty-three miles distant, when ordered to advance, and Sedgwick was at Manchester, more than thirty miles distant. Lee, too, had been bringing forward his troops as rapidly as possible. He made his Headquarters on Seminary Ridge, at the house of the venerable Mary Marshall, where the Chambersburg road crosses the eminen
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
he captured some of the force which encountered Colburn. He finally drove Van Dorn beyond the Duck River, and then returned March 14. to Murfreesboroa, with a loss during his ten days ride and skirmmas in the center, and Crittenden on the left. McCook moved toward Shelbyville, Thomas toward Manchester, and Crittenden in the direction of McMinnville. The latter was to march much later than the y, which was fortified. At the same time Colonel Wilder's mounted infantry were moving toward Manchester, followed by General Reynolds and the remainder of his division, the Fourth of Thomas's corps.sed through the mountain passes he had seized, and on the 27th June. his Headquarters were at Manchester, which Wilder had surprised and captured that morning; and two days afterward the whole of the, halted his entire force, chiefly on the high rolling table-land between Winchester, Decherd, Manchester, and McMinnville. On the 5th of July, Van Cleve, who had been left at Murfreesboroa, arrived,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
atroling that stream in Northern Alabama, with several gun-boats, to intercept them should they fly southward. Generals Rousseau, Steedman, Morgan, Washburne and Croxton, were now (under the direction of General Thomas, who had arrived at Nashville on the 3d of October) joined in the grand hunt for Forrest. The latter, looking out from Columbia, saw his peril, and met it as usual. Paroling the thousand prisoners he had captured, he destroyed five miles of the railroad southward from the Duck River, and then pushing across the country by way of Mount Pleasant and Lawrenceburg, he escaped over the Tennessee Oct. 6, 1864. at Bainbridge, with very little loss. Thomas's Headquarters, this is a view of the fine mansion of Mr. Cunningham, 15 high Street, Nashville, occupied by Generals Buell and Thomas, and other commanders, in that city. While these operations were going on in Tennessee and Northern Alabama, the movements of Hood against Sherman's communications northward of t
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), March 25-28, 1862.-reconnaissance from Murfreesborough to Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Manchester, and McInnville, Tenn. (search)
h 25-28, 1862.-reconnaissance from Murfreesborough to Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Manchester, and McInnville, Tenn. Report of Col. John Kennett, Fourth Ohio Cavalry. llahoma a force under the command of Lieut. Col. H. W. Burdsal was ordered to Manchester to meet Captain Robie, of Company A, who was ordered to leave four hours in a the 250 men forming the reserve bound for Shelbyville, and report himself at Manchester the next day, where he would be supported by the command ordered there. Lieutenant-Colonel Burdsal, with 27 men, reached Manchester at 10 p. m. on the night of the 26th, after capturing 4 prisoners by passing himself off in the dark as a S7 men to guard them, he took 10 men, and proceeding 3 miles below the town of Manchester, made the keeper deliver up the keys and show him the premises. He found the In the mean time Captain Robie had executed his order faithfully, reaching Manchester at the hour designated. Finding the powder-mili burned, he continued his mar
nooga, reports the enemy in force — infantry and cavalry — at Shelbyville and Manchester. I have ordered the only armed regiment at this place to Chattanooga. E. Kir0 strong, infantry and cavalry; that they there divided, one portion going to Manchester, the other to Shelbyville. The force at Manchester, or rather that arrived aManchester, or rather that arrived at Beech Grove, 12 miles from there, is said to be 5,000. The major-general also directs me to say that your communications will be addressed, as may be indicated adier-General Maxey, commanding at Chattanooga, reports the enemy in force at Manchester and Shelbyville, estimated at 10,000 strong. This is probably exaggerated. cannot be removed, as that point is threatened from Jamestown and by that at Manchester. Until arms arrive from Richmond I can do nothing better for the defense of of the enemy: 800 infantry (Kentucky regiment) are at Lebanon; 200 cavalry at Manchester; 80 cavalry at McMinnville, and small detachments of cavalry at Woodbury, Smi