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U. S. Grant | 380 | 4 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army .. Search the whole document.
Found 216 total hits in 57 results.
Bush (search for this): chapter 13
Don Carlos Buell (search for this): chapter 13
Frederick Schaefer (search for this): chapter 13
Chapter XII
Moving to Bowling Green
James Card, the scout and guide
General Sill
Colonel Schaefer
Colonel G. W. Roberts
movement on Murfreesboroa
opening of the battle of Stone River.
My division had moved from Crab Orchard to Bo Fourteenth Army Corps, its three brigades of four regiments each being respectively commanded by General Sill, Colonel Frederick Schaefer and Colonel Dan McCook; but a few days later Colonel George W. Roberts's brigade, from the garrison at Nashvill e, not only would have shed additional lustre on his name, but would have been of marked benefit to his country.
Colonel Schaefer, of the Second Missouri Infantry, had been absent on sick-leave during the Kentucky campaign, but about this date he de) resting on the Wilkinson pike, the right (Sill's brigade) in the timber we had just gained, and the reserve brigade (Schaefer's) to the rear of my centre, on some rising ground in the edge of a strip of woods behind Houghtaling's and Hescock's ba
Joshua W. Sill (search for this): chapter 13
W. S. Rosecrans (search for this): chapter 13
Thomas L. Crittenden (search for this): chapter 13
Nicholas Greusel (search for this): chapter 13
Georce Roberts (search for this): chapter 13
Chapter XII
Moving to Bowling Green
James Card, the scout and guide
General Sill
Colonel Schaefer
Colonel G. W. Roberts
movement on Murfreesboroa
opening of the battle of Stone River.
My division had moved from Crab Orchard to Bowling Green by easy marches, reaching this place November 1. General Rosecrans assumed command of the department October 30, at Louisville, and joined the Army November 2.
There had been much pressure brought to bear on General Buell to induce him liberation when the critical moment came.
With such a man I could not be less than well satisfied, although the officer whom he replaced-Colonel Laiboldt-had performed efficient service and shown much capacity in the recent campaign.
Colonel G. W. Roberts, of the Forty-Second Illinois Infantry, also came to me in the reorganization.
He was an ideal soldier both in mind and body.
He was young, tall, handsome, brave, and dashing, and possessed a balance-wheel of such good judgment that in
Bardstown Bragg (search for this): chapter 13
Jefferson C. Davis (search for this): chapter 13