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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 2 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General . 2 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 2 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 2 0 Browse Search
Judith White McGuire, Diary of a southern refugee during the war, by a lady of Virginia 2 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 2 0 Browse Search
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ction of the Georgetown and See Wee Roads. The Christ Church Company will take post at Mount Pleasant. The St. Thomas Company will be marched to Clement's Ferry, and will collect on the left bank of the river all boats land flats of the adjoining country. The Upper, Middle and Lower St. John's Companies will be marched to the cross road, and a little below Goose Creek Bridge, and will destroy that bridge, if necessary, to prevent the enemy's advance. The St. James, Goose Creek, St. George, Dorchester and Wassamasaw Companies will be marched to the intersection of the Bridge and Ashley Ferry Roads, and will destroy Rautowle's and Wallace's Bridges, if necessary to prevent the enemy's advance. The ferry across Stono will be also watched, and all the boats and flats on the left bank of the river collected and concealed. Indian Field and Cattle Creek Companies will be marched to Jacksonborough Ferry, and will also watch the railroad bridge near the ferry. The Dean Swam
Who Furnished the Nashville Coals?--The Hamilton Bermudian, of February twenty-sixth, noticing the arrival of the rebel steamer Nashville at the port of St. George's, states that, having procured a supply of coals from the Mohawk, now lying in the harbor of St. George's, the Nashville proceeded to sea. Upon reference to the shipping intelligence column, we find that. the only vessel of that name in port is the ship Mohawk, Captain Fuller, which sailed for New-York March sixth. Inquiry into this matter, by the proper officers, should be made.--Tribune.
nsion was quite a gem, ten by fourteen feet, and seven feet high. We carried the boards that built it about three miles, and put it all up in six days; but the improvements we made occupied us much longer. We had a good chimney in it, also bedsteads, chairs, table, &c. You know I used to be pretty handy at such things, and all lent a hand to the work. After all was finished we put up a flag pole and made a flag, not the stars and stripes, (for that we dared not do,) but the red cross of St. George. The Texans thought we were great fellows to work; but we did the most of it to pass, the time. Pretty soon we began to get out of and feel the want of some tobacco; so I proposed that we four should build a little ship, and by selling it get some little things we wanted; but my partners' talents not being in that line of business, I had to work alone for the benefit of the others, so I built a little war frigate with no other tools than a jackknife and an awl, rigged it, but could get n
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Confederate State Department. (search)
ax usually occupies four days. With no untoward event we will reach Canada by the 20th instant. m, &c., J. Thompson. Saint George's, Bermuda, May 10th, 1864. To Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Sir — We reached this port safely this morning. While we were chased by a blockade vessel for five hours on our way out, yet we escaped with no further interruption than being forced to leave our true course for that length of time. I am informed to-day the steamer for Halifax is not expected to leave Saint George's before Monday the 16th instant. I am, &c., J. Thompson. Telegrams. Wilmington, N. C., April 29, 1864. To Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Arrived this morning. Six thousand bales of cotton burnt last night, which will delay all boats until Monday or Tuesday. J. Thompson, care E. Salomon. Wilmington, N. C., May 2, 1864. To Hon J. P. Benjamin: Mr. Clay delivered me your letter with inclosures last night. J. Thompson. Wilmington, May 3, 1864. Hon. J. P. Benjamin: We think
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate flag. (search)
s, do we want with a new flag? We have had new ones enough already. I was originally in favor of retaining the old flag — that Star spangled banner, at whose very name our hearts were wont to thrill — over decks, where the haughty cross of Saint George and the vaunted tri-color had been humbled — on fields, whose names will live forever in song and story, that flag had floated triumphantly; and who shall say that its victories were less the reward of Southern than Northern valor? The blood o the United Colonies, on the 2d day of January, 1776, the day of forming the new Continental army. On the evacuation of Boston by the British this standard was carried into the city by the American troops. It was the union of the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew, with thirteen stripes through the flag, alternate red and white--Hamilton's History U. S. Flag, p. 59. American Archives, 4th Series, vol. 5, p. 428. and the anniversary of the day which gave birth to the permanent Government<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Newport's News. Nomen non Locus. (search)
eliminaries, to open my batteries on Mr. Grigsby's position. Mr. Grigsby says: Newport was the old Admiral of the Colony, and Sir William Newce, in the character of Marshal, commanded [1621] the fort at or near Newport's News; and in much more verbiage than that I now here use, he pictures Newport and the Marshal going off together, in the latter's pinnace, to board incoming ships, which, as Mr. Grigsby says, backed their topsails and vailed their flags in honor of the Royal Standard of St. George. Mr. Grigsby also depicts Newport, (being then at last settled in his quiet home, ) as strolling by the shore of Newport's News; and in this connection he says of the old salt, he pauses in his path and gazes on the watery waste around him, &c. A vision of a city looms before him, and under the fervors of his imagination, Mr. Grigsby represents Newport as then bestowing his own and his friend, the Marshal's, surname upon the promontory in question. Be it observed that Mr. Grigsby commi
nsist upon going upon the open field with deadly weapons to fight his brother on a question of courage? There is no point of pride. These are your brethren; and they have shed as much glory upon that flag as any equal number of men in the Union. They are the men, and that is the locality, where the first Union flag was unfurled, and where was fought a gallant battle before our independence was declared—not the flag with thirteen stripes and thirty-three stars, but a flag with a cross of St. George, and the long stripes running through it. When the gallant Moultrie took the British Fort Johnson and carried it, for the first time, I believe, did the Union flag fly in the air; and that was in October, 1775. When he took the position and threw up a temporary battery with palmetto-logs and sand, upon the site called Fort Moultrie, that fort was assailed by the British fleet, and bombarded until the old logs, clinging with stern tenacity, were filled with balls, but the flag still floate
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Calvert, Leonard (search)
Calvert, and received there a kind reception from Governor Harvey. They tarried nine days, and then entered the Potomac River, which delighted them. The colonists sailed up the river to the Heron Islands, and, at a little past the middle of March, landed on one of them, which they named St. Clement's. On the 25th they offered the sacrifice of the mass, set up a huge cross hewn from a tree, and knelt in solemn devotion around it. Going farther up, they entered a river which they called St. George; and on the right bank founded the capital of the new province with military and religious ceremonies, and called it St. Mary's. That scene occurred March 27, 1634. It remained the capital of Maryland until near the close of the century, when it speedily became a ruined town, and now scarcely a trace of it remains. They found the natives friendly, and awed into reverence for the white men by the flash and roar of cannon, which they regarded as lightning and thunder. The successful medic
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Champlain, Lake, operations on (search)
ilors, and marines, conveyed in two The Royal savage. this engraving was made from a drawing in water-colors, of the Royal savage, found by the late Benson J. Lossing among the papers of General Schuyler, and gave the first positive information as to the design and appearance of the Uinion flag (q. V.), displayed by the Americans at Cambridge on Jan. 1, 1776. the drawing exhibited, in proper colors, the thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, with the British union (the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew) on a blue field in the dexter corner. sloops-of-war, three gunboats, and forty-seven long-boats. They landed on Saturday afternoon, and continued a work of destruction until ten o'clock the next day. General Hampton, who was then at Burlington, only 20 miles distant, with 4,000 troops, made no attempt to oppose the invaders. The block-house, arsenal, armory, and hospital at Plattsburg were destroy- Scene of Arnold's naval battle. this scene is between Port Kent and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Endicott, John, 1589- (search)
by John Winthrop. In 1636 he was sent with Captain Underhill, with about ninety men, on an expedition against Indians on Block Island and the Pequods. Mr. Endicott was deputy-governor of Massachusetts several years, and also governor, in which office he died, March 15, 1665. Bold, energetic, sincere, and bigoted, he was the strongest of the Puritans, and was severe in the execution of laws against those who differed from the prevailing theology of the colony. He was one of the most persistent persecutors of the Quakers, and stood by unmoved, as governor, when they were hanged in Boston; and so violent were his feelings against the Roman Catholics, and anything that savored of popery, that he caused the red cross of St. George to be cut out of the military standard. He opposed long hair on men, and insisted that the women should use veils in public assemblies. During his several administrations many were punished for the slightest offences, and four Quakers were hanged in Boston.